

安徽农业科学 2018年18期

唐昭领 包秘 左柱敏 赵大庆 陈蔚 陶剑恒 李惠静 罗晓慧 莫秋云 王蕾

摘要 [目的]利用微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定荸荠地土壤中铅和镉含量,验证检测方法的检出限、准确度与精密度,分析荸荠土壤中重金属铅和镉含量。[方法]采用单因子污染指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对研究区荸荠地土壤中铅和镉的污染及其生态风险进行评价。[结果]荸荠地土壤中铅含量为10.1~25.8 mg/kg,平均值为21.9 mg/kg;镉含量为0.154 ~0.280 mg/kg,平均值为0.198 mg/kg。以食用农产品产地环境质量标准为评价依据,铅和镉含量均处于无污染的清洁水平。2种重金属其潜在生态危害强度镉大于铅,均处于轻微的潜在生态风险水平。[结论]研究区荸荠地土壤中铅和镉污染风险程度较低。

关键词 荸荠土壤;石墨炉原子吸收光谱法;铅;镉;污染评价

中图分类号 S158.4 文献标识码

A 文章编号 0517-6611(2018)18-0102-03

Determination and Pollution Evaluation of Lead and Cadmium in Water Chestnut Soil

TANG Zhaoling,BAO Mi,ZUO Zhumin et al (Hezhou Institutes for Food and Drug Control,Hezhou, Guangxi 542800)

Abstract [Objective] Microwave digestiongraphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method was used to determine the concentrations of Pb and Cd in water chestnut soil.The detection limitation,accuracy and precision of the method were validated,the content of Pb and Cd was analyzed.[Method] The pollution degree and ecological risk of Pb and Cd of the studied water chestnut soil were analyzed by means of single pollution index and potential ecological risk index.[Result] The range of Pb concentration soils was between 10.1 mg/kg and 25.8 mg/kg,the average concentration was 21.9 mg/kg,the range of Cd concentration in soils was between 0.154 mg/kg and 0.280 mg/kg,the average concentration was 0.198 mg/kg.Based on the environmental quality standard of soils for edible agricultural products,Pb and Cd concentration in soil was at clean level.Moreover,the results of potential ecological risk index showed that the potential ecological risk degree of Pb and Cd was characterized by order of Cd>Pb,the potential ecological risk of Pb and Cd was at slightly level.[Conclusion] On the whole,the pollution risk degree of Pb and Cd in water chestnut area soil is low.

Key words Water chestnut soil;Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry;Lead;Cadmium;Pollution evaluation


铅和镉的检测分析方法很多,主要有原子荧光光谱法[5]、电感耦合等离子体质谱法[6]、电化学法[7]、原子吸收光谱法[8]、X射线荧光光谱法[9] 等。在参考有关文献的基础上,笔者利用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定荸荠地土壤中铅和镉含量,并对检测方法的准确度与精密度进行了验证,根据测定结果对荸荠地土壤中铅和镉的含量进行分析,分别以食用农产品产地环境质量标准和广西地区土壤背景值为评价依据,采用单因子污染指数法和潜在生态危害指数法对研究区荸荠地土壤中铅和镉的污染及其生态风险进行评价,以期为荸荠产地环境中铅和镉的污染防控提供理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料与仪器