Freeman收购Info salons


出展世界 2018年3期

美國当地时间4月17日,全球知名品牌体验服务商Freeman公司宣布收购业内领先的会展科技服务商、活动注册公司Info salons。通过整合Info salons的活动登记、数据管理业务,Freeman公司将进一步扩展全球业务网络。

Freeman公司首席数字官Richard Maranville先生表示:“我们一直试图简化活动和展会的策划流程,同时持续投资数字化科技。这与我们之前整合并发布的‘Blueprint场馆平面图管理解决方案的目的是一致的,也是我们收购Info Salons的主要推动因素。”

Freeman acquires Info Salons

Dallas-based brand experience company Freeman has acquired Australian digital technology company Info Salons, a leading provider of registration and attendee database management solutions. The acquisition enables Freeman to integrate the registration solution into its event management offerings while also extending its global presence.

"Were always looking for ways to simplify the event and show planning processes for our clients and investing in leading digital technologies enables us to provide the robust capabilities show organisers need to thrive in the everevolving events industry. This was the case with our recent Blueprint floor plan management solution launch, and it is the driving factor behind our acquisition of Info Salons," said Richard Maranville, chief digital officer at Freeman.




Informa / UBM deal approved

The shareholders of the two British media companies and exhibition organisers Informa and UBM have approved the bid made by Informa for acquisition of UBM to the tune of 5.58 billion US dollars (4.51 billion euros): 98.9 percent of the Informa shareholders voted in favour of the takeover, while 95.8 percent of UBM shareholders voted in favour. Previous UBM shareholders will receive 1,083 new Informa shares and 163 pence sterling (1.88 euros) for each UBM share held. As a result of the merger, Informa shareholders will now own 65.5 percent of the new company; UBM shareholders, the remaining shares. It is expected that the transaction will be completed within the second quarter of 2018.




Messe Frankfurt introduces Digital Advisory Board

In an initiative to engage with its customers more intensively on the digital transformation of marketing in the trade fair industry and the evolution that this entails for the trade fairs themselves, Messe Frankfurt has set up a Digital Advisory Board. The new Digital Advisory Board includes exhibitors from a wide range of industries as well as representatives from Messe Frankfurts Digital Business unit. The objective consists of better understanding the needs of exhibitors with regard to digital offerings and providing visitors with improved digital trade fair support by specifically working on new ideas and innovations.


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