Xincai ZHU(朱新才)
1.Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430071,China
2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China
1 Introduction
We consider the following nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson-Slater(SPS)system
where p ∈ (2,6).V(x)denotes Coulomb potential of the system,and λ ∈ R describes the chemical potential.
System(1.1)can be obtained by looking for standing waves φ(x,t)=e−iλtu(x)of the following equation
which coincides with the Schrödinger-Poisson(SP)system when the contribution of the last term(the Slater term)is not considered;see,for example,[3,6,13,14,19]and the references therein.Whenwhich is known as the repulsive Coulomb potential,system(1.1)appears in various physical frameworks,such as plasma physics or semiconductor theory,and is studied extensively in recent years;see[1,10,11,19,23]for instance.As for the attractive Coulomb potentialsystem(1.1)is,however,related to some applications about the quantum gravity;see[18,19,22]and the references therein.
In this article,we study the attractive Coulomb potentialwhich corresponds to the phase of standing waves for the time-independent system(1.1).We investigate the following constrained minimization problem associated with system(1.1),
where E(u)is the energy functional satisfying
It is well known that the minimizers of(1.2)are prescribed L2-norm solutions of(1.1).Without loss of generality,we can restrict the minimizers of(1.2)to nonnegative functions,because of the fact that E(u)≥E(|u|)holds for any u∈H1(R3).
One of the main difficulties in solving problem(1.2)is that the Sobolev embedding H1(R3)→Lp(R3)for p ∈ [2,2∗)is not compact.The possible loss of the compactness due to that invariance has been detected by the techniques well-known as the concentration-compactness method;see[15,16,19].As another aspect,the existence of minimizers for(1.2)depends heavily on the exponent p.Especially,when p=,some other difficulty arises in studying problem(1.2),because the system may collapse if the single particle mass ρ of the system is large enough.Inspired by the recent works[7–9],when p=,it turns out that the critical mass ρ∗> 0 is well connected with the optimal coefficient of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality in[20].More precisely,in this case,functional(1.2)has at least one minimizer if ρ ∈ (0,ρ∗),and there is no minimizer for ρ ≥ ρ∗.The critical valuewhere φ > 0 denotes the unique(up to translations)positive radially symmetric solution of the following nonlinear scalar field equation
see,for example,[12,17].
Before going to discuss the existence results for(1.2),we first give the following Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality(see Theorem A in[20]):
where Kpis a positive constant determined by the exponent p.Especially,if p=,thenand(1.5)is reduced as
where the equality is achieved at u(x)= φ(x) > 0 with φ(x)satisfying(1.4).We then deduce from(1.4)and(1.6)that
Moreover,by applying the Hardy-Littewood-Sobolev inequality(cf.[5]),it yields that
Here and below,the symbol C stands for positive constants.Similar to the proof of Lemma 1.2 in[5],by applying interpolation inequality and Sobolev imbedding inequality,we deduce that
Hence,the last two inequalities imply that
In view of the above facts,we next state the following existence and nonexistence of minimizers.
Theorem 1.1Let φ(x)be the unique(up to translations)positive radially symmetric solution of(1.4).Then,we have the followings:
(a)If 0 < ρ < ρ∗:=there exists at least one minimizer for e(ρ);
(b)If ρ ≥ ρ∗,there is no minimizer for e(ρ).
In Section 2,we shall address the proof of Theorem 1.1.Even though the proof of Theorem 1.1 is stimulated by[7–9],where different variational problems were studied,the methods used there are false in our situation because of the possible loss of the compactness.We shall overcome this difficulty by the concentration-compactness methods;see[15,16,19].Theorem 1.1 gives essentially the existence of nonnegative minimizers for e(ρ),which are actually positive by strong maximum principle.
Theorem 1.2For p=,let uρ(x)be a nonnegative minimizer of(1.2)for any ρ ∈(0, ρ∗).Then,for any sequence{ρk}with ρk↗ ρ∗as k → ∞,there exist a subsequence(still denoted by{ρk})of{ρk}and{y∈ρk} ⊂ R3,and y0∈ R3such that
where φ(x)is the unique positive(up to translations)radially symmetric solution of(1.4),and∈ρksatisfies
As proved in Section 3,Theorem 1.2 shows a detailed description of the mass concentration(that is,blow-up)behavior of minimizers as ρk↗ ρ∗for the case where p=.In fact,the blow-up rate of minimizers is obtained from a refined energy estimate of e(ρk)(see Lemma 3.2),where e(ρk)satisfies
2 Existence and Nonexistence of Minimizers
In this section,we complete the proof of Theorem 1.1.The existence part of Theorem 1.1 is inspired by[7–9],together with the concentration-compactness methods[15,16,19].We shall prove the nonexistence results of Theorem 1.1 by deriving the energy e(ρ)= −∞.
Proof of Theorem 1.1(1)We first consider two cases,where either 2<p<103,ρ ∈ (0,∞)orLet φ(x)be the unique positive solution of(1.4).Suppose that u=u(x)satisfiesApplying inequalities(1.5),(1.6)and(1.9),then we deduce that if 2<p<,ρ∈ (0,∞),
One can conclude from(2.1)and(2.2)that E(un)is bounded from below uniformly for any sequencewithIn fact,it is obvious whenis bounded.Whenas n→ ∞,one can check that E(un)≥ 0 as n→ ∞.Therefore,there exists a minimizing sequence{un}⊂ H1(R3)satisfyingandIt then follows from(2.1)and(2.2)that the minimizing sequence{un}is bounded uniformly in H1(R3).
In order to establish the existence of minimizers,we firstly need to prove that the minimizing sequence is compact.As the minimizing sequence{un}is bounded uniformly in H1(R3)withit follows from[15]or[16,Lemma III.1]that there exists a subsequence of{un},still denoted by{un},for which either the compactness or the dichotomy or the vanishing occurs in L2(R3).In fact,we can rule out the cases of the vanishing and the dichotomy as following claims.
Claim 1The minimizing subsequence{un}can not vanish.
On the contrary,suppose that the vanishing occurs.Consider the functionwhere δ> 0,so thatBy taking sufficiently large δ> 0,we then have,for any ρ > 0,
If(2.3)occurs,the vanishing lemma[21,Lemma 1.21]then yields that
It then follows from(1.8)and(2.5)that
Following(2.5)and(2.6),we have
which is a contradiction to the fact(2.4).Therefore,Claim 1 holds.
Claim 2The functional e(ρ)satisfies the following strict sub-additivity condition
In order to prove(2.7),it suffices to prove that
Actually,if(2.8)holds,then(2.7)can be directly obtained by the following inequality
We now prove that(2.8)holds.Note from(2.1)and(2.2)that E(u)is bounded from below for any α ∈ (0,ρ).Suppose that{vn} ⊂ H1(R3)is a minimizing sequence of e(α)satisfyingandIt then follows from(2.1)and(2.2)that the sequence{vn}is bounded uniformly in H1(R3).Setting vθ,n(x):= θ12vn(x)such that ‖vθ,n‖22= θα,we thus obtain from(1.2)and(1.3)
Claim 3The dichotomy of the minimizing sequence{un}cannot occur.
Similar to Theorem 4.1 in[2],we note that if eitherρ ∈ (0,ρ∗),then e(ρ)is continuous in ρ.Following the above results,we are now ready to exclude the dichotomy of the minimizing sequence{un}.Instead,if the dichotomy occurs,then there exist a sequence{yn}and some α ∈(0,ρ)such thatsatisfiesin R3for somewithThus,It is easy to check thatis also a bounded minimizing sequence of e(ρ),because E(u)is invariable to any translation of u.Asis bounded uniformly in H1(R3),the Brezis-Lieb lemma[4]and[23,lemma 2.2]yield that as n→∞,
By applying the continuity of e(ρ)and the last two equalities,we then derive that
which is a contradiction to Claim 2.Hence,the dichotomy of minimizing sequencecannot occur.
Claims 1 and 3 show that the minimizing sequenceis compact in L2(R3).We can select a subsequence,denoted still bysuch thatstrongly in L2(R3)for someBy applying(2.9)and the interpolation inequality,we conclude that
Therefore,from the above two equalities,one can obtain the weak lower semicontinuity ofand
(2)We next consider the rest two cases,where eitherρ ≥ ρ∗.Define
Letting τ→ ∞,inequalities(2.11)and(2.12)imply that e(ρ)= −∞ under the assumptions on p and ρ.Therefore,there is no minimizer for e(ρ).
Combining with(1)and(2),the proof of Theorem 1.1 is completed.
3 Blow-up Behavior as ρ ↗ ρ∗
This section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.2 on the mass concentration(that is,blow-up)behavior of minimizers for e(ρ)as ρ ↗ ρ∗.We begin with the following preliminary blow-up analysis.
Lemma 3.1Suppose that p=and let uρbe a nonnegative minimizer of e(ρ)for ρ ∈ (0,ρ∗).Define
Then,we have the followings:
1.∈ρ> 0 satisfies
2.There exist a sequence{y∈ρ} ⊂ R2and positive constants η and R0such that the function
3.Moreover,consider any sequence ρkwith ρk↗ ρ∗,then there exists a subsequence(still denoted by ρk),such that wρkconverges to w0strongly in H1(R3)as k → ∞ and w0satisfies
where φ(x)is the unique positive(up to translations)radially symmetric solution of(1.4).
Proof1.Note from(1.6)and(1.9)that
where(3.1)is used.As estimate(2.13)yields thatwe thus deduce from(3.7)that(3.2)holds.
2.By(1.9)and(3.2),we deduce that
Because(2.4)gives e(ρ)< 0,it then follows from(3.7)and(3.8)that
which implies that
We next claim that there exist a sequence{y∈ρ} ⊂ R3and positive constants R0and η such that
On the contrary,suppose that the above inequality is false.Then,for any R>0,there exists a subsequence{ˆwρk}with ρk↗ρ∗as k→∞such that
By the vanishing lemma[21,Lemma 1.21],we then derive thatˆwρk→0 in Lq(R3)for any 2< q< 2∗,which implies that
a contradiction to(3.11).Therefore,Claim(3.12)holds.Setting
(3.11)together with(3.12)yields that(3.4)and(3.5)hold.
3.For any sequence ρkwith ρk↗ ρ∗,we denote ∈k:= ∈ρkand wk(x):=wρk(x).Because the sequence{wk}is bounded uniformly in H1(R3),by passing to a subsequence if necessary,wkweakly converges to w0≥0 in H1(R3)as k→∞,where w0(x)∈H1(R3).Because uk(x)=uρk(x)is a nonnegative minimizer of e(ρk),it satisfies the following Euler-Lagrange equation
which implies that λk∈ R satisfies
Applying(3.8)-(3.10),we then deduce from the above equality that
Note from(3.13)that the function wk(x)satisfies
Inspired by[13],applying the Hölder inequality,we deduce that for any fixed R > 0,
because of the uniform boundedness of sequence{wk}in H1(R3).On the basis of the above fact,by passing to the weak limit of(3.15),then w0satisfies
It follows from(3.4)that w0/=0,and further w0>0 by strong maximum principle.Because equation(1.4)admits an unique(up to translations)positive solution φ(x),we conclude from(3.16)that
which then yields thatRR3|w0(x)|2dx= ρ∗.By the norm preservation,we derive that wkconverges to w0strongly in L2(R3).By applying the interpolation inequality,we further conclude that wkconverges to w0strongly in Lq(R3)with 2≤q<2∗by the boundedness of wkin H1(R3).Because wkand w0satisfy(3.15)and(3.16),a simple analysis shows that wkconverges to w0strongly in H1(R3).The proof of Lemma 3.1 is therefore completed.
In order to estimate the refined blow-up rate of minimizers as ρ ↗ ρ∗,we next need to establish the following refined energy estimates of e(ρ)as ρ ↗ ρ∗.
Lemma 3.2Suppose that p=then for any sequence{ρk}satisfying ρk↗ ρ∗as k→∞,there holds
ProofFirstly,we establish the energy upper bound of e(ρ).Towards this aim,set
where φ(x)is the unique positive(up to translations)radially symmetric solution of(1.4).Similar to(2.12),we then calculate from(1.7)that
which thus gives the upper bound of(3.18).
To derive the energy lower bound of(3.18)as ρ ↗ ρ∗,consider uρ∈ H1(R3)to be a nonnegative minimizer of e(ρ)satisfyingSimilar to(2.2),one can deduce from(1.6)that
where ερis defined in(3.1)and wρis defined in(3.3).
It follows from(3.6)that,for any sequence{ρk}with ρk↗ ρ∗as k → ∞,passing to a subsequence if necessary,wρksatisfies
Taking the in fimum over ερk> 0,which is achieved at
and yields that
One can also verify that(3.24)holds for any sequence{ρk}with ρk↗ ρ∗as k → ∞.In fact,if there exists a sequencesuch that(3.24)is false,by repeating the above argument,one can find a subsequence ofsuch that(3.24)holds.This leads to a contradiction.Hence,together with(3.20),this yields(3.18). □
Proof of Theorem 1.2In light of Lemma 3.1(3),for any sequence ρkwith ρk↗ ρ∗,then there exists a subsequence such that
for some y0∈ R3,where φ(x)is the unique positive(up to translations)radially symmetric solution of(1.4).
By Lemma 3.2,for any sequence ρkwith ρk↗ ρ∗,we know that the refined energy estimate of e(ρ)satisfies
and we derive from(3.23)that
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