

东岳论丛 2018年7期




In the last passage of Dispelling Blindness (“Jie Bi”) inXunzi,the sentences “being secretive yet successful or frank yet a failure” (“zhou er cheng,xie er bai”) should be interpreted as “zhou zhi cheng,xie zhi bai”,which means approving blocking channels of criticisms and suggestions,and opposing opening them.The sentence “being open yet successful or mysterious yet a failure”(“xuan er cheng,yin er bai”)should be interpreted as “xuan zhi cheng,yan zhi bai”,which means approving opening channels of criticisms and suggestions,and opposing blocking them.An Ode says: the yellow foxes are considered to be black(“cang”).In this verse,“cang” should be pronounced as “qiang”,which means dancing.The viewpoint that the last passage of Dispelling Blindness(“Jie Bi”) inXunziis misplaced,which should be in On the Way of a Lord(“Jun Dao”) or Rectifying Theses(“Zheng Lun”) is unreliable.



Xun Zi composed a paper titled On Music as a response to the criticism of the classical music in his time.On the basis of Mencius’ criticism of Yang Zi and Mo Zi,he pointed out that “the Mohist School emphasizes too much on practicality and is blind to humanism”,and put forward the theory of “the enlightenment can change human nature”.He adhered to the direction of Confucius’“becoming a perfect man by means of music education”.Xun Zi started from the perspective of the theory of value to clarify the priority of the traditional gagaku and Zheng music.The distinction between traditional gagaku and Zheng music is not only the defense of the Chinese culture,but also the political effort of “eliminating the influence of the Shang Dynasty’s culture” in the ideological field.“ To censor the poems of Yin people” in fact is the cultural review,which is the beginning of the political intervention of the culture and education.The opinion“ to ensure that the vulgar music can not harm the traditional gagaku” promots the development of traditional gagaku,but also give birth to the cultural despotism.Xun Zi sublated the traditional “Neutralization” standard in music aesthetics,and put forward the aesthetic standard of “judging harmonious music by one”,and proposed that the harmonious gagaku should be decided by Gong modes.It is the reflection of the “Great Unity” trend in real politics,and marks the turning point of traditional music education from the Duke of Zhou and Confucius.



By linking and analyzing the bronzes of Qing in the early Western Zhou Dynasty,the paper concluded that the Plate of Qing should be made in the second year of King Cheng of Zhou,and the other bronzes should be made after the fivfth year of King Cheng.The identity of Qing may be related to Shi师 or Shi史.The paper further combed the inscriptions on bronzes in the early Zhou Dynasty and the unearthed ancient texts,such as Chu bamboo slips,in the Warring States period,analyzed them with literature,and pointed out the mistakes written in the literature about the “three supervisors”.The miscarriage and misinterpretation of the “four states” of “Zhou Gong assault to the East,the four states have been corrected” of the “Book of Songs” by the philologists of the Han and the Tang Dynasties.The old arguments,such as the tripod of Lv and Gui of Taibao were simultaneous devices,are actually specious.The paper tries to find out the context of the characters and events,link them into a sequential historical material, and verify each other with the literature, and finally portray a concrete aspect of Zhou Gong’s eastern expedition, which was a great event in the Western Zhou Dynasty.


——also on the reception and communication of Lu Xun in contemporary society


Late in life,Lu Xun’s discourse mode and cognitive structure of “I want to deceive people” are objectively significant.As a result,he had to show some historical deviation in his cognition of the Soviet Union.The causes are not only the influence of the ideology of his time,but also the inherent reason of Lu Xun’s epistemology and thinking structure.Lu Xun is a man,not a god.Therefore,It’s understandable that there are some deficiencies in his cognition.But it is inappropriate for researchers to give unprincipled defence of Lu Xun’s defects.The taboo of the respected people will often hinder the restoration and reconstruction of a real and complex Lu Xun,which will violate the essence of academic truth-seeking.



Different property rights system based on the ownership of agricultural means of production has formed different modes of agricultural management,causing different forms of rural collective economy.From the perspective of efficiency and fairness,the paper examines the “effectiveness” of rural collective economic realization form from two aspects of “greater income and more beneficiaries” and compares different models of agricultural management with five aspects of the rural revitalization as specific standards.It put forward that family management,employee employment,collective management and cooperative operation have their own advantages and disadvantages.However,in the view of the essence of collective economy and the long-term development of rural economy and society,the production mode and the realization form based on collective operation and cooperative operation can better promote equal cooperation and union among people,are more conducive to solving the problems of common prosperity of farmers,community governance,rural infrastructure construction and development of public utilities,and are more conducive to improving the organizational level of farmers and forming a benign social governance order.



Women of childbearing age shoulder the dual mission of population reproduction and social reproduction.Rebirth has a profound influence on the employability of women.We select the core influence factors from three aspects of individual,working and policy to construct the evaluation index system.Using survey data,the ordered logistic model is utilized to investigate the effects of various factors on employers’ employment preference.The results reveal that fertility status and the importance of position are negative factors.The importance of working experience,acceptable labor costs,work stability after childbirth,satisfaction of the preferential tax policy and satisfaction of the maternity leave policy are positive factors.Using classification and regression tree (CART) algorithm,a decision tree comprising 9 leaf nodes is built and three chains of influencing factors on employer’s employment decisions is formed.There is a close relationship between variables on each branch.The overlap factors in the three chains including “satisfaction of the maternity leave policy”,“satisfaction of the tax preferential policies”,“acceptable labor costs” and “fertility status” have closer relationship.In order to improve the quality of women’s employment,we should work together to promote the socialization of women’s labor cost,establish and improve the nursery service system,resolutely implement parental leave and promote the precise implementation of tax relief and subsidy policy.Employers should gradually change the attitude of employment,pay attention to the protection of women’s rights and interests,and carry forward the essence of the culture of conservation oriented and caring organization.And female employees’ self shaping,childbearing planning and career planning are also indispensable.



Good spatial governance provides perspective and framework for explaining urban transitional development in the dimensions of power,rights and value.Cities in China are undergoing the transformation of development approaches caused by new urbanization and the reform of development mechanism caused by modernization of governance.The process of new urbanization and modernization of governance reshapes urban space,while it causes divergence in the production of space,and collision in the construction of spatial concepts.In mechanism,good urban spatial governance means reasonable allocation and exercising of spatial power,and recognition and asserting of spatial rights.In specific areas,it includes urban spatial boundary,urban spatial regimes,urban spatial operation,urban spatial flow,urban spatial renewal,and urban spatial spirits.

