Says CFO说


首席财务官 2018年7期

GE Oil & Gas CFO,Brian Worrell

“The CFO role is not getting easier as time goes on,” Brian admits. One of the things that makes his job more difficult and will continue to do so in the future is the explosion of big data and analytics.“To add value going forward,”he says,“we as a finance team have to figure out how we use data and analytics internally to make ourselves better as a finance function and as a business. More important, we have to help the business team figure out how to monetize it. I’ve put some of my best people to work with the digital folks. And they’re not there just to forecast or track costs. They’re sitting there looking at how to commercialize data and analytics.”

“随着时间的推移,CFO的角色不会变得越来越容易。”GE石油天然气集团CFO Brian Worrell坦言。让CFO工作变得更加困难的一个原因是,大数据和分析的爆炸性增长,并且未来还会继续。他说:“为了创造价值,财务团队必须弄清楚如何在内部使用数据和分析,使自己成为更优秀的财务团队和更优秀的企业。更重要的是,我们必须帮助业务团队想办法把它转变成收益。我已经让一些最优秀的财务人员去和数字化部门的人一起工作,不只是为了预测或跟踪成本,而是研究如何将数据和分析商业化。”

IBM CFO,James Kavanaugh

Kavanaugh says,setting traditional financial targets can be a vexed matter. “In that time period, we used to run specific financial targets for a period of time like three to 5 years. And, we got off that model in 2014, as we had to embark on this transformation that is now culminating in a cloud platform and cognitive solutions company.I found out, when this industry moves so fast, you can’t get locked into something that’s long-term that might prevent you from identifying new, emerging areas of opportunity;we've got to be agile and adapt."

IBM CFO James Kavanaugh说,传统的制定财务目标的做法有时候并不好。“过去,我们总是制定三至五年的长期财务目标,从2014年开始,我们着手进行改变。作为一家云平台和认知解决方案公司,这种改变正在到达顶峰。我发现,当这个行业发展如此之快的时候,被一种长期的模式束缚可能会阻碍你发现新的、正在出现的机会领域;我们必须保持敏捷和灵活。”

Lam Research CFO,Doug Bettinger

“This industry is in a great spot,” he says. One stat: Spending on equipment is at a 15-year low as a percentage of profits, even though spending keeps going up. So much money is being made, the economics are terrific for the chip makers. At the moment, and for the foreseeable future, he implies, “demand is driving things.” The includes a vast expansion in the need for silicon for autonomous vehicles, A.I., the Internet of Things, etc., etc.

全球第三大半导体制造商Lam Research CFO Doug Bettinger强调,“这个行业正处于一个很好的时期。”统计数据显示,尽管支出持续上升,但设备支出在利润中所占的比例为15年以来的最低点。投入这么多的资金,Lam看到的经济效益显然是非常可观的。在可预见的未来,他暗示,“需求驱动着行业的发展,其中自动驾驶汽车、人工智能和物联网等的发展对硅的需求增长迅速。”

