Message from JEST Editorial Committee
Jean-Marie Lehn (1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) and Avram Hershko ( 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry) serve as the JEST honor Editorial Committee Members.
Zhiming M. Wang serves as the Editor-in-Chief.
Yan-Bo Li serves as the Deputy Editor.
JEST Editorial Committee
Zhiming M. Wang
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
Distinguished Expert of the National 1000 Talents Program
Editor-in-Chief of “Journal of Electronic Science and Technology” and “Nanoscale Research Letters”, IEEE Senior Member
Research fields:Quantum optics, semiconductor nanomaterials, designing and fabricating PV prototype devices
Main accomplishments and contributions:
◆ Engaged in making chemical compound semi-conductor nanomaterials molecular beam epitaxy growth and characterization, and designing and fabricating PV prototype devices for a long time; made pioneering research findings in multilayer orderly organization of strain quantum dots, high index surface nanostructural control,droplet epitaxy nanometer materials growth and other fields, contributing greatly to deepening the understanding of the international academia towards quantum confined structures and functions, as has aroused great attention from international peers and professional media.
◆ Published many papers in some first-rate international academic journals in relevant fields: Nano Letters,Nano Energy, Nano Research, Physical Review Letter, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces and so on, including more than 200 SCI cited, and some have appeared on the cover of Applied Physics Letters and other journals.
◆ Started the SCI Journal—Nanoscale Research Letters as Editor-in-Chief, while serving the journal, Springer Materials (published by Springer), and a series of books for Nanotechnology as Editor. Founded several international academic conferences, such as a series of academic conferences for Energy Materials Nanotechnology(EMN), Conference for Crystals Growth Cooperation, and International Conference for Small-Size Sciences,making major contributions to international communications in this field.
Deputy Editor
Yan-Bo Li
Expert of National 1000 Talents Youth Program
Research fields:Semiconductor optoelectronics, nanomaterials, solar photolysis of water,photovoltaic solar cells
Main accomplishments and contributions:
Prof. Li mainly concerned in the study of semiconductor optoelectronic properties, surface physical and chemical properties, manufacturing of nano materials, device assembly and its application in artificial photosynthesis, and solar photovoltaic power generation. He participated in several international artificial photosynthesis programs initiated by ARPChem, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in Japan, and JCAP,United States Department of Energy.
He has published more than 20 papers in top international journals, such as Nature Communications, Nature Energy, Nature Materials, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Advanced Functional Materials, with more than 1200 times of total citation.
He served Advanced Materials, ACS Nano and Chemical Science as academic reviewer, and Nanoscale Research Letters as Assistant Editor.
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