

文化交流 2018年4期

















为此,李力与当地项目负责人进行了通力合作:“当跟他們谈到工作时候,他们会刨根问底。举个例子,我们公司和当地电力局有一个变压器附件项目,电力局的质量部负责人是 Mr.Haile,每次跟他谈产品时,他都会追究到每一个细节,会对产品材料、产品生产流程、产品使用、产品标准等等提出一系列问题,如果意见不统一还可能争执起来,所以每次跟他交流时候都得耐下心来,一一解释才可。他们对于工作的态度极其严谨,令人印象深刻。”




此外,李力还以自己的方式克服了一个人在非洲的孤单。他喜欢交朋友,不管黑人、白人还是黄皮肤黑眼睛的同胞,他都乐于沟通。偶尔周末的时候,甚至会有当地朋友邀请他一起聊天、看电影。他说:“吴京演的《战狼2》里面有句台词:给这帮黑人一箱啤酒、一堆火,他们就能嗨一整晚。这里虽然不会经常有篝火,但随处可见小酒吧,经常看到黑人三五成群坐在板凳或者长椅上,喝着啤酒,有时兴起会跟着音乐扭动身姿,节奏不紧不慢,一如这边的生活,自由惬意。”平时孤单的夜晚,他还以阅读为乐:“除了英语专业书籍之外,我最喜欢看心理学方面的小说,比如最近就在看日本作家东野圭吾的悬疑小说《嫌疑犯 X 的现身》。”


李力說,中国文化和当地文化碰撞到一起,会发生一些很有趣的事情。譬如在大街上当地人见到中国人都会说一些汉语,“你好”“谢谢”“再见”之类,中国人跟当地人打招呼有时候也会用当地语言。我们公司的当地代理 Mr.Hailu 经常会邀请我们去当地著名的文化餐厅 Yod Abyssinia 品尝传统美食和啤酒,我们也会邀请他去当地的中国餐馆品尝中国特色佳肴,畅饮畅聊,特别有味。

Li Li joined the Hangzhou-based Zhejiang Holley International Co., Ltd in 2014, upon graduation from college, and started his new life in Hangzhou, a city he had known little about. He boarded the flight heading to Ethiopia in June, 2016, and landed in Addis Ababa for a two-year engineering project. “I knew it was an opportunity for me to grow into a bigger player in the company, but it was also a big challenge for someone as young and inexperienced as me. I did not flinch, though.”

“Africa is better than I imagined,” walking out of the airport, Li Li thought to himself. Difficulties set in right after he settled down - the neighborhood his office was sited was close to a slum area. The low efficiency of some of his Ethiopian partners also turned out to be a big headache for him. “The adaptation to the local work habits and living conditions took a while,” Li recalls.

Lis responsibility in Ethiopia was in charge of the coordination for a photovoltaic project that involved the delivery and installation of 1,409 sets of photovoltaic systems used in the medical centers across Ethiopia. The contract was signed between his company and Ministry of Health of Ethiopia before his arrival in Addis Ababa. “I came to realize that the project was more about the livelihood of the locals than about making money for my company, and I felt more weight on my shoulders with each passing day when I was there,” Li Li recalled.

“I worked with people who always wanted to get to the root of the matter. Their obsession with details and precision made me think more and harder. Every day I answered a lot of questions regarding the materials and production and the work flow, and had a lot of ‘fights with Mr. Haile, a quality control official representing the local electricity bureau for a transformer project. It was a test of not only my technical know-how but also my patience.”

The coordination that took half a year to reach the finish line led to the success of the project that is now benefiting more than 1,000 medical centers and rural medical stations. “The project has brought reliable power supply to the medical centers, making night operation and the use of many medical apparatus and instruments such as electron microscopes possible and improving diagnosis efficiency in the process.”

The two years in Ethiopia has enabled Li to understand Ethiopia and Africa better. “It is great injustice that Africa is seen by many as the synonym of ‘poverty, famine and diseases. It takes really being in the country to realize how livable it is, how delicious the local coffee and avocado taste, and how many beautiful things the country has to offer. It has balmy temperatures and fresh air throughout the year. Life is serene and happy, free of urban sufferings.”

During the two years there, Li Li made a lot of friends with the locals. “They invited me to weekend parties and go to the cinema. We hanged out in bars and enjoyed al fresco beer parties in which Id watch them dance to the beat of the music like the happiness will last forever. There were some lonely nights, but I had the company of the novels by Higashino Keigo.”

In fact, Li Li had no reason to feel lonely in the foreign land. Statistics show about 40,000 Chinese people are now living and/or working in Addis Ababa. The city has drawn in investments from a dozen Chinese enterprises that have brought the African country 4G services and the modern luxury of light rail transport. One of the infrastructural improvements brought by Chinese companies is the newly launched Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway that links the Republic of Djibouti and the capital city of Ethiopia. The first electrified railway in East Africa serves as a key cargo transport solution and contributes greatly to the economic communication between the two countries.

“The so-called ‘cultural shock never bothered me, but was a lot of fun. I picked up some basics of the local language and used what I learned to greet my African friends. We had a good time at the famous Yod Abyssinia restaurant, enjoying local beers and traditional Ethiopian cuisine; and brought Mr. Hailu to the Chinese restaurants. The friendship and cultural exchange through daily routines filled in me fulfillment Id never experienced before.”

