

净水技术 2018年3期



与此同时,近十年来,定量聚合酶链反应(quantitative polymerase chain reaction,qPCR)技术逐渐得到应用,即通过采用实时聚合酶链反应的分子探针来鉴别水环境系统中特定的蓝藻种类。这一快速便捷的实验室技术目前正在迅速发展,以实现实时的24/7藻类监测。


1 传统荧光光谱分析法


图1显示了四种不同的藻类和黄色物质(yellow substances,YS)的标准光谱[5]。对于蓝藻色素来说,PC所在的蓝藻组和PE所在的红藻组分别在610 nm和570 nm的波长下检测到了强烈的荧光信号,因此可通过最优激发波长的改变,实现某一特定藻类荧光标记的优化。基于此,在680 nm的发射波长下,采用发光二极管,microLAN系统[6]可分别在570、615 nm和450 nm的选定激发波长下检测PE、PC和叶绿素-a产生的荧光强度。此外,对于水样中一些会干扰检测的其他荧光物质,如溶解性有机物(365 nm)、浊度(710 nm)等,系统也会进行相应的修正。

图1 四种不同藻类和黄色物质的标准光谱图

2 分子探针——qPCR技术


Koskeenniemi等[8]的研究采用特定的PCR引物(SYBR green),同时以结球藻毒素基因亚基(nDaF)为目标,结果表明,波罗的海水样中的基因拷贝数(即蓝藻数量)和结球藻毒素的浓度存在强烈的相关性。该qPCR技术可用于具体研究波罗的海中结球藻的暴发和结球藻毒素的形成。


尽管采用qPCR技术来评估蓝藻暴发毒性,其结果有时存在争议,但qPCR技术在蓝藻菌群的动力学研究中仍具有重要价值,比如研究有毒菌株相对丰度的时间和空间变化、分析蓝藻暴发的动力学情况及其与环境因素之间的关系等[10-11]。qPCR技术的另一大优势是它能同时检测多个目标基因,称为“多重qPCR”(multiplex qPCR),比如可同时将微囊藻毒素、节球藻毒素、拟柱孢藻毒素以及蛤蚌毒素四种有毒的生物合成基因簇作为目标。对51种毒性和非毒性蓝藻菌株的检测已证实了多重qPCR技术的特异性。采用该方法,成功检测了澳大利亚墨累河中混合蓝藻水华的毒性[12]。

3 方法比较

采用两种技术手段,对现场条件下的蓝藻进行24/7实时监测,并对两种方法进行了比较。需要指出的是,尽管实时qPCR技术已有实验室现场原型(field prototype),但目前还没有可商用的qPCR系统来实现对蓝藻的24/7现场实时监测。然而,qPCR技术目前正在迅速发展,且其在蓝藻暴发的前期监测中具有关键作用,因此有必要对两种方法进行比较。



表1 传统光谱技术和qPCR技术的比较

在未来3~5年内,我们有望看到传统方法向商用24/7实时流式细胞监测法(flow cytometry monitoring)的发展进化[13];而对于qPCR技术来说,基于“芯片实验室”(lab-on-a-chip)技术的现场原型将使得实时监测系统的商业化应用更具可行性[14-15]。

4 结论


[1]Wilhelm S W,Farnsley S E,LeCleir G R,etal.The relationships between nutrients,cyanobacterial toxins and the microbial community in Taihu (Lake Tai),China[J].Harmful Algae,2011,10(2):207-215.

[2]USGS.The science of harmful algalblooms[EB/OL].[2016-10-24].

[3]Sobiechowska Sasim M,Stoń Egiert J,Kosakowska A.Quantitative analysis of extracted phycobilin pigments in cyanobacteria-An assessment of spectrophotometric and spectrofluorometric methods[J].Journal of Applied Phycology,2014,26(5):2065-2074.

[4]Simis S G H,Huot Y,Babin M,etal.Optimization of variable fluorescence measurements of phytoplankton communities with cyanobacteria[J].Photosynthesis Research,2012,112(1):13-30.

[5]Beutler M.Spectral fluorescence of chlorophyll and phycobilins as an in-situ tool of phytoplankton analysis models,algorithms and instruments[D].Kiel,Germany:Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel,2003.

[6]MicroLan.ALGControl:Fluorescence monitoring of algae classes and toxic algae[EB/OL].

[7]Genome News Network.Sequencing the genome of Haemophilus influenza Rd[EB/OL].

[8]Koskenniemi K,Lyra C,Rajaniemi-Wacklin P,etal.Quantitative real-time PCR detection of toxic Nodularia cyanobacteria in the Baltic Sea[J].Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2007,73(7):2173-2179.

[9]Pacheco A B F,Guedes I A,Azevedo S M F O.Is qPCR a reliable indicator of cyanotoxin risk in freshwater[J].Toxins,2016,8(6):172-172.

[10]Martins A,Vasconcelos V.Use of qPCR for the study of hepatotoxic cyanobacteria population dynamics[J].Archives of Microbiology,2011,193(9):615-615.

[11]Antonella P,Luca G.The quantitative real-time PCR applications in the monitoring of marine harmful algal bloom (HAB)species[J].Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2013,20(10):6851-6862.

[12]Al-Tebrineh J,Merrick C,Ryan D,etal.Community composition,toxigenicity,and environmental conditions during a cyanobacterial bloom occurring along 1 100 kilometers of the Murray River[J].Applied and Environmental Microbiology,2012,78(1):263-272.

[13]Besmer M D,Weissbrodt D G,Kratochvil B E,etal.The feasibility of automated online flow cytometry for in-situ monitoring of microbial dynamics in aquatic ecosystems[J].Frontiers in Microbiology,2014,5(265):265-265.

[14]Weller M G.Immunoassays and biosensors for the detection of cyanobacterial toxins in water[J].Sensors,2013,13(11):15085-15112.

[15]Courtois S,Jary D,Do-Quang Z,etal.Developing a fully-integrated microdevice for the in-situ detection of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin-producing strains in fresh water samples[C].Busan,Korea:Proceedings of the IWA World Water Congress,2012.




(1.University of Newcastle,Singapore; 2.MicroLAN,Netherlands; 3.Zean Inc,China)


Algal blooms arelikely caused by environmental factors such as:nutrients; temperature; light; hydrology; and water chemistry (e.g.,pH,conductivity,salinity,turbidity).Due to climate change,algal blooms are increasing at an alarming rate across North America (Great Lakes) and numerous regions in Asia (China,Southeast Asia)[1].Cyanobacteria is the dominant species in algal blooms which produces lethal cyanotoxins harmful to humans and the aquatic ecosystem.Microcystin toxins damages the liver and the nervous system,as well as a potent carcinogen[2].While there is no lack of literature on the identification and monitoring of toxic cyanobacteria in marine,brackish and freshwaters,there is an urgent need for a reliable real-time 24/7 algal monitoring system.This system would allow for a quick detection of toxic cyanobacteria before,during and after algal blooms in order to protect water supplies and prevent massive fish kills.

The analysis of chlorophyll molecules in photosynthetic bacteria (e.g.cyanobacteria) by identification of the unique excitation spectra produced from fluorescence has gained significant interest since the early 1960s.Fluorescence monitoring is extremely attractive as it is quick,not labor intensive,and enables the collection of massive amount of monitoring data.When chlorophyll molecules absorb light,a fraction of the energy absorbed is re-emitted as fluorescence.More recently,in the last decade,molecular probes using a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR),also known as quantitative PCR (qPCR) technology were developed to identify specific cyanobacteria species in water systems.This is currently a quick laboratory-based technique that is being rapidly developed experimentally for real-time 24/7 monitoring in the field.

The focusof this paper is to compare the monitoring of cyanobacteria using the traditional spectroscopic method with the rapidly advanced molecular method-qPCR.First a brief background of both methods will be described,followed by a comparison of the advantages of both methods.


Chlorophyll-a is a photosynthetic pigment present in all species of phytoplankton,including eukaryotic (algae) and prokaryotic organisms (cyanobacteria) thus it is a reliable and commonly used proxy for total phytoplankton biomass.However,the pigment system of cyanobacteria produces only a weak chlorophyll-a fluorescence signal.The cyanobacteria′s fluorescence system arise mainly from photosystem II.Photosystem II is comprised of pigments called phycobilins - e.g.phycocyanin (PC) and phycoerythrin (PE)[3-4].Therefore,it is important to optimize the fluorescence spectra of phycobilins,carrying a significant amount of spectral information that can be used to assess the abundance of cyanobacteria.

Figure 1 shows the normal spectra of four algal groups and yellow substances (YS)[5].Focusing on the cyanobacteria pigments,a strong signal is found for PC at 610 nm in the “blue group”.For PE,a strong signal is detected at 570 nm in the “red group” (red algae).It is therefore,possible to optimize the fluorescence signature of specific algae by switching on the optimal excitation wavelength.Using light emitting diodes (LED) at selected excitation wavelengths with an emission wavelength of 680nm,the microLan system[6]detects PE,PC and chlorophyll-a at 570,615 and 450 nm,respectively.Additionally,correction can be applied for other fluorescing matters such as dissolved organic matter (365 nm),and turbidity (710 nm) in the water sample that interferes with the measurement.


Since the discovery of the human genome project (1990-2003) there has been an explosive interest in developing rapid molecular biology tools to identify specific microbial species that are toxic to humans and present in sensitive ecosystems[7].The first applications of real-time PCR to monitor toxic phytoplankton was conducted in the year 2000.Genetic markers,unique to cyanobacteria,target toxin producing genes that are responsible for the synthesis of toxins.These toxins include microcystins,nodularin,saxitoxin,and cylindrospermopsin.

Using specific PCR primers (SYBR green) targeting the nodularin gene subunit (nDaF),Koskeenniemietal(2007)[8]showed a strong correlation between gene copy numbers (quantity of cyanobacteria) and nodularin concentrations in Baltic seawater samples.This qPCR technique can be used for detailed studies of Nodularin blooms and formation in the Baltic sea.

An extensive research paper reviewing 33 studies (2003-2015) on whether qPCR is a reliable indicator of cyanotoxin risk in freshwater correlated qPCR data with microcystin concentrations[9].The correlation analysis showed the following results:positive correlation for 22 studies (65%),and no correlation for 11 studies (33%).However,for the same set of studies above,when the correlation between the microcystin concentration and chlorophyll-a or number of cyanobacterial cells was tested,it was positive in 85% of the cases.The reviewer therefore questioned the reliability of using qPCR in comparison with traditional methods for the risk assessment of toxic cyanobacterial blooms.

Although the use of qPCR is sometimes questioned for estimating the toxicityof cyanobacterial blooms,it is still considered valuable for the study of cyanobacteria population dynamics.This includes exploring temporal and spatial variations in the relative abundance of toxic strains,and understanding of the dynamics of cyanobacterial blooms and their relationships with environmental factors[10-11].An additional advantage of qPCR is the ability to detect more than one single target gene called multiplex qPCR.Multiplex qPCR therefore can target four toxin biosynthesis gene clusters simultaneously such as microcystin,nodularin,cylindrospermopsin,and saxitoxin.The specificity of the multiplex qPCR was validated by testing 51 toxic and non-toxic cyanobacterial strains.Using this method,the toxigenicity of mixed cyanobacterial blooms in the Murray River (Australia) was successfully tested[12].


The comparison of the two methods is focused on implementation of the technology for 24/7 monitoring of cyanobacteria under real-time field conditions.To our knowledge,whilethere are experimental field prototypes of real-time qPCR,there is currently no commercially available qPCR system deployed to conduct 24/7 cyanobacteria monitoring in the field.However,the qPCR is rapidly advancing and certainly plays a crucial role in the early monitoring of cyanobacteria blooms.Therefore,it is worthwhile to compare the two methods.

Table 1 summarises the key differences between the two methods.While the traditional spectroscopic technology focuses on identification using the unique excitation-emission signature of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll-a,phycocyanin,phycoerthrin),qPCR specifically identifies the cyanobacteria species based on advanced molecular techniques.Because the qPCR requires specialized biological assays in both delivery and preparation,the skill sets of the technicians involved in conducting the monitoring would be significantly higher than those required to deploy the traditional method.This specialized skill sets in molecular biology is likely more difficult to find if the qPCR technology is to be deployed in developing economies or in remote areas.

Commercially available 24/7 monitoring systems for cyanobacteria utilizing the traditional spectroscopic method can be readily purchased on the market as deployable probes and stationary systems.Depending on the scale of the implementation,costs for such systems are generally affordable.In comparison,it is likely to be significantly more costly to develop a real-time 24/7 qPCR monitoring system.

Tab.1 Comparison of Traditional Spectroscopic and qPCR Methods

Moving forward in the next 3-4 years,we will likely see advanced development of thetraditional method into 24/7 commercially available real-time flow cytometry monitoring[13]. For qPCR,field prototypes using lab-on-a-chip technologies will appear feasible to be implemented for real-time monitoring[14-15].


The breakthrough application of fluorescence technologies to the identification of cyanobacteria is a promising tool to transform monitoring of cyanobacteria blooms in water systems to be rapid,and reliable over a 24/7 period.While the traditional spectroscopic method is well-known and utilized extensively in real-time 24/7 monitoring systems,the qPCR method using molecular techniques has advanced rapidly in the last decade.The qPCR′s ability to identify toxic cyanobacteria species individually or a few species (4-5) simultaneously,is certainly a key advantage.Both traditional spectroscopic and advanced qPCR technologies will continue to play centre stage in providing researchers,regulators and policy makers with important information on how to manage and prevent algal blooms in an increasingly uncertain climate change environment.



真菌Simplicillium lanosoniveum DT06 对雨生红球藻生长与脂类合成的影响
吃蔬菜有个“321模式” 三两叶菜类,二两其他类,一两菌藻类