“Job” Cigarette Paper《“乔布”卷
Alphonse Mucha (1860–1939) was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style.
[2] Muncha was born in the town of Ivancice, Moravia, and raised in the shadow of two powerful cultural forces:The Catholic Church and the Slav’s desire for independence from the Austrian Empire. A baroque fresco in his local church piqued his interest in art, and he moved to Vienna, where he took an apprenticeship as a stage set painter. To make a living he executed portrait commissions. This led him to an important mentor, Count Khuen-Belasi, who hired him to paint murals in Emmahof Castle.Mucha shot to fame in 1894 with his theatre poster for Gismonda. The leading actress, Sarah Bernhardt was an internationally famous, and by association with her, Mucha quickly became famous as well. Bernhardt put him under contract, and Mucha created many promotional posters for her, as well as costumes and stage sets.
[3] Mucha produced a flurry of paintings, posters, advertisements, and book illustrations, as well as designs for jewellery, carpets, wallpaper, and theatre sets in what was initially called the Mucha Style but became known as Art Nouveau. Mucha’s works frequently featured beautiful healthy young women in flowing vaguely Neoclassical looking robes, often surrounded by lush flowers which sometimes formed haloes behind the women’s heads. Drawing from the influences of the Pre-Raphaelites,Hans Makart1汉斯·马卡特(1840—1884),19世纪奥地利学院派历史画家、设计师,对奥地利后代画家影响深远。, and Japanese wood cuts,Mucha developed his unique style. His style was organic and ornate, graceful and dynamic, with curving, swooping lines and Byzantine borders, lettering,and frames. His Art Nouveau style was often imitated.
[4] This striking poster, “Job” Cigarette Paper (Colour lithograph, 66.7 cm × 46.4 cm, 1896), was created as an advertisement for the Joseph Bardou Company, the manufacturer of cigarette papers. A beautiful woman with a lighted cigarette dominates Mucha’s poster, the rising smoke intertwining with her swirling, Pre-Raphaelite hair and the logo—the trademark “JOB”.The poster’s golden zigzag border, in-spired by Byzantine mosaics, combines with the twirling smoke and the rich purple background to create a luxurious and sensual mood. The curving lines of the woman’s hair and rising smoke stand out against the rhythmic lines of the zigzag frame. The very fact that this woman is smoking—let alone that she is somewhat eroticized—was scandalous,since no respectable woman of the time would smoke in public. Furthermore,her sensual tangle of cascading hair was daring, because respectable women of the era wore their hair tied up.
[5] These significant breaks from tradition suggest that the smoker may be wanton and wild. She is lost in pleasure—quite possibly in the nude, her closed eyes and half smile suggesting ecstasy. Mucha depicts his smoking woman in the manner of a rapturous saint to advertise an everyday product, thereby revealing his great skill at blending art and commerce. He elevates the ordinary to a realm of mysterious beauty.
[6] This is perhaps one of Mucha’s best-known advertising posters, with numerous editions subsequently published in a variety of formats for international markets. This poster established the iconic image of the “Mucha woman” with her swirls of exaggeratedly abundant hair. ■