Singing, Each to Each1


英语世界 2018年2期


Dawn is best, when sight joins sound. First, the whisper of waves shows a glimmer, a sheen2sheen光泽;光辉。, becoming a whiteness that edges the sand; then the rocks sigh and gently free their forms from the surrounding dark; the air starts to quiver and murmur with light;and the blur3blur模糊不清的东西(声音)。of a bird sounds a single envious trill.

[2] We are there, we are ready. We greet the day and the dawn, feeling the hushed4hushed宁静的;轻的。heartbeat of the world gathering strength for the effort to come. And then we sing. Perhaps one of us will find a fragment of refrain55 refrain〈音〉副歌。, some old golden song belonging to legend that has always existed and only needs finding again, and we take it, caress6caress抚爱;宠爱。it, give it wings and send it phoenix-like away.

[3] Evening has its time too though.Then, mellowness7mellowness醇厚;成熟。deepens to dusk;the waves whisper of rest; stars gently chime8chime鸣响;敲响。; the moon has a deeper note.Sound becomes scent, spicy thyme9thyme百里香(一种植物,叶小,有香味,可作烹饪调味品)。yielding to fragrance of fern10fern蕨类。, sunwarmed rocks to coolness of earth. And our song, our celebration, changes in tone.



[4] It must be the celebration, the feeling of joy that maddens them. When they hear it, they feel excluded, futile, their heroics11heroics英雄壮举;豪壮行为。reduced to posturing12posturing做作的举止。, their words exposed as senseless noise, and...they try to reach it. They beat their way through the waves, while we watch and sing and will not help; we suspect it is not joy but our particular joy they want to reach and conquer. Perhaps they want what we found long ago.

[5] Of course they fail, and of course the stories start, and the fear and the hatred and the hard words, so that truth is made mute13mute沉默的。in a babble14babble胡言乱语;含混不清的话。of lies.Sometimes we sing of that as well, but never willingly, never with pleasure,even though we know the song must include all things. No joy can exist without sorrow, and no song without silence either.


[4]一定是这欢庆、这喜悦的感觉使他们抓狂。耳听狂欢之乐,却不能身在其中,多么沮丧、多么徒劳啊! 因为在这歌声的狂欢之中,他们的英雄壮举不过是装腔作势,他们的豪言壮语只是莫名的噪音而已……可是,他们想要加入这狂欢。看着他们破浪前行,我们却袖手旁观,继续欢歌。因为我们怀疑,他们想要得到并征服的不是欢乐本身,而是我们的欢乐。也许他们想要的正是我们早已拥有的。


[6] There was one man who heard and understood—now so far in the past we wonder if we dreamed him.The ship passed,sleek and swift in the water, the sailors bent double over their oars as though in agony, their faces ugly with fear and loathing. We knew they could not hear us: they laboured and strained15strain竭力;使劲。and did not even look, did not try and dash their lives away.

[7] We watched and sang and the ship became our song. And then that one man—he had heard the tales no doubt and made provision16make provision预作安排;为……作好准备。, bound as he was to the mast—suddenly listened.He struggled and shouted to be freed,and then suddenly listened, listened and smiled.

[8] The ship went its way, skimming over the waves in a tumult of foam, our song now urging it on. ■



[8]船儿在泡沫汹涌的海中破浪疾行。我们的歌啊,开始为它壮行。 □


Let Her Go