16 Wedding Traditions and Their Origins16种婚礼传统及起源


英语世界 2018年2期

Have you ever been a flower girl,a bridesmaid, or caught the bouquet1bouquet 花束。at a friend’s wedding? All of these customs are expected at modern weddings, but these wedding traditions actually date back to2date back to 追溯到。ancient times.Since the origin of marriage about 23,000 years ago, different cultures have created their own wedding customs.Many of these customs have stood the test of time3stand the test of time 经得起时间的考验。and have evolved4evolve 逐步形成。into the wedding traditions we are familiar with today.

1. The Origin of Marriage

The origin of marriage dates back to 23,000 years ago when huntergatherers5hunter-gatherer 采猎者。became farmers, and gender roles around the household started to form. Males became responsible for gathering food, while females stayed at home to rear6rear 抚养。children. Thus, marriage soon became necessary as a way to ensure the survival of their offspring7offspring 后代。.




2. Wedding Veil

This wedding tradition dates back to the origin of arranged marriages.Traditionally, the groom’s family would not allow him to see his bride until the wedding. This is because if he didn’t like her looks, there was a chance that he might not agree to marry her.Therefore, the veil was used to conceal8conceal掩盖。the bride’s appearance up until the very moment in which they were to be married.

3. Cans Tied to the Bumper

The wedding tradition of tying cans to the bumper of the wedding car comes from the French custom of throwing a “charivari9charivari(在新婚者屋前敲铁锅、铜罐等的)逗闹音乐。” for the couple. The“charivari” was essentially a celebration that took place on a night before the wedding. Neighbors would walk down the streets and bang their pots and pans to make as much noise as possible throughout the village in order to scare away evil spirits. Since cans make noise when dragged behind a moving car,the classic “charivari” was adapted10adapt改装。to simply tying cans to the wedding car bumper.

4. Wedding Cake

Since cakes represent fertility11fertility 富饶。,Ancient Romans would bake wheat cakes and break them over the bride’s head. Soon it became customary to stack1212 stack 放成整齐的一叠。these wheat cakes one on top of another, as tall as they could go. The bride and groom were challenged to kiss over the tower without knocking it over. If successful, they’d enjoy a lifetime of good fortune as a couple.

2. 新娘的面纱


3. 绑在保险杠上的罐头盒


4. 结婚蛋糕


5. Tie the Knot

During the Roman age, a common custom was to tie the bride and groom’s hands together during the ceremony. The couple could not be released until the marriage was official. This is a tradition that’s referred to as “handfasting”, and is a common practice amongst various cultures around the world.

6. Wedding Ring

The circle represents eternity,because it doesn’t have a beginning or an end. During ancient times, women would wear rings made of papyrus13papyrus 纸莎草。around their wrists and ankles. Romans then began to substitute the material with iron, which ultimately led to the use of gold to make the first betrothal14betrothal 订婚。rings. The tradition of a diamond engagement ring was started by Archduke15Archduke大公,欧洲贵族头衔。Maximilian of Austria when he proposed to Mary of Burgundy.Like circles, diamonds have long been considered as symbols of eternity because they are the hardest gems16gem 宝石。on earth. The placement of the ring on the fourth finger came from the Egyptians who believed that it was the finger that contained the vein17vein 静脉。that connects to the heart.

5. 打结


6. 婚戒


7. Flower Girl

The age-old wedding tradition of a flower girl stems from18stem from 起源于。an Ancient Roman tradition where young virgins would carry sheaths of wheat, which was believed to bring on well-being and good fortune to the newlyweds. Over time the sheaths of wheat have been replaced with flowers that are scattered along the path that leads up to the altar19altar 圣坛。.

8. Bridesmaids

In Ancient Rome, the purpose of having bridesmaids at a wedding was to protect the bride. The bridesmaids would each wear the same dress as the bride in order to confuse the evil spirits and prevent them from finding her. As a result, the couple would avoid being cursed on their wedding day.

9. Shower of Rice

Rice and other grains have long been regarded as signs of prosperity and fertility. Therefore, the practice of throwing rice at a wedding is symbolic of showering the couple with good fortune. Although it is an age-old wedding tradition, it is a practice that is becoming less popular, with rice being replaced by alternatives such as confetti20confetti(在婚礼或美国其他特殊活动中撒的)五彩纸屑。, bubbles, and sparklers.

7. 女花童


8. 伴娘


9. 大米浴


10. Something Blue

It is widely believed that the color white represents purity. However, it is actually the color blue that is the true symbol of purity as well as fidelity21fidelity 忠诚。.The symbolism of the color blue dates back to early Christianity, when the color was associated with the Virgin Mary, who is often depicted22depict 描绘。wearing a blue robe.

11. Honeymoon

The tradition of going on a honeymoon after a wedding, dates back to the 5th century when cultures represented the calendar time in moon cycles23moon cycle古时以月相的更替周期计算时间,一个月相周期约为29天。. Once married, a newlywed couple would drink mead, an alcoholic beverage made of honey, a tradition that would take place during their first moon24moon一轮月相更替。of marriage.

12. Bridal Bouquet

The first bridal bouquet was made out of aromatic bunches of herbs, garlic,and grains, which were ingredients that were believed to have the power of driving away evil spirits. Over time, the herb bouquet was gradually replaced by flowers which carry special meanings in different cultures around the world.

10. 蓝色之物




12. 新娘的捧花


13. Groomsmen

The tradition of having groomsmen as part of the wedding, comes from the ancient tradition of kidnapping the bride. Before a couple could get married, a man had to employ his fellow friends or warrior companions to help him fight off other warriors and prevent the bride’s family from finding the couple. The groom’s main warrior companion would be the equivalent25equivalent 同等物。of the “best man” at a wedding.

14. Bouquet Toss

In 14th century Euro pe, it was common for wedding guests to rip off26rip off 撕下。sections of the bride’s dress for good luck. To prevent this, brides started throwing the garter instead. This led to guests, especially men, attempting to rip the garter off. Eventually it became tradition for the groom to remove and throw the garter and the bride to throw the bouquet.





15. Ring Bearer

During Victorian times, a pageboy27pageboy新娘的伴童;小男傧相。was responsible for carrying a bride’s train down the aisle along with a prayer book. At the same time,Victorians began to place the ring on small pillows as a display of their wealth. This is because pillows used to be very expensive and were luxury items that only the elite28elite 社会精英。members of society could afford. Eventually, it became the pageboy’s responsibility to carry the ring pillow down the aisle and is a tradition that has evolved into the ring bearer that we are familiar with today.

16. Gift Registry

The origin of the wedding registry dates back to 1924 at a Marshall Field2919世纪末芝加哥首屈一指的百货店,后发展成在全美拥有700多家门店的大型百货公司。2006年被梅西百货公司(Macy’s)收购并更名。’s store in Chicago. Also known as a bridal registry, it was a way for the couple to choose their fine china and silver for their big day. Soon the idea spread across the country and was popularized30popularize 推广。in the retail industry to include wedding gifts for the couple. ■

15. 捧戒指的男伴童


16. 礼物登记

结婚礼物登记最早出现于1924年芝加哥的一家马歇尔·菲尔德百货公司的门店。有人也称之为新娘的礼物登记单,新婚夫妇为大婚日子挑选的瓷器和银器都写在上面。这个主意很快传遍全美,在零售行业推广开来,便有了出售结婚礼物这门生意。 □


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