Technical Regulations for Production of Green Food—Adzuki Beans
Gansu Qingyang Seed Management Station, Xifeng 745000, China
1 Scope
This standard specifies the production technology, the environmental conditions of production area, the output index, the site selection and land preparation, the variety selection and seed quality, the fertilization, the sowing, the field management, the pest and disease control, the harvesting, the storage, the filing etc. about the adzuki beans in Qingyang City.
This standard applies to the production implementation of the green food—adzuki beans in Gansu Province, and the same type of climate areas can refer to the application.
2 Normative references
The following documents for the application of this document is essential. For the dated references, only those dated references apply to this document. For the undated references, the latest edition (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 4404.2SeedsofFoodCrops—Part 2:Beans;
NY/T 285GreenFood—Beans;
NY/T 391GreenFood—EnvironmentalConditionsofProductionArea[1];
NY/T 393GreenFood—GuidelinesfortheUseofPesticides[2];
NY/T 394GreenFood—GuidelinesfortheUseofFertilizers[3];
NY/T 1056GreenFood—GuidelinesfortheStorageandTransportation.
3 The environmental conditions of production area
The environmental conditions of production area should be consistent with the requirements of NY/T 391.
3.1TheclimaticconditionsThe growth of adzuki beans needs the following climatic conditions: frost-free period≥100 d, ≥10℃ effective accumulated temperature of higher than 2 200℃, annual rainfall≥400 mm.
3.2ThesoilconditionsThe following soil conditions are chosen for the production of adzuki beans: deep soil, soil organic matter≥1%, pH value of 6.5-8.0.
4 The quality requirements and output index
4.1ThequalityrequirementsThe product quality is in line with the standards of NY/T 285GreenFood—Beansand the standards of GB/T10461-2008—AdzukiBeans. The pure food rate≥95.0%, impurity rate≤1.0%, and the mineral impurity rate≤0.5%, moisture content≤14.0%, normal color and smell.
4.2TheoutputindexThe output index is 1 500 kg/ha-2 250 kg/ha.
5 Site selection and land preparation
5.1SiteselectionIt should comply with the provisions of NY/T391. The corn, wheat, potatoes, rape and other crops are selected as the fore-rotating crops.
5.2LandpreparationAfter the harvesting of the fore-rotating crops, the deep tillage (depth of 20-25 cm) was conducted in autumn for turning of stubble, and soil maturation. It was pressed down and raked up to preserve the soil moisture, and the shallow tillage is conducted before sowing.
6 The variety selection and seed quality
6.1ThevarietyselectionThe following varieties, suitable for the cultivation of the region, with high yield, high quality, strong resistance, pod concentration, same maturity and shattering resistance are selected: Jihong 4, Jihong 5, Zhonghong 5, Qianjinhong, Liaoxiao 2, Jinhong 1, Pingliang adzuki beans,etc..
6.2TheseedqualityThe seed quality is in line with GB4404.2 standards.
6.3TheseedtreatmentBefore sowing, the seeds are mechanically screened or artificially selected, to remove the seeds with lesion, worm borer, shredded grains, small grains, different color grains and impurities, and the sunny weather is selected to dry the seeds for 8-16 h.
7 Fertilization
7.1FertilizationprinciplesIt is implemented in strict accordance with the provisions of NY/T394, and the rational formula fertilization is done. The considerable base fertilizers are applied and the topdressing can be used in moderation.
7.2FertilizingamountandfertilizationmethodsThe fertilizing amount and fertilization methods should be consistent with the provisions of Table 1.
FertilizationmethodsFertilizertypeFertilizingamount BasefertilizerManureorbio⁃organicfertilizerManure30-45t/haorbio⁃organicfertilizer1.5t/haAmmoniumsulfate(containingN20%)300-390kg/haCalciumsuperphosphate(containingP2O512%)300-390kg/haPotassiumsulfate(containingK2O50%)30-45kg/haTopdressingBoricacidsolution(containingH3BO30.2%)10-13kg/ha
7.3ProhibitedfertilizersIt is forbidden to apply the municipal solid waste and sludge, hospital solid waste and the industrial waste containing hazardous materials (such as poison gas, pathogenic microorganisms, and heavy metals). The application of the nitrate nitrogen fertilizer is prohibited, and the non-decomposed human waste and cake fertilizer are forbidden to be applied.
8 Sowing
8.1SowingdateIt can be sown when the 10 cm ground temperature continuously reaches 12℃ for 5 d. The sowing date in the Longdong region is April 20 to May 5, and the sowing date in other regions of the province is determined according to the specific local climatic conditions.
8.2DensityThe seeding rate is determined according to the soil fertility, the climatic conditions and the species characteristics. The number of remaining seedlings is 300 000 ha-375 000 ha, and the number of seeding grains is 1.5 to 2 times the number of remaining seedlings.
8.3SowingdepthThe sowing depth is 4-5 cm.
8.4SowingqualityrequirementsThe compacting is conducted in a timely manner after sowing, and the soil moisture is maintained for emergence.
9 Field management
9.1ThinningandfinalsinglingofseedingAfter the full appearance of seedlings, the thinning is conducted when the two real leaves unfold. The final singling of seeding is done during the first compound leaf stage, and 1 to 2 strong seedlings are retained in each hole. Based on the thinning, the diseased seedlings, weak seedlings and hybrid seedlings are removed.
9.2IntertillageweedingThe artificial intertillage weeding is conducted 2 to 3 times, so as to get rid of soil compaction and clear field weeds.
9.3IrrigationanddrainageIn the areas with the irrigation conditions, the irrigation is carried out one time in the budding and flowering stages, respectively, according to the degree of drought occurrence. When a heavy rain occurs, we must promptly drain the stagnant water in the field, to prevent floods.
10 Pest and disease control
10.1Preventionandcontrolprinciples(i) From the perspective of the entire ecosystem, we must comprehensively apply agricultural, physical, ecological and biological measures to create the environmental conditions that are not conducive to the spread of pests and diseases and are conducive to crop growth, and maintain the balance and biodiversity of agro-ecosystems.
(ii) It is necessary to give priority to the use of disease-resistant varieties, nurture strong seedlings, strengthen the cultivation and management, weeding and deep turning of the soil, clean the farms, enhance crop rotation, and adopt other agricultural measures.
(iii) It is necessary to try to use the light induction, mechanical capture, insect net and other physical trapping and isolation measures.
(iv) When the above measures can not effectively control pests and diseases, the chemical control is used[4-5].
10.2MajorpestsanddiseasesThe main diseases for adzuki beans include leaf spot disease, rust, blight and so on. The main pests include bean borer, food worms, aphids, armyworms and so on.
10.3.1Agricultural control. The 2-3 a rotation or intercropping with non-leguminous crops is conducted, the disease-resistant varieties are selected for nurturing strong seedlings, the rational fertilization is ensured, the farm is well cleaned, and the weeds and susceptible plants are timely removed.
10.3.2Physical control. Pests can be trapped and killed with black light, and the black light layout density is set to be 2-3 per 2 ha. Armyworm can be trapped and killed with the solution of sugar and vinegar, and the solution of sugar and vinegar is prepared in accordance with the sugar: vinegar: wine: water ratio of 3∶6∶1∶10.
10.3.3Biological control. The Coccinella septempunctata, hoverfly and other predatory natural enemies are used to control aphids, and 1∶500 Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) solution and other pathogenic natural enemies are used to control the bean borer.
10.3.4Chemical control. The chemical control should be strictly in accordance with the provisions of NY/T393. The pesticide application rate and usage should be consistent with the provisions of Table 2.
11 Harvest
11.1HarvestperiodWhen the middle and lower stems of adzuki beans turn yellow, the lower leaves fall off, the middle leaves turn yellow, more than 85% of pods in the field are yellowish white and light brown, it is suitable for harvesting.
11.2ThreshingAfter the harvesting of adzuki beans, it is necessary to dry and thresh in a timely manner. After threshing, it is screened, cleaned to remove the impurities, imperfect grains, and graded. It is prohibited to thresh and dry in the high way, asphalt road and the dust pollution areas.
11.3By-productdisposalThe by-products from the production of adzuki beans, such as straw and pod skin, should be comprehensively developed and rationally used. There is a need to promote the return of straw to the field, and utilize the manure to enrich the soil. It is necessary to prohibit burning, avoid random stacking, and inhibit discarding and polluting the environment.
12 Storage
Storage should meet the quality standards of NY/T 1056. It is necessary to store in the dark, dry and pest-free, rodent-free places at the room temperature with the moisture-proof facilities according to different varieties, origins and levels. It is prohibited to mix with toxic, harmful, corrosive, moldy, damp, smelly goods. If the warehouse disinfection and fumigation are conducted, the agents used should be consistent with the state food hygiene and safety requirements.
13 Filing
It is necessary to establish the field technology files. In accordance with the requirements of the green food production technology archives, there is a need to make a comprehensive record of the entire production process, and properly preserve it for later retrieval and inspection.
[1] Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China. NY/T 391-2013 green food-environmental quality for production area[S]. Beijing: China Agriculture Press,2014. (in Chinese).
[2] Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China.NY/T 393-2013 green food-guideline for application of pesticide [S]. Beijing: China Agriculture Press,2014. (in Chinese).
[3] Ministry of Agriculture of the People’s Republic of China. NY/T 394-2013 green food-fertilizer application guideline[S].Beijing: China Agriculture Press,2014. (in Chinese).
[4] SU L, GENG ZG. Technical specification for green pea production in Qingyang City[J]. Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology,2014(12):91-92. (in Chinese).
[5] HU JS.Technical specification for green food green bean production in Qingyang City[J]. Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology,2014(5):60-61. (in Chinese).
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