(长江大学 外国语学院,湖北 荆州 434023)
头韵(alliteration),也称为head rhyme或initial rhyme,是利用发音形成的一种独特效果,通常是在连续或邻近的几个词中,其开头的音节有同样的字母或声音。头韵在古英文中被视为诗歌韵律的圭臬[1],但后来逐渐转变为一种普通的修辞手段。及至当代英语,头韵仍被广泛使用,一般具有幽默、机智或强调的修辞效果。
1a.诗歌:For the sky and the sea,and the sea and the sky
1b.童谣、绕口令:Susan sells sea shells.
1c.习语、格言警句:willingly and wholeheartedly,facts and figures;do or die
1d.名称、广告及各种宣传等:Drink,Dine,Dance(酒吧);Caution Could Create Cheeriness(T-shirt广告);Ripe and ready(水果广告);Shakespeare: life,love & legacy(莎士比亚出生地景点宣传);Birmingham’s heroes: solving tomorrow’s problems today(科研宣传)
1e.书籍、电影、文章、章节等名称:Pride and Prejudice;The Sixth Sense;The Egg and the Eye
1f.作品中主要观点:3R: reduce,reuse,recycle (环保)
1g.其他精练表达:impressed by the sight,sound and smell of the main course;cooperation and collaboration;effectively and efficiently
笔者在一次收听BBC天气预报时听到这样的表达:“…clear,cloudless day”。出于对头韵的敏感意识,便尝试通过Google查询该头韵有哪些典型用法,很容易便得到了一些运用实例,如“What a lovely clear cloudless sky/night”。为进一步调查是否还有类似的头韵表达,利用Google检索,刚输入“clear and c”,搜索引擎就自动弹出“clear and clean;clear and convincing evidence;clear and cut;clear and concise”等表达,说明这些表达是典型的头韵运用,对这些头韵进行进一步检索则能得到丰富的运用实例。
连续性头韵的调查以“clear c*”为检索词(*为通配符),检索到的典型头韵有:
clear cut/case/conscience/communication/co-nnection/commitment/conclusion/contrast/criter-ia/call(按出现频率排列),其中部分典型的运用语例如下:
2a.From my perspective,it was a clear cut case of abuse.
2b.Link verbs are a clear case of verbs with a very limited notional component
2c.She could no longer hope to do so with a happy heart and a clear conscience…
非连续性头韵的调查则以检索“clear and c*”为例,获得的部分典型运用语例如下:
3a.The text is clear and concise
3b.A clear and comprehensive guide to first aid for babies,children and young adults…
3c.This evening will be clear and cold;temperatures falling to below freezing.
3d.… instructions should be clear and consistent
3e.Her voice was clear and confident,her head high.
3f.…you see it was a scorching day and the water bright and clear as crystal.
3g.… give a clear and coherent account of …
3h.The lake water was clear and cool,not cold.
3i.He never lost hope and his mind was clear and calm
3j.with a clear and colorful theme
3k.This structure should be clear and convenient to the reader.
当然,基于类似的方法,利用语料库还可以进行多种形式的头韵调查,比如不针对任何具体词汇的头韵扩展调查。以“c* and c*”为例,考察以C开头,类似于“A and B”结构的非连续性头韵,获得的典型头韵语例如下:
4a.Attempts are made to compare and contrast the different perspectives
4b.I would buy cheap and cheerful clothes,books,food and other essentials.
4c.…explores the causes and consequ-ences of war and violence
4d.… as different as chalk and cheese
4e.They tend to dress for comfort and convenience rather than to impress.
4f.… tried to remain cool,calm and collected
4g.Each rural county in England has a special charm and character.
4h.He was touched by her care and concern but found it difficult to accept
4i.…failing to exercise due care and control of the child.
从结构上,头韵可分为连续性和非连续性头韵。前者如“a clear cut case of abuse;Drink,Dine,Dance” ;后者如“mini but mighty;solving tomorrow’s problems today”,包括交替成韵“Justice delayed is justice denied.Birth is much;breeding is more” 。
从数量上,头韵可分为二字词头韵和多字词头韵,且一般认为,三个词(或以上)的头韵往往效果更好,如“health,happiness and hope for the New Year;Sea,sun,sand,seclusion ——and Spain”。不过,从表达的角度看,押头韵的词太多,也会适得其反。
从使用频率和心理词库角度上,不少头韵属于高频使用,甚至属于心理词库的习俗性表达,如“practice makes perfect,clear as crystal”;有些则是临时性的创意表达,体现了语言表达的无限活力,如“Carefully picked,lovingly packed”(鸡蛋广告)。
修饰与被修饰的关系。这时,词汇往往属于不同词性,如“clear conscience,as Cool/Calm as a cucumber,start from scratch”。
动作与所作用的对象,甚至与其执行者的关系,有时构成完整的语句,如“cut costs/corners,Pei’s Pyramids Puzzle Paris”(标题,讲述贝聿铭设计的玻璃金字塔让巴黎人迷惑不解)。
并列、递进或扩展的关系。这时,头韵词汇的词性往往相同,如“Pride and Prejudice;care and concern;remain cool,calm and collected”。
反义关系,形成鲜明对比。这时词性也往往相同,如“promoting hope not hate;tell facts from fictions;Enhance trust,reduce trouble,develop cooperation and avoid confrontation”。
以上分类表明,头韵能够形成多种结构和语义关系,不过,从宏观上来看,头韵取得的修辞效果大致分为两个层次。最基本的层次是音韵语感,利用字母文字的特殊语音效果,即通过相同或相近的语音,使语音和节奏更加悦耳。更高层次则是语义表达,独特的语音效果使构成头韵的词汇之间倍增了一种关联,体现了表达者的睿智和匠心。试比较两个标题“The Menace of Money”和“Money is Bad”,其修辞效果便大为不同。再加上构成头韵的词汇之间通过语义重复、递进、扩展和对比等手段,能够进一步产生强调、幽默等独特的修辞效果,如“…is a story of struggle,sadness,and success;Justice: delayed,dismissed,denied;fortune favors fools”(傻人有傻福)。