A Complex World Underground


疯狂英语·新悦读 2018年3期

⊙ By Rupert Borrington

翻译:T Boy

如果说你从狐獴与卷尾鸟的故事联想到人与人之间常常发生的情形,那么,以下这篇对蚂蚁世界的描述,一定会让你为蚂蚁与人类之间极高的相似度感到惊讶不已。英式发音 适合泛听语速:100词/分钟


Insects have1)evolved 2)sophisticatedsocieties that, in3)complexity, are the closest thing in nature to our own cities.

The insects that built this structure in Argentina 4)dominatethe surrounding grasslands, thanks to skills that seem almost more human than insect. It’s a5)metropolis,a home to millions of ants.

1) evolve [ɪ΄vɒlv] v. 发展,演变

2) sophisticated [sə΄fɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj. 高度发展的,精密复杂的

3) complexity [kəm΄pleksɪtɪ] n. 复杂性

4) dominate [΄dɒmɪneɪt] v. 支配

5) metropolis [mɪ΄trɒpəlɪs] n. 都市,都会

The6)colony needs a huge supply of food. It’s surrounded by grass, but the ants themselves can’t digest a7)bladeof it.8)Nonetheless,they collect it. Although they’re all the same species, they exist in different shapes and sizes. The heads of these big-9)jawedindividuals are not full of brain, but10)brawn. They give the species its name—they are grass cutters.

They work all day, every day. The smaller ants,down on the ground, are11)porterswith the job of carrying the grass12)segmentsback to the colony. They have great strength. Their main problem is balance.13)Columns of them carry the grass back to the nest along highways as straight as Roman roads.

Different members of the colony specialise in particular tasks in much the same way as people do.But, as in human society, there can be problems. A14)hitch-hiker makes one ant’s job much harder. And this isn’t even grass.

A single colony harvests half a tonne of grass a year,more than any other animal on these15)plains. But since they themselves can’t eat it, why do they do so?

The answer lies underground. They have one of the most extraordinary survival16)strategiesin the insect world. The ants have dug a network of17)tunnelsthat18)extend19)downwardsfor over seven metres. At the heart of the colony lies the key to their survival.A20)fungus. But this isn’t21)sloppyhousekeeping. This is a fungus that is found nowhere else on earth. And the ants22)cultivateit23)assiduously. The big-jawed ants chop up the grass, covering it with an24)antibiotic25)salivathat kills every kind of fungus except this one.The ants are farmers. They feed the grass to the fungus and the fungus26)thrives. The ants cultivate27)dozens of these fungus gardens throughout the colony. This is what they eat.

The system is so efficient that a single colony can have five million members.

6) colony [΄kɒlənɪ] n. 集群,群体

7) blade [bleɪd] n. 草叶,叶片

8) nonetheless [nʌnðə΄les] conj. 尽管如此,但是

9) jawed [dʒɔːd] adj. 有颌的,有颚的

10) brawn [brɔːn] n. 肌肉

11) porter [΄pɔːtə(r)] n. 搬运工

12) segment [΄seɡmənt] n. 部分,片段

13) column [΄kɒləm] n. 纵队

14) hitch-hiker [΄hɪtʃ΄haɪkə] n. 搭便车者

15) plain [pleɪn] n. 平原,草原

16) strategy [΄strætɪdʒɪ] n. 战略,策略

17) tunnel [΄tʌn(ə)l] n. 地道,隧道

18) extend [ɪk΄stend] v. 延伸

19) downwards [΄daʊnwədz] adv. 向下

20) fungus [΄fʌŋɡəs] n. 真菌,复数为fungi或funguses。

21) sloppy [΄slɒpɪ] adj. 草率的,随便的

22) cultivate [΄kʌltɪveɪt] v. 种植,栽培

23) assiduously [ə΄sɪdjʊəslɪ] adv. 勤勉地

24) antibiotic [æntɪbaɪ΄ɒtɪk] adj. 抗生的,抗菌的

25) saliva [sə΄laɪvə] n. 口水,唾液

26) thrive [θraɪv] v. 繁荣,旺盛

27) dozen [΄dʌz(ə)n] n. 一打,12个

28) asphyxiate [æs΄fɪksɪeɪt] v. 使窒息

29) ingenious [ɪn΄dʒiːnɪəs] adj. 聪明的,有发明天才的

30) surface [΄sзːfɪs] n. 表面

31) breeze [briːz] n. 微风

32) stale [steɪl] adj. 不新鲜的

33) vent [vent] n. 通风孔

34) armour [΄ɑːmə] n. (动植物的)防护器官

35) adaptability [əˌdæptə΄bɪlətɪ] n. 适应性

But the fungus is also dangerous. As it grows, it releases carbon dioxide that could28)asphyxiatethe entire colony. The ants’ way of dealing with this danger is29)ingenious.They construct their nest so that it has an automatic air-conditioning system.The outer30)surfaceis so shaped that the slightest31)breezesucks out32)staleair through these central33)vents. At the same time, fresh air is drawn down through the outer vents, right into the heart of the nest.

Our own societies have existed for thousands of years, but insect societies have lasted for millions. There may be ten million different kinds of insects and there are 200 million individuals for every one of us. The insects’ flexible34)armourand their35)adaptabilityhas made them the most abundant and the most diverse animal group in our planet’s history.


文章一开头就表明蚂蚁世界与人类社会高度相似(the closest thing in nature to our own cities),随后在文章里多次以不同方式提醒受众这一点,强化印象。文章既用了再明白不过的文字把蚂蚁与人类作比较,如seem almost more human than insect、in much the same way as people do、as in human society等;又用了一些人类社会特有的词汇,给蚂蚁赋予人的特性,如:metropolis、Roman roads、hitchhiker、housekeeping、farmer、air-conditioning system等。这种多次呼应的手法是一种突出主题的写作方式,同学们可以反复阅读本文,细细体会这种写作手法,日后运用到自己的写作中去。












