

世界建筑导报 2018年1期













“旋涡纹样的力量通过卷草纹设计传递予风吕敷包裹的物件。物件的内部力量慢慢苏醒,物件开始有了心跳。风吕敷的旋涡纹样不仅仅起到装饰作用。对于亚洲人而言,旋涡纹样是一种神圣的图式,可将物件的内力与人心相连通。旋涡纹样随处可见,它就像催化剂催化出物件的内部力量。“大家的森林:岐阜媒体中心”是我接下来要说的项目。该项目是一幢图书馆综合建筑,内设美术馆、小礼堂和公共交流空间。该建筑位于日本中部山地地区,四周林木繁茂。建筑高2层,每层楼面积为90m x 80m。第二层是连续的流动空间,未设分隔墙。阅读区的“globe”形似大伞,由聚碳酸酯的纺织物制成。





What is the “soul of architecture”? This is the same question as “what is architecture” for me. We can discover the “soul of architecture” by pursuing the answer to the question of“what is architecture”.

On March 11th, 2011, a large magnitude-9 earthquake hit the north-eastern part of Japan. The unleashed tsunami took more than 20,000 lives. After the tsunami, nothing but rubble was leftover. In the aftermath of the disaster, I visited many places and saw the people who had lost their homes and towns. Most of the residents had taken refuge in the gymnasiums at primary schools. Many of them were old men and women who had been working as farmers or fi shermen, their daily lives were quite a contrast compared to the lifestyles of the modern people living in big cities. The residents struck by the disaster had no choice but to move to temporary housing in the aftermath of the tsunami. When I visited, I noticed that the space of their temporary housing was so tiny, like a small container box. These temporary shelters were made based on a modernist philosophy and were ill-suited for the lifestyles of the farmers and fisherman. The primary objective of this temporary housing was to create and assure privacy for each family, but this resulted in creating separate, closed units that were very isolating. As a result, many people were very lonely living in these small, secluded boxes. Seeing all the destruction and the inadequate state of their temporary housing, I asked myself, “what can I do as an architect?”.

So, I decided to ask for donations to build “Minna no Ie (Home-for-All)”, a small communal house for the residents living in temporary housing. While only 40m2 in size, the communal house contained an engawa, a doma, a big table, a wood burning stove, and a tatami space. It is made from a wooden structure and opens to nature, similar to the farm houses that the local people had been accustomed to living in before the tsunami. When the residents saw this “Home-for-All”, they were so pleased and they cried tears of joy.For me, this creation is not “artwork” but “architecture”.

Today, reconstruction in the towns damaged by the Tsunami is moving forward. But much of the reconstruction is still based on a modernist architectural ideology. Every area follows almost the same plan. They cut and fl atten the land in the mountainous area for new housing, fi ll in the seaside areas with this soil, and construct high seawalls. If the height of the seawall is 10m, the width of the base is 60–80m wide. These massive seawalls have the same section as the pyramids. The connection between the sea and the living area is sharply bisected by these walls. The fi shermen cannot see the sea at all. Modernist architectural ideology states that people can dominate nature through technology. But the people who lived in these tsunami stricken areas acknowledge that they can never overcome nature. Instead, they fear nature, they respect nature and they show gratitude for the blessings of nature.

In contrast, traditional housing areas in Tokyo are developed into high-rise apartments or office buildings rapidly every year. The taller the buildings, the more they are divided from nature and blend all together as indistinguishable towers within the urban metropolis. My image of Tokyo is that of a city covered in homogeneous grids. In the near future, I fear the people and living spaces of Tokyo will become almost unrecognizable from one another as all becomes more and more disconnected from nature.

I am impressed by the essay “The Ethics of Architecture” by Shinichi Nakazawa (a cultural anthropologist). He says when the people in Tibet build temples, they ask the “God of the Earth” to allow the construction. This is because even the people in Tibet must utilize geometry when they build architecture. But in contrast, nature itself is always fl uid like swirls. The resulting man-made geometry con fl icts against this natural fl uidity. This creates a sharp contradiction.

The exterior view of the temple gives viewers a rational impression due to the traces of geometry. But when people enter inside, this geometry fades out, and the dynamism of nature is revived again. The interior space of the temple brings the visitors back to nature by appealing to their fi ve senses: the scent of the numerous candles burning, the vision of the richly colored textiles, the dramatic mysterious light, and so on. I am very interested in this transformation of the Cartesian grid into the dynamic fl uid space of nature and wanted to explore this concept in a number of my projects.

At the National Taiwan University, College of Social Sciences, I wanted to create a comfortable space based on the idea of man reading under a tree, feeling a gentle breeze. To realize this vision, I introduced a radial geometry like a pattern of lotus fl owers. When connecting these patterns, the center points of the columns are determined. Then, by using a Voronoi pattern, the fi nal shape of the roof was determined. Altogether, it looks like the leaves of a lotus flower. By using these algorithms, the image of reading under the trees was realized.Recently I also participated in the restoration project of Jikido of Yakushi-ji, one of the most popular temples in Nara, built 1300 years ago. This temple is made up of five main buildings, all the buildings except Toto (East tower) were rebuilt recently. Jikido was originally a dining space for monks. The outside had to be reconstructed in the original style, but the inside could be designed almost freely, and was to be used as gallery and event space. I was tasked with designing the interior space. At the center of the space, a large painting of Amidah (Amida Nyorai) by a Japanese painter is hung with 14 landscape paintings by the same painter exhibited on either side. These paintings illustrate the travels of the monk from Seian, the capital of China in old days, to Nara, Japan. Nara, the old capital of Japan, was created based on a Cartesian grid and yet the natural landscape is allowed to intrude inside this grid space. The ceiling design is intended to be an extension of Amidah’s halo. It is made of aluminum panels hung from the ceiling. The panels were laser cut and dyed a golden hue. The pattern of the ceiling is that of continuous waves of concentric circles.

In the old days, the oriental arabesque was very popular as the pattern of furoshiki. The ancient paintings of the lion called Karajishi is made up of these complex swirls. In speaking about these patterns, Kohei Sugiura,a famous graphic designer in Japan, wrote the beautiful essay.

“The power of the swirl transfers to the item wrapped by Furoshiki with the arabesque design. The internal force of the item awakens, and the item begins to have a heart. The swirls of Furoshiki act beyond the role of mere decoration. For Asian people, the swirl symbolizes a holy image that connects the heart of an item to human beings. The swirl is a catalyst to incite the internal force of items, and this pattern can be found everywhere.”

The next project I want to mention is ‘Minna no Mori’ Gifu Media Cosmos. This project is a library complex which contains an art gallery, small auditorium and communication space for the local people. It is located in the mountainous area of central Japan. The building has only 2 stories but each floor plate is 90m x 80m,surrounded by a lush landscape. The space on the and floor is fluid and continuous, without walls. The “globes”in the reading space look like large umbrellas, and are made from a combination of polycarbonate and a fabric textile.

This section shows the main concept of the building. The globes gather air and natural light from the top and gently fi lter in light. The site is close to a big river, so we wanted to use this underground water source within

the building since its temperature is stable throughout the year. Groundwater flows through the concrete slabs of the 1st and 2nd floor to either warm or cool the building. This radiant fl oor system circulates the groundwater to create a comfortable indoor climate. In addition to the radiant heating and cooling system, the warm or cool air also circulates in the entire space based on seasonality. In the summer, the warm air rises and eventually discharges from the top of the globes. In the winter, the warm air circulates in the globes simply by shutting the openings at the top. At Gifu, we have reduced the energy consumption to half of what conventional buildings use by utilizing natural energy as much as possible.

In addition to the energy system, the roof is a timber structure made from local hinoki (Japanese cypress). The structural system is very special. Each timber piece is only 2cm thick, which makes it very easy to bend. The roof is created by laying these timber members at 60-degree angles to create the undulating roof. By making the roof form wavy, the structure becomes stronger since it acts as a structural shell. The undulating roof form also promotes the circulation of air and harmoniously blends into the surrounding landscape. On the 2nd fl oor, we can smell the fragrant hinoki. The most suitable spaces for reading are beneath the globes. The globes are hung from the ceiling on the second fl oor and range in four sizes: from 8 to 14 meters in diameter. The bookshelves are all arranged in spirals beneath the center of each globe, creating very fl uid spaces underneath. People can wander freely and pick and choose from the eleven diあerent reading spaces.

Finally, I have to mention the Taichung Opera House in Taiwan. It is a complex that contains three theaters: Grand Theater with 2000 seats, Playhouse with 800 seats, Black Box with 200 seats. The backstage of the Black Box can be opened and connected to the outdoor amphitheater. The exterior view shows the contrast between the rectangular form and the threedimensional curve. Like the Taiwan University Library project, this project also starts from a grid geometry, but transforms it. The grid pattern is transformed into a continuous three-dimensional curve. The structural model of this building is very complex. This section reveals how the space is fl uid and continuous like liquid. This project took a total of 11 years to complete from the initial competition stage, opening last autumn on September 30th. After the opening, I am happy to see that the opera house bustles with the activity of people every day.

All these projects represent the “Soul of Architecture” for me, which at its core comes from a sympathy to nature. This sentiment about nature is the same that the farmers and fi shermen in the tsunami-stricken area held. Even in our contemporary society, we should not cease to forget that human beings are a part of nature, thus architecture is also a part of nature.

