

世界建筑导报 2018年1期


建筑师:XZA 建筑事务所- Theoni Xanthi , Thodoris Androulakis,Spiros Yiotakis, Margarita Zakynthinou

合作建筑师:Y. Andreadis - YAP, Fereos 及合伙人建筑事务所

项目团队:P. Pappa, E. Orfanou, N. Keramianakis, K. Varkarolis, S.Chatzis, N. Christidi, E. Keramianaki, and S. Doukas.


设计年份: 2017年

建筑师Theoni Xanthi获得新塞浦路斯国际建筑竞赛一等奖。此次竞赛分为两个阶段,第一阶段共收到129份参赛作品,第二阶段入围7份作品。

项目耗资7 500万欧元,新的考古博物馆将容纳塞浦路斯考古机构所有的重要收藏;同时,博物馆作为“文化之岛”——尼科西亚市的多功能文化设施,功能包括文物部办公室、会议室、图书馆、咖啡馆及餐厅、文化活动平台及一个达42 000平方米的开放的底层景观平台。




Theoni Xanthi wins the two stages international architecture competition for the New Cyprus Museum.(129 proposals on stage A – 7 proposals shortlisted on stage B).

The project of €75m aims to the construction of the new archaeological museum that will host all the outstanding collections of the Cypriot archaeology and at the same time a wider cultural facility for the city of Nicosia, “an island of culture”, including the oきces of the Department of Antiquities, Conference Hall, Library,Café and Restaurant, a platform of cultural activities and the landscaping of an extensive plot of 42 000m².

The museum is sited in Nicosia, close to the medieval city walls, in an intermediate space between the green and urban zones of the city, thus enabling the proposal, through a broad urban and environmental design to function in a unifying way and contribute decisively to the restructuring and upgrading of the urban environment.The intention for highlighting the archeological fi nds from excavation and the past to the light and the present time, led to the emergence of the museum from the ground. This resulted in a new spatial stratigraphy,composed by three horizontal zones. The upper zone with the hovering body of the museum - The Memory layer. The intermediate zone that welcomes the city - The City Layer. The ground zone that hosts everyday functions - The River layer. At the same time, the hovering body of the exhibition is divided in three parts that arose from the museological analysis. The division and sculpture of the vertical and horizontal zones led to a holistic design that incorporated the Urban, Functional, Structural and Bioclimatic demands.

The three raised volumes follow the long sightlines of the environment and are moulded in such a way as to adapt to the triangular plot and adjacent areas. The longitudinal gaps between them create views towards the city and the river, while the bioclimatic canopy de fi nes the empty space and the entrance to the building. The raised museum becomes a bridge that allows the city to pass through, and the elaboration of ground level shapes the extended public space of the building with diあerent qualities. The public square, the entrance area,市与河流景观的视野,同时,成为底层架空部分和建筑入口区域的生态顶棚。架空的博物馆成为城市中的桥梁,允许人们穿越;地面层的布局塑造了建筑向外部延伸的公共空间。公共广场、入口空间、中庭、庭院、室外展览平台、教育花园及河流公园,这些空间满足了日常生活中各种活动的需求。




在当今国际化的大环境下,新的考古博物馆在寻求塞浦路斯文明起源的元素中表达其身份,这不仅表现在物质上,更是将地中海的文化生活特点(例如亲近自然、具有丰富的社交环境、伴有良好的景观视线及光影等)融入在当地人民每天的生活中。在这种层面上,项目的目标是成为一个文化景观装置和地标,培育新的自然环境以及更多种类的活动,使其在城市中焕发新活力。the atrium, the yards, the platform for outdoor exhibitions, the educational garden, and the river park, create spaces that can host everyday life and multiple activities.

The architectural design of the permanent exhibition is materialized by three spatial and conceptual unities, each one corresponding on one of the elevated volumes. The first named TOPOS, narrates prehistory and focuses on the relations of the fi rst settlers of Cyprus with the land and its resources. The second named SEA, focuses on the continuous relation between the island and the sea - the timeless intermediate. The third named COSMOS, concerns the historical times, focusing on the relations and the interactions between Mediterranean cultures.

The fluidity of the exhibition spaces enriches the museological narration,while the mezzanine levels adjust the spatial sizes to the human scale. The large number of small exhibits is integrated into the building envelope and thus the exhibition space acquires fl exibility for the development of alternative and diverse narrative media. The three exhibition spaces are interconnected through transparent bridges, reminding visitor the presence of the living city.

The construction of the museum combines the technological accuracy and the parametrization of the envelope with the earthly substance of the texture and the image of the plastic artwork, a fact which fi nally de fi nes its form and aesthetic presence.

The new archaeological museum -within today’s globalized reality- seeks to express its identity through the elements that gave birth to the Cypriot civilization, not only the materials, but also the characteristics of the Mediterranean life and culture (the proximity of the natural, the meeting centers, the sightlines to the landscape, the search of dense shade etc) that are still alive in the everyday life of the locus. In this meaning, it aims to be a landmark, a cultural installation that would nurture new environments and behaviors, and act as a revitalizing gesture to the city.

