教材解析:本课是牛津英语9A Unit3的的写作课型,围绕单元话题Teenage problems展开的中心任务——用英语写出青少年自己的困惑及解决办法。该话题与学生的实际生活十分接近,很容易引起学生的兴趣和共鸣。本节课通过任务型教学法创设真实语境,力求让学生有话可说,有话可写,并通过调查法和小组合作学习法让学生积累一定的素材,为后期写作成果的呈现做铺垫。
设计过程:Step1. Lead in.
1. T: As a teenager, do you have any problems? What problems do you have? Please ask yourself this question and finish the survey below using full sentences.
2. Ask your partners for help and finish the rest part of the survey. When asking for advice, try to use the model below.
A: I dont know how to deal with it. Could you give me some advice/ suggestions?
B: I think you can/ should/ had better.../ Why not/ Why dont you ...?/ What/ How about ...?
Step2. Pre-writing.
1.Teach new words and phrases “stress/ keep…to oneself”.
T: It seems that most of you have teenage problems. Do you feel stressed because of so much stress? What can you do to deal with these problems?Can you keep them to yourselves?
2.Go through the quiz and circle the best answers to check whether they know the correct ways to solve these teenage problems.
(创设相应的情境教授生词“stress”以及“keep…to oneself”。)
3. Read and answer the following question.
T: Millie also has some problems and doesnt know how to solve them. So she wrote a letter to Raymond for help. Raymond is now replying to her letter. Please read the letter and answer “What problems does Millie have?”
Work in groups and discuss “If you are Raymond, what advice can you offer her”? and try to finish the e-mail.
Step3. While-writing.
1.Let students make a draft before writing about your teenage problems.
2.Write the letter according to the outline you have made.
Step4. Post-writing.
1.Enjoy some students works and evaluate them together.
2.Enjoy a model essay.
Step5. Conclusion.
T: No matter how hard your life is, we should face it bravely and try to solve it in a correct way.