

中国当代医药 2018年36期

赵波 毕欣 杨米凤 廖亚彬 崔晶晶 李艳芳 蒋雪梅

[摘要]目的 調查云南省多种民族儿童夜遗尿症(PNE)的患病率,为进一步推广PNE诊治技术提供依据。方法 2016年4月~2017年12月,采用整群随机抽样的方法,选取云南省不同的8个少数民族聚集地辖区内的幼儿园、小学、初中、高中的儿童和青少年进行PNE的流行病学调查。采用部分现场发放调查问卷(2016年4~12月),部分微信问卷调查、网络回收(2017年3~12月)的方式。结果 实际共发放调查问卷10 023份,回收9252份,有效问卷9133份,有效回收率为91.1%。云南省5~18岁儿童PNE的患病率为2.4%,其中汉族2.0%,彝族2.1%,白族1.6%,纳西族1.8%,藏族5.6%,傣族1.3%,回族3.9%,哈尼族1.2%。5岁时的患病率为6.5%,7岁3.6%,10岁2.1%,18岁0.3%,有随年龄的增加逐渐降低的趋势。本组资料中48.7%有家族史,15.6%有便秘史,9.0%有日间尿频,65.0%有睡前饮水、喝奶习惯。结论 云南省少数民族5~18岁的儿童PNE的患病率2.4%,但就诊率低,应引起重视。调查中患病率最高的藏族5.6%,除生活习惯、文化教育水平等因素外,是否与民族、地域环境、海拔有关,有待进一步研究。


[中图分类号] R181.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)12(c)-0150-03

[Abstract] Objective To provide evidence for the further promotion of diagnosis and treatment of nocturnal enuresis, which was necessary for investigating the prevalence and epidemiology of nocturnal enuresis in children of ethnic minorities in Yunnan Province. Methods From April 2016 to December 2017, a randomized cluster sampling survey was conducted to randomly select children and adolescents from kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and senior high school in eight different ethnic minority areas in Yunnan Province to conduct epidemiological investigations. The survey collected data by using the on-site survey questionnaires (from Apply to December 2016), and the Wechat questionnaires which extracted data through internet (from March to December 2017). Results Actually, a total of 10 023 questionnaires were distributed and 9252 questionnaires were finally collected. Among them, 9133 effective questionnaires had an effective recovery rate of 91.1%. The prevalence of primary nocturnal enuresis disease among children aged 5 to 18 in Yunnan Province was 2.4%. From the ethnic composition of the survey population, the incidence rate of the Han nationality was 2.0%, Yi people was 2.1%, Bai people was 2.1%, Naxi people was 2.1%, Tibetan was 5.6%, Dai people was 1.3%, Hui people was 3.9%, Hani people was 1.2%. From the age structure of the survey population, the incidence rate at age 5 was 6.57%, at age 7 was 3.6%, at age 10 was 2.1% and at age 18 was 0.3%, which suggests that the prevalence of this disease has a tendency to gradually decrease with age. In all our survey data, 48.7% of the patients had a family history of nocturnal enuresis, 15.6% of the patients have constipation, 9.0% of the patients have urinary frequency symptoms during the day, 65.0% of the patients require a habit of drinking water before bedtime. Conclusion The prevalence of primary nocturnal enuresis disease among children aged 5 to 18 in Yunnan Province was 2.4%, which deserves our attention. The highest prevalence of nocturnal enuresis in this survey was Tibetans(5.6%), and the lowest prevalence was Hani people(1.2%). Whether these survey results were related to factors such as the level of cultural and educational standards of various nationalities, and whether or not they were also related to the elevation or environment both need for further research.

[Key words] Yunnan; Ethnic minorities; Primary nocturnal enuresis; Epidemiological investigation










采用SPSS 10.0统计软件对数据进行统计学分析,计量资料用均数±标准差(x±s)表示,采用t检验,计数资料用百分率(%)表示,采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。


实际发放调查问卷10 023份,回收9252份,有效问卷9133份,有效回收率为91.1%。云南省5~18岁儿童、青少年PNE的患病率为2.4%,藏族患病率最高,与汉族比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)(表1)。云南省儿童PNE 5岁时的患病率6.5%,有随年龄的增加逐渐降低的趋势(表2)。






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Jiao Ayi| 《娇阿依》