Large Goji Berry Industry: Industrialization Process of Ningxia Goji Berry


中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2018年3期

Wang Zihao, Ma Hao, Kang Yang

(School of Ethnology,North Minzu University,Yinchuan,Ningxia,750021)

Abstract: Goji is a general name that refers to products of goji berry,Ningxia goji and other subspecies of chinese goji berry. In Ningxia, goji is a topic that people cannot be avoided. To outsiders, goji berry is as important to Ningxia as its label and its local name card. As the only variety listed in the“China Pharmacopoeia 2010”, Ningxia goji berry is not only a kind of medicine, but also a commodity or cultural product.Based on the investigation and study of Zhongning goji berry in Ningxia, from the history and culture and myths and legends of Ningxia goji berry, the paper explores the problems existing in the process of the industrialization of the Ningxia goji berry as well as their solutions, analyzes the development of industrialization process,and actively promotes the industrialization development of Ningxia goji berry process according to its own advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Ningxia,Goji berry,industrialization

I. Brief Introduction of Ningxia Goji Berry

The Goji berry(pinyin:Gouqi),perennial shrub,also named as Tianjing, Dixian, Digu, Quelaozhi,Xianrenzhi in Chinese. The goji berry is red like rouge, and it grows on the sides of deep loess gullies or slopes.With abundant resources of wild goji berry in ancient China,the use of Chinese goji berry history can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties.“The Book of Songs,Lesser Court Hymns, Decade of Bei Men”records that “I ascend that northern hill,and gather the medlars”in the Spring and Autumn Period, 3,000 years from now. There are many sentences about goji in “The Classic of Mountains and Seas”, but they are not Zhongning goji berry, in which Haineijing (four chapters each) description about“Gou”(pinyin)refers to citron or the tall arbor,while most trees in the Huashan Mountain are“qi”(pinyin)means Salix integra.Lu Ji said in his book of“Commentary”: “qi is a kind a willow, living near water, has thick and white leaves, and a little red. In the mountain of east beginning, “There are some trees like aspen trees but with red leaves, and its juice is red like blood,it is called is Qi,which can be given to horse.”People can clearly know that the qi is not goji berry.The goji berry of Chongwu Mountain is similar to Zhongning goji berry.“There is a kind of tree in the mountain,round leaves,white flower buds,red flowers with black texture, fruit and sturdy similar. It helps people to have more children and grandchildren”. “Lu Ji, Commentary of Grass and Trees”says that“bitter qi,red,will wipe in Autumn and it is good for health, which mentioned here should be Goji, Zhongning Goji. According to research, the Chongwu Mountain is the Zhongwei Xiangshan, Zhongning Tianjing Mountain on the southern end of the Zhongning County,in Ningxia. It is also the first time that Zhongning goji berry has appeared in ancient Chinese books.

The record of Zhongning goji berry in“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”has no name,and the word“Goji”was first used in the book of“Shennong Classic of Materia Medica”. Li Shizhen said“Goji,the name of two trees including cotoneaster thorns,stem as the branch of Ji, so it is named as Goji.”It can be seen from the book that ancient Chinese Goji is not what is now called goji berry. Ancient books have“Thousand years of Chinese goji berry,its shape like dog, so it is called Goji.”The properties and efficacy of Zhongning goji berry is different from“Gou”, “genus Hovenia”and “Qi”. Therefore,Zhongning goji berry has no name originally, in the early days was borrowed from the “qi”this title,because we cannot accurately describe the characteristics of its appearance, also can’t distinguish between distinct species in nature.Due to the shape, the goji berry formed. Because of its precious and medicinal functions such as health care,the term “Goji”is gradually known by people. In terms of time, Zhongning goji berry enjoys a long history.The goji berry was recorded in“The Classic of Mountains and Seas”, “The Book of Songs”,“Shennong Classic of Materia Medica”, and the goji berry was classified into Western Xia goji berry used in classical medicine, Ningxia goji berry in the Yuan and Ming dynasties, Ning’an goji berry in the Qing dynasty and Zhongning goji berry since the founding of new China. It’s worth mentioning that a species was recorded in “the Records of History”without origin and efficacy,which is similar to Zhongning goji berry, so people can only guess that it may be a variety of Zhongning goji berry that has some variation after being introduced to other places. It is sure that the Zhongning goji berry was mainly used a wild medicinal plant in the long history of development, from ancient times to the mid-Ming dynasty. The starting date of artificial cultivation of goji berry has not been determined, and there is no clear record in ancient books. “The Ningxia Chorography in Xuande’s Reign is the first Ningxia chorography, it recorded the goji berry. Ningxia Xinzhi, which was written in the 14th year of Hongzhi,listed Chinese goji berry as a tribute for the first time. In the “Compendium of Materia Medica”recorded that“Goji berry grows in various mountains,plains, and slope, it blossom purple flowers in June and July,and its fruits are red like jujube.”The wild goji berry is similar to artificially plant Chinese goji berry in terms of fruit shape and other aspects, but it is far from reaching the grade of fruit.In the grade of Chinese goji berry,the wild goji berry can only reach fifth, so it cannot be regarded as tribute. The goji berry was tribute mentioned during the reign of Emperor Hongzhi., which means that the artificial cultivation of goji berry was in the latest during the reign of Hongzhi.

The Chinese goji berry has always enjoyed the reputation of the being Lingcao. The Tang Dynasty poet Jiaoran wrote a poem,“Chinese Goji berry Song of Cham Chu”,which mentioned that“The precious grass from the heaven grows in the earth by chance.”The spirit land is still unknown,but when it comes to the growing environment of Chinese goji berry,Zhongning is definitely an excellent place for planting Chinese goji berry. Zhongning enjoys a unique geographical environment, with excellent growth quality of Chinese goji berry, which is also known throughout the country and even around the world due to its abundance, and named as“the hometown of Chinese goji berry”by the State council of China. The Chinese goji berry comes down in one continuous line, and the author believes that Zhongning goji berry is famous depending on the unique geographical environment of Zhongning.

There is a fairy tale in Zhongning that the gods were in charge of human affairs in heaven in ancient times. There is such a kind of fairy fruit growing on the Kunlun Mountain. Thanks for dead leaves of the peach tree fall on the ground and the fruits that fall on the ground,after thousands of years of gestation,a fairy tree were born.The phoenix feeds on the fruit of the fairy tree. It is said that this thing can make the person who eat the fruit immortal,so this fairy tree is also known as the“undead tree”,also known as the“Tree of Life”. One year, a plague broke out among people,and people have no way to make a living.The mortal people suffered from the lack of a cure for the plague.Therefore,the prince who was specializing in human epidemics sent the god of the phoenix to plant the seed of the tree of life. After the god phoenix sprinkles the fairy fruit on the earth, it stays in the world to guard the tree of life. Since then, goji has taken root in the magical land of Zhongning,and as a result, there has been more “spirituality”in the world.

According to the research, “Chinese goji berry is rich in polysaccharides, multiple amino acids,carotenoids, vitamins and minerals, which can strengthen the immunity, anti-tumor, anti-fatigue,anti- radiation, hypoxia-tolerant, hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic,anti-aging treating Aids and skincare effect”[1]. The effective ingredients in Ningxia goji berry are higher than wolfberries in other regions;one of the most important ingredients of goji berry polysaccharides is as high as 8%, which is 2.7-4 times of the goji berry in other regions,so the Ningxia goji berry is the best medicinal goji berry. The Chinese goji berry is defined in “Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic”as“The dry and ripe fruit of nightshade Lycium barbarum L.”[2]. There is a common saying in the folk that goji berry is“The panacea to enhancing men’s energy, and improving women’s complexion”.

II Industrialization Process of Ningxia Goji Berry

The industrialization process of Ningxia goji berry is only promoted by the government and it also needs the active assistance provided by people.Since the 1990s, the government has formulated relevant development policies for Chinese goji berry so as to the planting area, yield and output value of Chinese goji berry increased.

1.Driving Force of the Government

With the development of society, Ningxia goji berry has gradually started its industrialization process after entering the modern era. Since 1997,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has launched the“construction project of high-quality brand Chinese goji berry base”,adopted the operation mechanism of“government + science and technology”and the development mode of combination of scientific research, teaching, promotion and management,formulated a series of preferential policies, and increased investment and support for Chinese goji berry industry[3]. The People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region forwarded the Ningxia Forestry Bureau’s Advice on the Implementation of the“Action Plan of Free-Pollution Goji berry”and issued the “Notice”in February 2002. First of all, Ningxia should develop the contiguous areas so as to promote the large-scale planting of Chinese goji berry. Secondly, Ningxia should select high quality varieties,and push forward the cultivation of high-quality goji berry. Thirdly,Ningxia should summarize and promote high-quality and efficient cultivation techniques, and launch intensive management of Chinese goji berry, so that the yield per unit area of Chinese goji berry will increase from 70 kilograms per mu to more than 200 kilograms. Fourthly, Ningxia should apply advanced technology to improve the commercial level of goji berry production areas.[3]In 2003, the CPC Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and government listed the Chinese goji berry as the strategic leading industry of Ningxia agriculture, and formulated a series of supportive policies and development measures to promote continuous expansion of planting area of Ningxia Chinese goji berry, overall improvement of product quality, rapid development of scale and continuous expansion of market brands[4].

Taking the planting project of Maqu goji berry as an example,the variety of goji berry was Ningnong goji berry No. 1 and 0901, which were planted 1:1.Water-saving drip irrigation was adopted in the project area. The planting project is launched in Maqu settlement area, Xinzhuangji Township,Hongsibu County,covering an area of 4,366 mu.The Project area is divided into 6 planting area including No.4 to 10,of which the area plant Ningnong No.5 is 684 mu; No.9, 175 mu; No.10, 1, 000 mu; the 986 mu No. 6;1,071 mu No.7;450 mu No.8 was planted since the beginning of April, and completed the planting in April 14.During the planting, labor force in Maqu settlement area reached 650, and workers are expected to obtain income of 330,000 Yuan. The total construction investment of the project is 17.1116 million Yuan, of which the direct charge of the project is 15.0696 million Yuan, the temporary works expense is 150.7 thousand Yuan, and the independent expense is 1.8913 million Yuan. The project gained sources of funds through agricultural integration. The management period of this project is one year,and the content of the management is all the work content before picking, such as replanting,watering, fertilizing, dosing, weeding and pipe protection, which ensures the survival rate of goji berry and the purity of varieties up to 85%.One year later, the project was handed over to Village Committee by contracting firm Ningxia Red Agricultural Technology Development Co. LTD,which was then handed over to the villagers for joint jurisdiction. After the implementation of the project,it provided about 6,000 jobs for Maqu rural surplus labor, with estimated additional revenue of over 21 million Yuan. The agricultural production conditions will be greatly improved, and the reasonable collocation of agricultural land structure will be greatly optimized so as to improve the agricultural ecosystem in the project area, giving full play to the obvious benefits of water conservation, moisture preservation and fertilizer conservation, which is conducive to the establishment of a new agricultural ecosystem[5].

2.Support from Research Institutions

Over the years,the scientific research of Ningxia goji berry has achieved rapid development,a batch of world-class scientific research achievements of the autonomous region won various awards. A series of products produced with Chinese goji berry as raw material, research team and outstanding achievements of Chinese goji berry production management experts emerge endlessly. The unique Chinese goji berry social organizations ─ Ningxia Goji berry Association has been set up, which lies solid foundation for the development of Ningxia goji berry. The science and technology should play a leading role in types, varieties, quality, and production and management of products, so that goji berry production can be transferred from small extensive production of households to joint corporation production, from primary products of pure goji berry dried berry to high quality products of many varieties and types, from rough packaging and no-brand products to fine packaging of famous brand products, from small vendors of decentralized management to chain management of group. The change can address a series of problems such as simple products, high cost and poor management, so that people can take goji berry production, process and sales as an organic whole, make full use of association to connect the farmers and markets, and enable the production and processing of goji berry products to enter the market rapidly with the minimum cost to realize its value and turn it into an economic advantage[6].

3. Increase of Plant Area, Yield and Quality of Goji Berry

The Yinchuan state-owned Nanliang farm was designated as an export supply base of goji berry by the People’s Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 1987, and its products were awarded gold award at the first China agricultural expo in 1992, and the planting area of this farm in the mid-1980s reached 3,000 mu[7].In 1997,there were 23,000 mu of goji berry base in Ningxia, with output of 1.4 million kilogram and output value of 26 million Yuan[4].In 2002,the total area of goji berry planting area was 205,000 mu, and the output reached 23,642 tons, and the output value was more than 550 million Yuan[3]. Compared with five years ago, it was a leap increase, the planting area of goji berry was further increased to 320,000 mu, the output was 40 million kilograms,and the output value was 1.2 billion Yuan in 2004[4].

At present, as an important tourism commodity in the autonomous region, the goji berry has become an important representative industry in Ningxia. To play the core demonstration leading role in Ningxia,the Zhongning County creates the world famous brand as the breakthrough point,develops the leisure agriculture,and strives to establish the demonstration area of export food quality and safety according development ideas of“regional layout,scale planting,standardized management, organic production, brand management, international sales”of the modern industry[8].

4. Method of Industrialization of Ningxia Goji Berry

In the modern industrialization process of Ningxia goji berry, enhancing the added value and creating a diversified industrial chain is indispensable.The former is the direct way to realize industrialization of Ningxia goji berry, the fruits of goji berry are main products in history,and the leaves and stems of goji berry are by-products. Under the tide of marketization, the Ningxia goji berry industry learns from the experiences in added value to milk products of other regions,and develops more than 50 varieties in 9 series including condensed juice, bud tea, beverages, goji berry-seed oil, polysaccharides,and function powder, and has a large number of world and national famous brand such as“Ningxia Red”,“Zaokang”and“Goji berry Bud”. At present,there are 13 processing enterprises for goji berry in Zhongning County, with the annual yield of 20, 000 tons, sales income of 800 million Yuan[7]. The industry of Ningxia goji berry focuses on processing products of goji berry and building a goji berry sightseeing garden and goji berry museum so as to display the goji berry historical culture, industrial distribution, research achievements, goji berry farming tools,eating tools,series products,halal food and specialty of tourist products of China and Ningxia. A museum located in Zhongning County is under construction, which will become a modern tourism commodities center integrating local Chinese goji berry sightseeing, leisure, business and experience[7].

III. Analysis of Industrialization Process of Ningxia Goji berry

Ningxia goji berry as a commodity gets highly evaluation by widely consumers, it is not only a commodity, but also is a kind of culture. The purchase price of a per half-kilo goji berry after being picked is only a few dollars, but the updated quotation of May 14, 2018 is 42-58 Yuan per kg for the mixed price of Chinese goji berry according to China Zhongning website.The price gap is caused by the high quality of the processing and the cultural connotation of Chinese goji berry given by people.As the slogan that: “High-quality goji berry is expensive”. Since the beginning of the Shanhai Jing,Zhongning goji berry has its own rich Chinese culture. From the perspective of Zhongning goji berry, people can know the systematic cultivation of Zhongning goji berry is just like the historical process of the evolution of Chinese traditional culture. From its red appearance like fire and fruit,it contains a lot of water, just like the perfect compatibility of water and fire. Meanwhile, the Chinese goji berry can be used as medicine, and each part has magical effect.The characteristics of Chinese goji berry medicine and food has the same complement of Yin and Yang.The development process of goji berry industry adheres to the concept of opening and inclusiveness,and stays true to the mission. The communion with nature accurately and vividly illustrates the world outlook, philosophy of life and values of Chinese culture, which reflects the main viewpoints and system contents of Chinese traditional culture philosophy, Confucianism, aesthetics, Chinese medicine and sociology. Ancient Chinese seek Zhongning goji berry is not only because of its medicinal function and practical value, but also because of its law of nature, traditional virtues,unique culture, aesthetic value, and natural temperament.Therefore,the goji berry is not a simple plant, which represents a unique oriental culture so as to westerners can know our culture through goji berry. Zhongning goji berry enjoys the reputation of“Oriental Magic Fruit”, becomes the representative and symbol of cultural communication between the east and west, with the label, symbol and brand of traditional Chinese culture. Nowadays, Zhongning goji berry has become the internet celebrity product in the US and Europe, in which goji berry has been widely sold and it deeply integrated with the life of local people.Under the background of Belt and Road Initiative,it is very valuable and necessary to explore and study Zhongning goji berry represented by the connotation of Chinese traditional culture. The goji berry is a product that builds Chinese brands, tell Chinese stories and spreads cultural values, which enable it to become a bridge for enhancing emotion and cultural and product exchanges across China and regions.As the previous advertisement on Zhongning goji berry said that:“Goji berry makes love deeper.”The small goji berry reflects the thick friendship between people and the gift of Zhongning goji berry to relatives and friends is not the commodity value of Chinese goji berry,but more importantly,the feelings and culture contained in Chinese goji berry.

Over the years, the CPC Committee and Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region have attached great importance to speeding up the pace of the industrialization construction of goji berry, taking goji berry industry as the pillar industry of social economy with local characteristics and a strategy for peasants to get rid of poverty,which makes goji berry industry in the whole region develop rapidly.

First of all, from the perspective of the production of goji berry, the product category of Ningxia goji berry keeps increasing and the added value keeps increasing, which forms an industrial chain of production and processing to a certain extent. In addition, Ningxia has developed a tourism system that integrates visiting ecological garden of goji berry, the growth line, and picking goji berry,which enables people not only to consume Ningxia goji berry, but also to have a comprehensive understanding of the production of Ningxia goji berry through their own eyes,hands and mouth.

From the perspective of market consumption,the empirical study results demonstrate as follows:“Consumers have high approval on the Ningxia goji berry, more than 70% consumers are willing to buy,and more than 55% consumers are willing to buy high-quality products of goji berry.Due to the lack of product positioning, promotion and sales strategies,almost 24% of consumers still are on the sidelines towards high-quality goji berry products. However,in general, its market prospect is considerable and has certain development potential. As for the consumer purchase intention of Ningxia goji berry,the consumers that are the elder, high-level education people and small family incline to buy more product of goji berry, of which women are more willing to buy than men. The promotion can properly reduce the product price, and boost the sales volumes.In terms of the consumer purchase intention of high-quality goji berry, the consumers who are younger,in a small family,have high average monthly spend and think the products of goji berry have high economic and practical value are willing to buy high-quality products of goji berry. Meanwhile, the high price can position the high-quality products,which can reduce part of consumer purchase intention, but the appropriate price-off promotion activities can increase the purchase intention of consumers”[9]. Therefore, Ningxia goji berry can adjust the industrial development strategy according to the above factors, strengthen the publicity on the premise of ensuring product quality, and enrich the publicity means,especially for women consumers,the family as a unit of consumers can appropriately change the strategy to attract consumers.

To sum up, the government formulates policies,people actively cooperate with others to plant and produce the goji berry with diversified varieties so as to promote the industrialization of Ningxia goji berry.The Ningxia goji berry successfully creates the brand of “Ningxia goji berry”and becomes local card of Ningxia, because it make others understand and know Ningxia rather than the red fruits.