Conception and Reflection of Highway Smart Archives


中阿科技论坛(中英文) 2018年3期

Gao Jingping, Cai Peizhong, Zhang Chang

(The Library of Hunan Agricultural University,Changsha,Hunan Province,410128)

Abstract:Since the launch of 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), China’s highways have shown a good momentum of development. By the end of June 2017, expressways mileage reached 131,000 kilometers, ranking top of the whole world. There are various archives materials produced in the construction of highway including engineering construction project, survey, design, construction,supervision, measurement, completion inspection, operation management and development. As an important part of national archives, all archives materials are the authentic records of history in the development of highway and valuable treasure. At present, the highway archives management in the transformation development starts to explore the way to be digital and smart. Based on the idea of smart archives, the paper puts forward the conception of the highway smart archives and discusses together with the peers, so that it can provide reference for the construction and development of the highway smart archives in China.

Keywords: highway; smart archives; conception

1 Background

1.1 Highway Archives are the Important Strategic Resources

The highway construction of China belongs to the largest project of transportation infrastructure with largest investment in the field of highway engineering construction and it is also the key project in provincial and municipal areas. Since the launch of 12thFive-Year Plan, China’s highways have shown a good momentum of development. The expressways mileage reached 131,000 kilometers by June 2017. With the rapid development of highway,numerous archives are produced,which are authentic records and previous treasure of the highway construction, important documents of the highway construction, and the important part of national archives.

1.2 Information Construction of Highway Archives is Burgeoning

In order to intensify the safekeeping and effective use of archives, Heilongjiang, Shaanxi,Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hunan have established highway archives and pushed forward study and practice on digitization and informatization of highway archives. At the same time, the highway departments of the provinces and municipalities have carried out the construction work of digital archives(platforms) so as to speed up the implementation of“The 13th Five-Year Plan of Transportation Informatization”, and effectively improve the level of informatization, digitalization, networking and intelligence. Taking Hunan highway as an example,the mileage of Hunan highway opened to traffic was 6,080 kilometers, owning the total archives materials about 1 million volumes including 800,000 volumes of engineering files, and 200,000 volumes of the maintenance, road signs business, house-building engineering, and documents by the end of 2016.There are also other materials including accounting files, personnel files, acoustic image files, electronic records, and artifacts. Therefore, the files and materials will be up to 1.3 million by 2020. In order to take good care of the fields and materials, on the one hand, Hunan province helped some departments manage archives and document management systems;on the other hand, Hunan province specially established storehouse with volume of 1.2 million in 2013, developed management platform of digital archives, and set “The Data Standard for Digital Archive of Hunan Province Highway Construction Project”. At the same time, the storage department installed smart high-pressure fire extinguisher systems, constant temperature and humidity system,security system,monitoring system,control room,fire alarm equipment room, and comprehensive smart control room. These measures greatly improved the technical level and efficiency of archives management, and formed the prototype of Hunan highway digital archives.The large digital archives of China’s highways will be an indispensable foundation and valuable resources for smart transportation and smart highway archives.

1.3 Problems in Highway Archives Management

There are some problems in the process of highway archives management.First of all,due to the lack of professionals, storages, protection measures,and unified management,the archives management is ineffective.Furthermore,the archives information has not been fully utilized, making the resources unused and wasted. In addition, the structure of archives is unreasonable[1]. Due to the neglect of archives, the archives information can’t be shared, and its management system applications are in low level.With the further development of China’s information construction, as well as the research, development and construction of smart transportation, smart highway and smart highway archives, the above problems will be solved. Therefore, it is greatly important to develop and construct the smart archives of highways.

2 The Concept ion of Smart Archive

With the rise of smart city in China, new conceptions of smart transportation, smart highway and smart archives came into being.In 2011,Nanjing Archive put forward the concept of“smart archives,happy archives”. Qingdao Archive and Zhengzhou Archive Bureau put forward the construction plan of smart digital archives in 2013. Hangzhou Archive established the “Hangzhou Electronic Archive Center”in September 2014. The Qingdao Smart Archive was put into use in 2015,and many archives in other places of China are under construction. All in all, the construction of smart archives has quietly risen in China.

2.1 The Conception of Smart Archives

At present, due to the lack of depth in the research on smart archives, there is no a clear and widely recognized definition for the smart archives.Some people believe that smart archive is a smart system and platform to solve the problem such as archive collection, management, storage, and utilization according to data,information,intelligence and knowledge[2]. And others argue that smart archive is mode that can manage diversified resources, sense and process information, and provide archives information through some new technologies such as internet of things and cloud computing[3]. This paper aims to study the smart archives of highway, so the smart archive is defined as a smart archive mode that can sense and process resources, provide diversified services to users, and manage information by using the internet of things and cloud computing.

2.2 The Conception of Highway Smart Archives

It is a new archive mode that can sense and process the information resources of the highway life-cycle management such as data, intelligence,knowledge,history so as to realize smart management and ubiquitous service.

3 Function System of Highway Smart Archives

The key of highway smart archives is to break through old concept, scope and mode of archive information, and build a smart management platform combining sense, disposal, collection, integration,management and service. There are five main functions.

3.1 Smart Disposal

Perception is a mark of the smart archives to distinguish with traditional archives. It is the use of sensing technology, sensing tools and media to instantly sense,detect and evaluate the existence and changes of highway archives entities,archive content,file utilization, customers, library equipment and other related information, and intelligent exchange with the disposal process, providing information services for leadership decision-making, archival business work, and file security management. The smart disposal of smart archives is that the smart management system analyzes, judges, controls,develops, detects, investigates, examines, evaluates and manages the highway archives of sensory information to provide visible and quantifiable smart support for archivists according to the policy,knowledge,experience and mode.

3.2 Information Integration and Synergy

In the construction of highway, a majority of files and materials are produced from the engineering construction project, detection, design, construction,supervision, measurement, completion inspection,operation management and development. It is difficult to integrate, manage, store and utilize archives information uniformly, because the archives are from different organizations and business managements;the synergy mechanism is incomplete;and the file classification is unclear. Therefore, it raises the question of “information islands”,“business islands”, “application islands” and“control islands”. Although local highways have or are building digital archives(platforms), it is difficult to solve above problems. To realize the coordinated development of archives business, people design smart archives of highway through information sharing,event correlation and operational cooperation to integrate related businesses, giving all workers of resources management, business departments,external resources to the interaction and mutual coordination. For example, people can check inventory archives through the system to sense the missing and quantity changes, search automatically missing archives and records and find out some existing problems.

3.3 Smart Ubiquitous Service

Efficient service is the soul of smart archives.In the construction of smart archives,user experience is mostly ignored.[4]Therefore, through network convergence,mobile digital technology,the service of highway smart archives will extend its business field,create a people-oriented, multi-coordinated smart service system with the ability of analysis,conduction, management and decision. The first part is the demand of internal management service.Aiming to the demand of highway archives business,the internal information service of the archives system should be maximized as far as possible, so that workers can make use of the required information conveniently and carry out work more quickly.The demand of external service is the second part. For the utilization demand of archives, through Internet and Internet of Things, people can establish mobile archives in PAD and smart phones to make users and workers retrieve, consult and information in anywhere, and build smart service platforms for users.

3.4 Smart Information Collection and Management Function

The information collection includes as-built documentation, file collection of archives, digital archive, media information and management system of highway memory vault. And there are five parts of the management functions including entity management, digital resource management, data mining, knowledge management and business management. The function of entity management is used to implement intelligent control of the archives,stock in and out archives, location, consultation, use,digitalization and destruction. The function digital resource management focuses on the control integration for all kinds of highway archives.Function of data mining attaches importance to extracting valuable information from the archive data,and carry out in-depth mining, analysis, modeling and utilization of archive information. And the function of knowledge management aims to build the knowledge base and provide knowledge service for people. Additionally, the function of business management pays attention to implementing the full process information control for information collection,process control, model construction, efficiency evaluation,and risk warning.

3.5 The Function of Smart Storage and Supervision

Due to the large number of archival information,smart archives shall have the ability to compute and store massive data. Therefore, through the model of“own”,“industry”and“cloud”, the data computing and storage of highway archives can satisfy higher authorities and customers demand for security confidentiality, and relieve the pressure of data computing and storage. In compliance with the national standard of the “Specifications of Information System Disaster Recovery” (GB/T 20988-2007), the protective functions of smart archives resources focuses on the strategy of“two regions, three centers” (computer center, same city data backup center, and remote disaster recovery system). And it can emphasis smart tracking record,and ensure that the data will be read and used correctly by using “emulation and migration”,“package of electronic data”and “smart backup migration of electronic data”. The supervision function of smart archives implement the whole-process grid management system for information flows, business flows, and business supervision, aiming to promote information sharing and cooperative business among various departments and entities, and enhance the efficiency and application expansion.

4 Reflection of Highway Smart Archives

4.1 Process of Smart Archive Construction

Smart archive is just starting to take off in China, especially the construction of highway smart archives has developed well. The smart archives lies in the weakness of theoretical study, and less practical experience. Therefore, there are there processes for smart archive construction.

4.1.1 Firstly, based on the provincial digital archives (platform), it is necessary to carry out the study of general architecture and top-level design of smart archive to build provincial highway framework;

4.1.2 According to the first step, it is necessary to build an initial highway smart archive based on the provincial digital archives(platform);

4.1.3 According to the initial highway smart archive, there is a need to build a highway smart archive with diversified archive resources and comprehensive information;

4.2 The Practical Use of Smart Archives

4.2.1 The smart management system of service area. Based on highway archives database +BIM technology, through existing data and current situation, people can build a model of service area,develop a smart management system with hand-hold mobile terminals to carry out remote monitoring,daily maintenance and management of business units.

4.2.2 Smart management system of highway project archives database. By using BIM technology,people will apply this system in plan, detection,design, construction, and operation management of highway (especially super-large bridge and long tunnel). The application of design optimization,evaluation, collaborative design, scheme comparison and selection, simulation evaluation, virtual construction, construction organization, quality management,and BIM+GIS (geographic information system) database can be regarded as platform construction.

4.2.3 Smart management system of transportation infrastructure.Through digital archives of highway system, people can build BIM database,speed up the application of cloud computing and big data,and strengthen the construction and application of some core businesses such as highway maintenance strategy, road network monitoring, emergency scheduling command to effectively promote the level of road network smart building. Additionally,establishing information sharing and exchange mechanism across regions and departments is to realize inter-province management and service.

All in all,under the background of development of smart city,smart transportation and smart highway,the author can predict that the smart archive of highway, as the fourth-generation archive has a broad prospect. Smart archive of highway is an emerging, long-term and complex system project.Therefore, people need to intensify theoretical study,standardize the policy and law, and cultivate talents,so that China can promote the construction of highway smart archives and push forward the development of archives.