On Mahalaya, Radio Is an Unchanging Tradition
⊙By Rhitu Chatterjee翻译:思苇
听力难度美式发音 适合泛读语速:150词/分钟
1) Hindu ['hɪnduː] adj. 印度(教)的
2) Durga 杜尔迦,又名难近母,印度教神话中的主要女神之一,骁勇尚武,是广受当地人民崇拜的降魔女神。为庆祝杜尔迦回家与亲人团聚而举办的九夜节持续九天,是印度下半年最重要的宗教节日之一。
3) drift [drɪft] v. 自然而缓慢地转变
4) chant [tʃaːnt] n. 圣歌,赞美诗
5) devotional [dɪ'vəʊʃənəl]adj. 虔诚的,用于祈祷的
6) rendition [ren'dɪʃ(ə)n] n.表演,演唱
7) evolve [ɪ'vɒlv] v. 发展,进化
8) churn [tʃɜːn] n. 剧烈的搅动
I’m not a morning person, but yesterday I made sure I woke up early. I got up shortly after 5:00, just in time to catch the last part of a program on All India Radio. This program is broadcast on this particular day every year.
Yesterday was a special day for me and many Indians from the State of West Bengal. We Bengalis call this day “Mahalaya.” It marks the beginning of the1)Hindufestival season celebrating of the homecoming of the goddess2)Durga.
When I was growing up, my father would be the first to rise on Mahalaya Day. He’d switch on the radio at 4 a.m., wake the rest of us and then climb back into bed. We’d lie in our beds,3)driftingin and out of sleep, listening to the4)chantsand5)devotionalsongs.
As I lay in bed yesterday listening to the radio, it struck me that this was the exact same program from my childhood, not a new6)renditionof the old musical. I couldn’t believe this. Not that people have done away with traditions. Far from it. But traditions have7)evolvedto keep up with our faster-paced lives. So why hadn’t someone come up with a new version of this classic? How is it that it had survived for decades?
When I turned to the Internet for answers, I was even more surprised with what I found. The program was broadcast live for the first time in the 1930s. In 1976, All India Radio created a new version with a well-known actor as the narrator. The audience hated it and demanded that the radio stations return to the older version, and since then, no one has changed the program.
I’m happy to know that, in a country of constant8)churnand change, a single radio play has survived for more than eight decades, and that it continues to be part of the Mahalaya experience of kids today, holding as much meaning as it did for generations of Bengalis. And that is the best beginning I could have asked for this festival season.
Not that people have done away with traditions.
Do away with是一个口语表达,多用于非正式场合,当它后面跟的是sth.时,表达的是“摆脱某事物,废除某事物”的意思;而当后面引出的是sb.时,这个词组的意思是“杀死某人,干掉某人”,如:
● The death penalty has been done away with in many European countries. (许多欧洲国家已经废除了死刑。)
● The doctor was afraid that Betty would do away
with herself.(医生很担心贝蒂会自杀。)