On 21 December 1972, Australia and Chinas Ambassadors signed a joint communique establishing diplomatic relations between Australia and the Peoples Republic of China. This year marks the 45th anniversary of that historic moment.
It would have been difficult for Ambassadors Renouf and Huang to imagine the strength and breadth of the relationship today. The growth in the trade relationship has been particularly remarkable. In 1972 our two-way trade was worth just AUD113 million. By 2016 that figure had grown to over AUD155 billion. China is now Australias biggest trading partner by a wide margin and Australia is certainly one of Chinas top trade and investment partners. There is no denying the strong economic complementarity between China and Australia. Australia has supported China through its period of extraordinary growth, as a reliable supplier of quality agriculture, mineral and energy resources. Now, as China transitions to a more consumer-driven economy, Australia is a partner for the future-underpinned by our free trade agreement-to meet Chinese demand for highquality food, consumer items and services, especially education, tourism and healthcare.
The entry into force of the China Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) in December 2015 was an important milestone in the bilateral relationship. I had the honour of being the lead negotiator, and as Ambassador I have had the pleasure of seeing the benefits of the agreement embraced by businesses in both countries. ChAFTA has already delivered benefits through lower tariffs and improved market access. More broadly, our high quality economic treaty has brought us closer together as societies, and focused attention on the huge potential for further mutually beneficial collaboration.endprint
While Australia has a long history of Chinese migration, in 1972 there were fewer than 500 tourists from China and no Chinese students. In contrast, this year as we celebrate the China-Australia Year of Tourism, Australia will welcome over 1.3 million Chinese tourists and over 150,000 Chinese students. At the same time nearly 500,000 Australians visited China last year, along with growing numbers of students. Today these thriving people-to-people links between Australia and China are the foundation of our strong political, cultural and economic relationship, and will continue to be so in the future.
Drawing New Chapters in China-Australia Relationship谱写中澳关系新篇章
On the occasion of celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Australia, I hereby present my warm congratulations to China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for its Special Edition of the Chinas Foreign Trade magazine to mark this important moment.
Forty-five years ago, the older generation of leaders in China and Australia, with their extraordinary political wisdom, far-sight and courage, made the strategic decision of establishing diplomatic relations between China and Australia, hence opening a new chapter in our bilateral ties. This relationship has grown significantly over the past 45 years, from the initial phase to multiple exchanges and then to a strategic bondage, and more recently, to the comprehensive strategic partnership. There are frequent exchanges of visit at high-level and more than 40 official mechanisms of consultation between the two countries. In particular, President Xi Jinpings successful visit to Australia in 2014 laid a solid foundation for the overall long-term development of Sino-Aussie links.
Bilateral trade and economic cooperation has borne plenty of fruits over the past 45 years. The two-way trade grew from US$86 million in the early years of diplomatic ties to US$107.8 billion in 2016, an increase of 1,252 times. Australia is Chinas eighth largest trading partner and an important supplier of commodities and agricultural products. The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) came into effect on December 20, 2015, bringing new momentum to the development of bilateral business relations. The statistics of Australian side shows that bilateral trade in goods for the fiscal year of 2016-17 reached AU$156.25 billion, accounting for 27.4% of Australias total trade. On the other hand, bilateral trade in services has been expanding steadily, covering tourism, education, financial insurance, transportation, consulting service and architectural design. In 2016 the bilateral trade in services rose 14.2 per cent to AU$ 13.8 billion. China has risen to become Australias second largest services trading partner, and its largest services export market.endprint
China and Australia are crucial investors to each other. Australian statistics indicate that China is now Australias fifth-largest outbound investment destination. By the end of 2016, the stock of Australian investment in China stood at AU$87.9 billion. Meanwhile, a large number of Chinese enterprises have invested in the Australian sectors of mining, real estate, banking, leasing and business services, manufacturing, agriculture, wholesale and retail business. According to Chinese statistics, the stock of Chinese investment in Australia reached US$94.57 billion at the end of 2016, Australia now ranks No. 3 as a destination for outbound Chinese investments. In addition, China and Australia have conducted fruitful exchanges and in-depth cooperation in a wide range of fields, including science and technology, culture, energy, military affairs and law enforcement. Local exchanges are increasing rapidly. As of the end of 2016, over 100 pairs of sister city/state relationship had been established between the two countries.
History shows that China-Australia relationship of past 45 years has yielded bumpy harvest to the benefit of both countries. The 19th CPC Congress recently held in Beijing set forth a grand blueprint for Chinas future development. China will continue to pursue comprehensive reforms and open wider to the world, in order to realize peaceful development and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind. This means important new opportunities for further advance of the bilateral cooperation in all areas. The sound development of future ChinaAustralia relationship requires the concerted support and joint efforts by the governments, peoples and wider communities of both countries. Let us join our hands to draw new chapters in China-Australia relations.
CHENG Jingye
Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China to the Commonwealth of Australia
Celebrating 45 years of Australia-China diplomatic relations庆祝澳大利亚与中国建交45周年
In 1971, our future Prime Minister, Gough Whitlam, made a historic visit to the Peoples Republic of China to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations. Despite the great foresight shown by members of that delegation, no one at that time could have envisaged the substantial impact China would come to have on Australias economy and prosperity. In the year 1972-73, total trade with China was around A$112 million. Only a short forty-five years later, China is Australias largest two-way trading partner, with approximately A$150 billion in total value.
1971年,后来成为澳大利亚总理的高夫·惠特朗姆(Gough Whitlam)对中华人民共和国进行了历史性的访问以探讨两国建立外交关系。这是一次富有远见的访问,但是那些高瞻远瞩的代表团成员们当时没有一個人能设想到中国会对澳大利亚经济和繁荣产生的重大影响。在1972-1973年,澳大利亚与中国的贸易总额大约是1.12亿澳元。仅仅在短短的45年后,中国已经是澳大利亚最大的双边贸易伙伴,贸易总额约1500亿澳元。
China is our largest market for services exports. Students from China make up the largest cohort of all international student groups with over 140,000 studying in Australia this year. Last year, over 1.2 million visitors from China enjoyed a holiday in Australia and we expect that by 2020 that will grow to just under two million tourists visiting Australia for some well-earned rest and relaxation. They will enjoy our fine food and unique experiences amongst natural beauty that is truly breathtaking in all its wild extremes. They might visit some of Western Australias most remote but beautiful locations such as Coral Bay not far from the site of Chinas first overseas mineral resource investment at the Channar iron ore mine. The project was also Chinas largest overseas investment at the time signed in 1987. Some visitors will also tour our world renowned wine regions and while at the cellar door purchase some of the local vintages via ecommerce platforms, the products then delivered to their door on return to China.Apart from Australias high quality meat, horticulture, food and beverage products, commercial cooperation extends across all industries. Collaboration in medical sciences and health, aged care services, water, resources, energy and infrastructure, telecommunications, financial services and digital technology to name a few, is mature and becoming even more influential in driving new industries and innovation.Cooperation in the education sector, skills development and training is a foundation of the bilateral relationship and growing more important day by day. The benefits brought to both our nations by our close commercial and economic cooperation cannot be understated.endprint
For all the progress we have seen, what Prime Minister Whitlams delegation and the Chinese senior officials who hosted them at the time knew has not changed to this day; ultimately it is people-to-people links and mutual understanding that matter most. This is what we really celebrate on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.
Richard Coote
Deputy Consul-General (Commercial) Australian Consulate-General Shanghai and China Country Manager Australian Trade and Investment Commission