

疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年1期



1 Chocolate Fashion Show巧克力时装秀

Salon du Chocolat[法语,即ChocolateSalon]created chocolate clothing, and models then wore the clothing at a fashion show in Paris. The fashion show is part of a chocolatefair[展览会]whichtakes place[举行]every year. People say that it is the largest chocolate fair in the world.Chocolatiers[巧克力商],pastry[油酥点心]chefs[大厨]andconfectioners[糖果制造人]come from all over the world to the fair.

In the movieForrest Gump[《阿甘正传》], Forrest Gump said that, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get”. Fashion shows seem to be like boxes of chocolates, too!



True or False: The fashion show takes place every year.

2 Chinese University Uses Facial Recognition for Attendance中国高校采用脸部识别签到

A university in China has a new method of checking forabsent[缺席的]students. The Communications University of China takes photos of students’ faces as they enter class. The photographs are thenautomatically[自动地]checked against the school’sdatabase[数据库]todetermine[决定]which students are absent.Proponents[倡议者]of the attendance system say the technology saves time for both teachers and students.

Earlier, a Beijing university used facial recognition[识别]at the entrance to femaledormitories[宿舍].



True or False: The Communications University of China used facial recognition at the entrance to male dormitories earlier.

3 Over 15,000 Scientists Issue “Warning to Humanity”科学家再次发出“致全人类的警告信”

Over 15,000 scientists have signed a letter to humanity that warns ofcatastrophic[灾难性的]consequences[后果]for the earth, includingvast[巨大的]humanmisery[不幸]for ourrapidly[快速地]growing population.

This is a follow-up letter to anoriginal[最初的]warning that about 1,700leading[前沿的]scientistsissued[发布]in 1992. Every threat to the earth has worsened since the original letter except the hole in theozonelayer[臭氧层]. The letter warns that it will soon be too late toprevent[阻止]mass[大规模的]extinction[灭绝], dead zones in the ocean, and a lack of fresh food and water.

The letter gives suggestions for preventing thisfate[命运], includingphasing out[逐渐淘汰]theinvestment[投资]and use offossilfuels[化石燃料]and eating more plant-based foods.




True or False: The hole in the ozone layer has become bigger since 1992.

4 Albert Einstein’s Theory of Happiness Sells for $1.3 Million 爱因斯坦的亲笔便条拍出130万美元高价

Albert Einstein’s Theory of Happinessfetched[卖出]$1.3 million at aJerusalem[耶路撒冷]auction[拍卖会].

The Nobel-winning scientist’smusings[沉思], handwritten on a note, may not be as famous as hisgroundbreaking[开创性的]Theory of Relativity, but they stillshed light on[阐明]one of the great modern minds.

Winner’s Auctions and Exhibitions said Einstein was traveling in Japan in 1922 when he was told he would be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. In Tokyo,Einsteinscribbled[潦草地写]the note in German to abellboy[行李员]after he did not havecash[现金]to give him atip[小费].

“A calm andmodest[谦逊的]life brings more happiness than thepursuit[追求]of success combined withconstant[持续不断的]restlessness[不安定],” it reads.





True or False: Albert Einstein’s Theory of Happiness was written on a note for a bellboy.

5 The Lord of the Rings Series Gets Multi-Season Commitment at Amazon 亚马逊签下《指环王》剧版多季版权

Amazon has acquired the global television rights for a The Lord of the Rings TV series, based on thefantasy[奇幻的]novels by J.R.R. Tolkien, with a multi-seasoncommitment[承诺].

The seriesadaptation[改编]will be produced as anAmazon Prime[亚马逊黄金会员]original by Amazon Studiosin cooperation with[与……合作]the Tolkien Estate and Trust, HarperCollins and New Line Cinema, adivision[部门]of Warner Bros.Entertainment. Set in Middle Earth, the TV adaptation will explore new storylinespreceding[在……之前]Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring. The deal includes apotential[可能的]additional[额外的]spin-off[衍生节目]series.

亚马逊公司拿下了《指环王》系列的全球电视剧多季版权,该剧将根据J.R.R. 托尔金的奇幻小说进行拍摄。


True or False: Amazon will make another The Lord of the Rings movie.


剧版《指环王》定档 2022