[摘要] 目的 分析钼靶X线技术诊断乳腺肿瘤的效果。方法 方便选择该院自2012年1月—2017年5月收治的100例乳腺肿瘤患者,所有患者均已经病理确诊,分析其钼靶X线确诊现象。结果 有30例患者表现为乳腺癌,诊断符合率为100.00%;有65例患者诊断为良性肿瘤,诊断率符合率为92.86%;经钼靶X线技术检查有95例患者与病理结果一致,符合率为95.00%。65例良性肿瘤中,28例患者为圆形,15例为椭圆形,22例为花瓣形。肿块内合并有粗颗粒融合性钙化点者20例。30例恶性肿瘤中,11例(36.67%)为叶状,13例(43.33%)为星状,6例(20.00%)为触须状;其中13例(43.33%)含有钙化点,4例(30.77%)为线状,2例(15.38%)为细沙状,1例(7.69%)为丝状,3例(23.08%)为簇状,3例(23.08%)为棍棒状。结论 要明确的对乳腺肿瘤状况进行诊断,可优先考虑钼靶X线技术,因该技术可将肿瘤的直接、间接征象确切显示,将良、恶性肿瘤在早期进行鉴别。
[关键词] 钼靶X线技术;乳腺肿瘤;效果分析
[中图分类号] R737 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)11(a)-0193-03
[Abstract] Objective To analyze the effect of molybdenum target x-ray technique in diagnosis of breast tumors. Methods 100 cases of breast tumor patients treated in our hospital from January 2012 to May 2017 were convenient selected and all patients were confirmed by pathology, and the confirmation phenomenon of molybdenum target x-ray was analyzed. Results 30 cases had breast cancer, and the diagnosis coincidence rate was 100.00%, and 65 cases(92.86%) were diagnosed with malignant tumors, and the molybdenum target x-ray technique examination results of 95 cases were consistent with the pathological results, and the coincidence rate was 95.00%, of 65 cases of benign tumors, 28 cases were in circular shape, 15 cases were in oval shape, and 22 cases were in petal shape, and 20 cases were complicated by carse fused calcification in tumor, of 30 cases of malignant tumors, 11 cases (36.67%)were in leaf shape, 13 cases were in star shape (43.33%), 6 cases were in tentacle shape (20.00%), and 13 cases contained calcification in the lungs(43.33%), 4 cases were in liner shape (30.77%), 2 cases were in silver sand shape(15.38%), 1 case was in silk shape(7.69%), 3 cases were in cluster shape (23.08%)and 3 cases were in club shape (23.08%). Conclusion We should firstly consider the molybdenum target x-ray technique for definite diagnosis of breast tumors, because the technique can definitely show the direct and indirect signs of tumors and conduct the early differential diagnosis of benign and malignant tumors.
[Key words] Molybdenum target x-ray technique; Breast tumor; Analysis of effect
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
方便选择该院收治的100例乳腺肿瘤患者,年龄为25~62岁,平均年龄为(41.20±4.87)岁,病程为2 d~10年,平均为(4.82±3.72)年。乳房轻微疼痛者18例,无痛性乳房包块66例,轻微乳头溢液者11例,健康体检发现异常者5例。其中30例为乳腺癌,70例为乳腺良性肿瘤。endprint