要是我早点开始写日记就好了,因为将来为我作传的那个人对我中学以前的生活肯定有一堆问题要问。Iwishy I’d started keeping a journal a lot earlier on,because whoever ends up writing my biography is gonna have a lot of questions about my life in the years leading up to middle school.
幸好,我对出生之后的事情记得一清二楚,甚至连出生之前的事情都还记得。Luckily,I remember just about everything that’s happened to me since I was born.In fact,I can even remember stuff that happened to me before I was born.
在那些日子里,我一直一个人在黑暗中游泳,做后空翻,想睡就睡。Back in those days it was just me swimming around in the dark,doing backflips and taking naps whenever Iwanted.
有一天我睡得正香,突然被外面的奇怪噪音吵醒了。Then one day when Iwas in the middle of really good nap,I got woken up by these strange noises coming from the outside.
那时候我还不知道我听到的是什么鬼东西,后来才发现原来是老妈在肚子上放了个听筒,往里头灌音乐。At the time Ididn’t knowwhat the heck I was hearing,but later on I found out it was Mom piping in music through these speakers she put on her belluy.
我猜老妈是想着,如果在我出生前天天给我放古典音乐,没准能把我变成个神童。I guess Mom thought if she played classical music for me every day before I was born,it would turn me into some kind of genius.
胎教机还自带麦克风,老妈不放音乐的时候,就给我没完没了地讲她自己的故事。Those speakers came with a microphone,and when Mom wasn’t playing music,she was telling me everything that was going on in her life.
老爸下班回来之后,老妈就让他把一整天的经过事无巨细地给我讲个遍。And when Dad come home from work,Mom would have him give me a blow-by-blowof his day.