吴梦景 黄栩浩 张旭 朱珏 赵银海
The optimization of the sectional dimensions is studied to make the ratio between performance and steel amount of steel sections become optimal. However, the optimization analysis of lip angle involving the eccentric compression is lack. A technique with the genetic algorithm and formulae for predicting the distortional critical stresses of coldformed lipped channels subjected to eccentric compression is developed to optimize the angles of lips of channels. The coldformed lipped channel columns under eccentric compressing have been taken as examples. The genetic algorithm regards the angle of lip and eccentric distance as design parameters. This method not only can decrease workload and aimless calculation but also can obtain accurate optimal angles. The distortional critical stresses of coldformed lipped channels with different dimensions under simply and clamped supports are obtained, based on the finite strip analyses. The optimal angles of coldformed channel steel members with different eccentric distances are presented. For designers convenience of design and application, the degree of 100 is suggested.
inclined lipped coldformed channel;eccentric compression;finite strip;optimal angle of lip
隨着生产技术的不断更新发展,冷弯成型钢构件朝着高强度、薄壁、截面形式复杂的趋势发展,出现了几种常见的屈曲模式,分别为:局部屈曲、畸变屈曲和整体屈曲[1]。由于可以用加劲及加支撑的方式来提高构件的局部屈曲和整体屈曲的临界应力,畸变屈曲则很可能成为最终主导构件失效的屈曲模式。Lau 和 Hancock等[23]提出了简化模型,推导出了受压构件弹性畸变屈曲临界应力。学者Li等[4]考虑翼缘板件弯曲的影响,在 Lau 和 Hancock 的畸变屈曲模型基础上进行修正,并推导出了类似于 Lau 和 Hancock 公式的弹性畸变屈曲临界应力计算公式。其公式可计算卷边槽形、Z 形以及Σ形冷弯薄壁型钢构件的畸变屈曲应力。周绪红等[5]考虑腹板屈曲对弹簧刚度的影响并提出了折减系数,推导两端简支、固支卷边槽钢畸变屈曲临界应力计算公式。Song等[6]采用了半解析有限条法对槽钢截面受剪力荷载进行分析。杨娜等[7]通过有限元与试验相对比,研究了组合效应对冷弯C型钢构件滞回性能的改善作用。Teng等[8]采用如图1所示的近似模型,推导出双向偏心受压构件卷边槽钢弹性畸变屈曲荷载的稳定方程,并提出了单向偏压和纯弯载荷畸变屈曲计算公式并对其公式进行相应的简化。研究表明[910],改变卷边与翼缘的夹角(后简称卷边角度)θ(如图2)不仅会改变斜卷边槽钢的截面几何特性,还会改变卷边对翼缘的约束作用,从而导致斜卷边槽钢构件发生畸变屈曲时临界应力以及畸变屈曲承载力发生变化。在此基础上,通过改变卷边的角度,从而达到提高构件承载力的目的,这为工程优化与改变构件截面形式来提高构件的强度与刚度提供了新的思路。
遗传算法是一种常见的全局优化的概率算法,采用遗传算法对工程问题进行优化,搜索过程既不受优化函数连续性的约束,也没有优化函数必须可导的要求,同时可进行对目标优化设计[1112]。也避免了给定初始值要求,能够有效地进行全局搜索。本文将姚谏等[13](简称YaoTeng) 推导得到的卷边槽钢畸变屈曲临界应力简化计算公式编成相应的程序,再利用遗传算法对其卷边角度进行优化,得出使构件畸变屈曲临界应力最大的卷边角度。endprint
观察表1~2可知,无论简支还是固支情况下,不同构件在不同偏心距受压下畸变屈曲临界应力随卷边角度变化的趋势是一致的。其峰值主要集中在95°~105°,较标准角度(90°)均有不同程度的提高,最大可提升构件畸变屈曲临界应力的3.5%,提高值为1 203 N·cm。
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