

校园英语·下旬 2018年11期

【Abstract】Target teaching model was proposed by Ames in 1990, whose aim was to enhance students learning motivation in classroom learning. Under the guidance of Target teaching model, the researcher devoted herself to reforming and applying specific and practical teaching measures to foster English learning motivation.

【Key words】Target teaching model; Reform measures in English Teaching


Target teaching model integrates the factors of self-esteem, self-efficacy, belief, and emotion, focusing on the process of students development, emphasizing the development of their ability, and encouraging them to pay more attention to study itself instead of competitions or their performances in the community. (C. Ames, 1990, 1992, 1994) It mainly consists of task design, authority distribution, recognition practices, group arrangements, evaluation practices and time allocation.

I. Teaching reforms in group arrangements

Adopting the principles of heterogeneous grouping, the researcher divided the students in each class into 10 groups. There were 6 students in every group, who differed in the English level, characteristics, strong points and so on.

After grouping, first of all, one student should be elected by group members to be the leader. He/she was in charge of his/her group whose tasks were to carry out learning activities, regulate group members learning behaviors and record learning results and performances. Then, some competition rules among groups must be made to create a benign competitive and cooperative atmosphere.

II. Teaching reforms in task design and authority distribution

With the development or quality education, the English courses have decreased a lot, while the content has not decreased but increased in the demand. This requires English teachers to make good use of limited time to convey more knowledge to students, cultivate their learning abilities and develop their positive attitudes.

Firstly, meaningful teaching. In the teaching design, Teachers need think about the significance of teaching to make sure their teaching is meaningful for students. Dig out the meaningful teaching contents in every unit, especially the relationship with students interest. Secondly, goal-setting teaching. The researcher helped students to set up short-term and self-referent learning goals. When time was up, students needed to check themselves or check in their groups.Thirdly, student-centered teaching. Students have rights to learn, to express themselves and to make choices. The researcher managed to take students into consideration when designing every task.

III. Time allocation

Students are different in learning levels. Facing a learning task like this, the researcher firstly allowed students to make their own learning goals and schedules and encouraged them to plan their own study. Then it was the group leaders task to set down the members plans and learning results. Where there is plan, there is a check. This kind of check can be carried out by students themselves as well as group members.

IV. Recognition and evaluation practices

In the learning process, all students long for teachers recognition and evaluation, Therefore, teachers must regard recognition and evaluation scientifically. The first demand is to master the correct standard. Recognition and evaluation should be based on students own effort and learning process instead of exam results or comparing with others. The second is to make evaluation specific. While talking with students, the researcher found that students were not satisfied even if teachers praised them. So she chose to use more specific words to praise them or give them advice. The third demand is to choose proper ways. Students whose feelings are a little complicated are all still in adolescence at present. T he researcher found the private ways mentioned in Target teaching model were more effective than public ways.


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