Chapter FourCathy Queen of Cats
She says, I am the great great grand cousin of the queen of France. She lives upstairs, over there, next door to Joe the baby -grabber. Keep away from him, she says. He is full of danger.
Benny and Blanca own the corner store. Theyre okay except dont lean on the candy counter.
Two girls raggedy as ratslive across the street. You dont want to know them. Edna is the lady who owns the building next to you. She used to own a building big as a whale, but her brother sold it. Their mother said no, no, dont ever sell it. I wont. And then she closed her eyes and he sold it. Alicia is stuck -up ever since she went to college. She used to like me but now she doesnt.
Cathy who is queen of cats has cats and cats and cats. Baby cats, big cats, skinny cats, sick cats. Cats asleep like little donuts. Cats on top of the refrigerator. Cats taking a walk on the dinner table. Her house is like cat heaven.
You want a friend, she says. Okay, Ill be your friend.But only tillnextTuesday.Thats when we move away. Got to. Then as if she forgot I just moved in, she says the neighborhoodis getting bad.
Cathys father will have to fly to France one day and find her great great distant grand cousin on her fathers side and inherit the family house. How do I know this is so? She told me so. In the meantime theyll just have to move a little farther north from Mango Street, a little farther away every time people like us keep moving in.
Chapter FiveA House of My Own
Not a flat. Not an apartment in back. Not a mans house. Not a daddys. A house all my own. With my porch and my pillow, my pretty purple petunias. My books and my stories. My two shoes waiting beside the bed. Nobody to shake a stick at. Nobodys garbage to pick up after. Only a house quiet as snow, a space for myself to go, clean as paper before the poem.
Chapter SixThe House on Mango Street I
We didnt always live on Mango Street. Before that we lived on Loomis on the third floor, and before that we lived on Keeler. Before Keeler it was Paulina, and before that I cant remember. But what I remember most is moving a lot. Each time it seemed thered be one more of us. By the time we got to Mango Street we were six———Mama, Papa, Carlos, Kiki, my sister Nenny and me.
The house on Mango Street is ours, and we dont have to pay rent to anybody, or share the yard with the people down stairs, or be careful not to make too much noise, and there isnt a landlord banging on the ceiling with a broom. But even so, its not the house wed thought wed get.
We had to leave the flat on Loomis quick. The water pipes broke and the landlord wouldnt fix them because the house was too old. We had to leave fast. We were using the washroom next doorandcarryingwateroverinemptymilk gallons. Thats why Mama and Papa looked for a house, and thats why we moved into the house on Mango Street, far away, on the other side of town.
Chapter SevenThe House on Mango Street II
They always told us that one day we would move into a house, a real that would be ours for always so we wouldnt have to move each year. And our house would have running water and pipes that worked. And inside it would have real stairs, not hallway stairs, but stairs inside like the house on T.V. And wed have a basement and at least threewashroomssowhenwetookabathwe wouldnt have to tell everybody.
Our house would be white with trees around it, a great big yard and grass growing without a fence. This was the house Papa talked about when he held a lottery ticket and this was the house Mama dreamed up in the stories she told us before we went to bed.
作者桑德拉的父母都是从墨西哥移民到美国的后裔,所以她从小便跟随家人居无定所地漂泊在异国他乡,最终选择在“芒果街”这个拉美移民聚集的社区定居。本期推荐的《芒果街上的小屋》(The House on Mango Street),则是桑德拉对自己童年生活最真实的写照。初读第一遍,你感受更多的可能只是主人公渴望被社区认可,渴望融入新环境,更渴望拥有属于自己小屋的心路历程。但细细品味,却发现原来桑德拉的抱负远不止眼前的小期待。她用文字的力量让人们重新审视拉美民族的地位,昭示了社会各阶层的不公平待遇,并揭示了妇女社会地位低下的残酷现实。