

中国医学装备 2017年12期

邓治强 李 箐 向学凌


邓治强①李 箐①向学凌①

目的:研究垂体强化核磁共振成像(MRI)对垂体柄阻断综合征(PSIS)的诊断价值并对其与垂体-靶腺功能损伤的相关性进行探讨分析。方法:选取医院收治的80例PSIS患者,经垂体强化MRI进一步诊断后将其分为部分垂体柄阻断组(38例)和完全垂体柄阻断组(42例);另选取80名正常健康者为健康对照组。检测三组相关激素水平,分析MRI表现与缺乏的激素种类、数目及严重程度的相关性。结果:部分垂体柄阻断组垂体前叶高度<3 mm为10例,3~5 mm为23例,>5 mm为5例。垂体后叶缺失4例,异位15例,体积变小11例。完全垂体柄阻断组垂体前叶高度<3 mm为23例,3~5 mm为16例,>5 mm为3例。垂体后叶缺失8例,异位32例,体积变小1例。完全垂体柄阻断组生长激素、胰岛素样生长因子、游离甲状腺素、血清促甲状腺激素、皮质醇和促肾上腺皮质激素均显著低于部分垂体柄阻断组和健康对照组,与两组比较差异具有统计学意义(F=224.92,F=2571.80,F=369.50,F=67.73,F=2677.94,F=24.17;P<0.05)。除胰岛素样生长因子及游离甲状腺素,部分垂体柄阻断组生长激素、血清促甲状腺激素、皮质醇、促肾上腺皮质激素与对照组相比无显著差异。部分垂体柄阻断组垂体-性腺激素的卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素、雌二醇、睾酮、泌乳素水平均显著低于健康对照组,两组比较差异具有统计学意义(F=354.94,F=247.00,F=247.83,F=655.05,F=48.10;P<0.05)。部分垂体柄阻断组和完全垂体柄阻断组卵泡刺激素、黄体生成素、雌二醇、睾酮、泌乳素水平无显著差异。结论:垂体区强化MRI能够有效诊断垂体柄阻断综合征的进程及垂体-靶腺功能的损伤程度。


垂体柄阻断综合征(pituitary stalk interruption syndrome,PSIS)临床表现为垂体前叶高度降低,垂体后叶缺失、异位及体积变小,垂体激素水平降低,从而造成功能下降[1-2]。目前,通过核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI),观察显现的图像清晰判定垂体柄阻断综合征等异常结构对患者是否患有垂体柄阻断综合征进行检查[3]。但MRI对PSIS的进程及垂体-靶腺功能的损伤程度效能不甚清楚[4]。为此,本研究选取80例PSIS患者,观察并研究垂体强化MRI对PSIS的诊断价值,并对其与垂体-靶腺功能损伤的相关性进行探讨分析。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料


1.2 纳入与排除标准

(1)纳入标准:①均行胰岛素、精氨酸的生长激素激发检验,测定垂体—靶腺激素;②血清生长激素峰值均<5 μg/L;③伴有一种及以上其他垂体激素缺乏的患者。


1.3 仪器与材料

采用1.5T型超导医用磁共振系统Vantage atlas(日本东芝公司);增强扫描采用喷酸葡胺(北京北陆药业股份有限公司,国药准字H10860001)。

1.4 检查方法


1.5 观察与评价指标

通过强化MRI图像,确定患者PSIS的类型,部分垂体柄阻断组MRI显示垂体柄显著变细,但垂体柄完全阻断组MRI显示垂体柄中断或缺失。游离甲状腺素低于12.0 pmol/L提示甲状腺功能减退。若皮质醇低于550 nmol/L,提示肾上腺功能不全。

1.6 统计学方法

采用SPSS 18.0统计软件对数据进行统计分析,符合正态分布的计量资料以均值±标准差(±s)表示,定性资料用百分率(%)表示,计量资料行F检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 部分垂体柄阻断组与完全垂体柄阻断组垂体MRI比较

部分垂体柄阻断组垂体前叶高度<3 mm10例,3~5 mm23例,>5 mm5例;垂体后叶有4例缺失,15例异位,11例体积变小。完全垂体柄阻断组垂体前叶高度<3 mm23例,3~5 mm16例,>5 mm3例;垂体后叶缺失8例,异位32例,体积变小1例。两组垂体前叶高度和垂体后叶MRI比较,其差异有统计学意义(x2=6.69,x2=16.26;P<0.05),见表1。

2.2 三组垂体-靶腺激素水平比较


2.3 三组垂体-性腺激素水平比较


表1 部分垂体柄阻断组和完全垂体柄阻断组垂体MRI比较[例(%)]

表2 三组垂体-靶腺激素水平比较(±s)

表2 三组垂体-靶腺激素水平比较(±s)

表3 三组垂体-性腺激素水平比较(±s)

表3 三组垂体-性腺激素水平比较(±s)

3 讨论



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The diagnostic value of enhanced MRI of pituitary for pituitary stalk interruption syndrome and a correlation analysis between enhanced MRI and pituitary target gland function damage

/DENG Zhi-qiang, LI Qing,XIANG Xue-ling

Objective:To observe and research the diagnostic value of enhanced MRI of pituitary for pituitary stalk interruption syndrome (PSIS) and explore the correlation between enhanced MRI and pituitary target gland function damage.Methods:80 patients with PSIS were divided into part of pituitary stalk interruption group (38 cases) and complete pituitary stalk interruption group (42 cases). And 80 healthy people were divided into control group. The relative hormonal level of three groups were detected, and the correlation between appearance of MRI and insufficient hormonal type, amount and severity degree were analyzed.Results:In part of pituitary stalk interruption group, the heights of anterior pituitary gland were less than 3mm in 10 cases, and they were between 3-5mm in 23 cases and they were more than 5mm in 5 cases. And in them, there were 4 cases were posterior pituitary deficiency, 15 cases were heterotopia, 11 cases were volume diminished. In complete pituitary stalk interruption group, the heights of anterior pituitary gland were less than 3mm in 23 cases, and they were between 3-5mm in 16 cases and they were more than 5mm in 3 cases. And in them, there were 8 cases were posterior pituitary deficiency, 32 cases were heterotopia, 1 cases were volume diminished. All of the hormonal levels included growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, free thyroxine, serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in complete pituitary stalk interruption group were significantly lower than that in part of pituitary stalk interruption group and control group (F=224.92, F=2571.80, F=369.50, F=67.73, F=2677.94, F=24.17, P<0.05), respectively. The differences of growth hormone, TSH, cortisol and ACTH, excepted insulin-like growth factor and free thyroxine, between part of pituitary stalk interruption group and control group were not significant. And pituitary-gonadal hormones level of part of pituitary stalk interruption group was significantly lower than that of control group (F=354.94, F=247.00,F=247.83, F=655.05, F=48.10, P<0.05). Besides, the differences of follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone,estradiol, testosterone and prolactin levels between part of pituitary stalk interruption group and complete pituitary stalk interruption group were no significant.Conclusion:Enhanced MRI of pituitary can effectively diagnose pituitary stalk interruption syndrome and damage degree of pituitary target gland function.

Enhanced MRI; Pituitary stalk interruption syndrome; Pituitary target gland function damage;Hormone level; Correlation analysis

Department of Radiotherapy, Traditional Chinese Medical Hospital of Neijiang, Neijiang 641000, China.

邓治强,男,(1977- ),硕士,副主任医师。内江市中医医院放射科,研究方向:临床放射学。





①内江市中医医院放射科 四川 内江 641000

//China Medical Equipment,2017,14(12):86-89.



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