Myths About Happiness Everyone Should Stop Believing不应相信的幸福神话
文/梅甘·布鲁诺 译/郑淑明 周鸿雁
By Megan Bruneau
Happiness is a serious moneymaker.People around the world spend hundreds of billions of dollars trying to avoid the tough stuff and feel good about themselves, whether that’s through prescription1prescription处方药。pills, going crazy with dieting and fitness, or that timetested elixir2elixir长生不老药;灵丹妙药。of life: alcohol.
[2] As a psychotherapist3psychotherapist心理治疗师。who helps people bump their overall happiness level up4bump up 抬高,增大,提升。a few notches5notch 等级,水平。, I’ve heard pretty much6pretty much〈口〉几乎,差不多。all of the myths out there about happiness.The worst part is that these myths actually make you unhappy (messed up, right?)—so ditching them is,paradoxically, part of fi nding happiness.
When you achieve [whatever goal you’re going after], you’ll be happy
[3] Land the promotion, the spouse,the Lambo7Lamborghini的缩写,跑车品牌兰博基尼。, the goal weight, the condo8condo公寓。,whatever it is—you’ll fi nally experience eternal happiness. Hey, it’s not your fault for believing this, since you’ve likely been fed the American dream since the moment you escaped from the womb.
[4] But this logic is flawed. Achievements don’t protect you from feeling like crap9crap废物。, and they def i nitely don’t make you superhuman. Multimillionaires still get depressed. People with “perfect”bodies still get dumped. Steady, passive income10即不需要花费时间和精力就可以自动获得的收入。doesn’t protect you from losing someone to cancer. If you can start appreciating where you are, rather than basing your sense of fulfillment on some future accomplishment, you’ll be much closer to happiness.
When you fi nd the right person, you’ll be happy
[5] If you think being in a relationship11in a relationship与某人在一段关系中,即恋爱。is necessary for happiness, you’re going to feel inadequate12inadequate不够的;能力不足的。and probably anxious when you’re single. There’s no doubt a strong relationship can make your life better in a lot of ways, but it’s certainly not a requirement. In fact, many people feel lonelier and more disconnected in a relationship than outside of one.
[6] When you’re unhappy, it’s natural to blame your relationship status, but try not to—instead of waiting for your“soulmate” to bump into you like your life is a John Cusack13约翰·库萨克,美国演员、编剧、制片人。movie, see if there are other ways to meet your needs. You know, ways that are in your control.
The only thing that matters in a partner is that he or she makes you happy
[7] More relationship fun! This one is just mythical, for three main reasons: first, because only in a world of constant butterflies and rainbows is a partner going to make you soooo happy all the time. In reality, sometimes they’re going to annoy the shit out of you. Sometimes you’re going to feel super turned off by them. Sometimes you’re going to feel underappreciated14underappreciated不受重视的,失宠的。.
[8] Second, love doesn’t conquer all.Sorry to ruin that John Cusack movie for you (again). No matter how much you love someone, it usually doesn’t resolve a conf l ict over deciding to have kids, or living on different sides of the world with no plans to move, or not believing in monogamy15monogamy一夫一妻制;单配偶。. The list is limitless.
[9] Finally, see above: you should find ways to be happy regardless of your relationship.
Being happy means you’ll never feel like crap
[10] It’s no coincidence that a lot of these myths are cliches16cliche陈腔滥调。from fairytales,and nowhere is that more evident than humankind’s steadfast belief in happy endings. No! Not that kind!
[11] The “happily ever after” stuff just isn’t real. To be human is to feel,and it’s a guarantee that you’ll feel disappointment, loss, anger, guilt,sadness, fear, conflict, embarrassment,frustration, and so on and so on. These feelings are universal; happiness is about being able to make space for ALL these shitty emotions, not just the positive ones. They’re not a sign of brokenness or pathology. They mean you’re not a robot or a psychopath17psychopath精神病患者,精神变态者。.
True happiness doesn’t need any validation from external people or achievements
[12] Just because achieving your goals won’t bring you happiness doesn’t mean that a total detachment18detachment分离,脱离。from the world is a sign of true contentedness.Humans need connection, and it’s not a sign of unhappiness if you happen to want a family or really take pleasure in getting a promotion at work.Don’t confuse this with a romantic connection, though—the essential thing here is that connection makes you more human, whether that’s through platonic friendships, volunteering, stamp collector swap meets19swap meet二手货交换市场,旧货出售会。, a backgammon20西洋双陆棋,一种掷骰子决定棋子行进的两人游戏。club, or whatever you enjoy.
Happiness is merely a state of mind
[13] There are few things that get me more riled up than “inspirational” quotes like “Choose happiness” or “It’s all in your head.” You know how that makes a person with depression or anxiety feel?REALLY FUCKING SHITTY.
[14] Of course your outlook has a significant impact on mood, but so do hormones21hormone激素,荷尔蒙。, neurotransmitters22neurotransmitter神经传递素。, sleep,exercise, diet, drugs, breakups, death,stress, transition, that John Cusack movie you can’t stop talking about—you get the idea.
[15] You can’t just “choose” happiness.Rather than telling yourself it’s all in your head when you’re feeling anxious or low, practice self-compassion, hang around23hang around 闲逛,徘徊。with people who won’t judge you if you’re not a ball of positivity, and consider all the other reasons besides“your attitude” that might be contributing to your mood.
Gratitude will make you happier
[16] Have you ever felt really crappy,and some well-meaning person attempts to cheer you up by saying, “Be grateful for what you have!” Or, “Those are first-world problems!” Well, problems are still problems, and telling yourself you should feel differently is a recipe for adding shame on top of everything else. So now you’re not only feeling sad, anxious, or lonely—you’re ashamed, too.
[17] There’s no doubt that practicing gratitude can make you happier,especially when you’re doing it after waking up on the right side of the bed. But when you’re feeling low or anxious or heartbroken, there’s an art to it. Don’t beat yourself up because there are millions of people around the world whose lives are worse than yours.Otherwise, it could make you feel even worse.
[18] So, the next time you find yourself seeking happiness, doublecheck to make sure you’re not looking in all these wrong places. ■
[18]所以,下次发现自己在寻找幸福的时候,要反复确认——是否在这些方面出了问题。 □