A Day with Jesus (II)耶 稣 的 一 天 (二)


英语世界 2017年7期

文/克里斯琴·乔治 译/任东升

By Christian George

Friday, mid-morning Capernaum

Jesus and his freshly minted2mint铸造。followers walked up a series of stairs that lead to the entrance of a two-story synagogue3synagogue犹太会堂。in Capernaum. The building itself was a prominent and imposing feature of the seaside. After the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by the Babylonian armies of Nebuchadnezzar4尼布甲尼撒二世,古巴比伦国王(公元前634—前564;公元前605—前562在位),曾攻占耶路撒冷,建空中花园。in 586 B.C., Jews were required to build synagogues wherever there were at least 10 adult males in a community. The blueprints for each synagogue had to be virtually identical so that a Jew could feel at home in any city throughout the land of Israel. Although sacrifices had to be offered at the Temple that Herod5希律,罗马帝国占领区犹太国王(公元前73?—前4;公元前37—前4在位),以残暴出名。was constructing in Jerusalem, these local synagogues provided a place for Jews to sing Psalms6《诗篇》,又称“赞美诗”。, hear scriptures,listen to sermons and pose questions to the teachers of sacred texts.

[2] Jesus stepped over the threshold of the main wooden door, which was located on the western façade7façade建筑物正面。of the large rectangular structure. The walls around Him were constructed of basalt8basalt玄武岩。— dark, volcanic rock ubiquitous9ubiquitous无所不在的。throughout Galilee—and rose two levels. Opposite the main door, Jesus saw a curtained alcove10alcove壁龛。in the corner protecting a cupboard. Inside the cupboard rested a series of scrolls11scrolls“妥拉”(Torah)卷轴,希伯来圣经之前五卷,即“摩西五经”。; one would be read aloud to the congregation12congregation会众。during the service. This highly decorated nook13nook角落。was reminiscent14reminiscent 引人联想的。of the Holy of Holies15至圣所,以幔子和外面的圣所隔开,被认为是耶和华的居所。inside the tabernacles16tabernacle会幕,类似帐篷,意为“神的居所”。and temples of long ago—a room where the most sacred objects of Jewish faith were housed. Jews even believed thatYahweh17神名,“耶和华”(中国基督教),另有“雅威”(天主教)、“亚卫”(非宗教)之译。Himself took up residence there(Leviticus18《利未记》,希伯来圣经(即旧约)经卷之一。16:2).

[3] Jesus continued to walk across the smoothed cobblestone floor beneath Him. One by one, He passed heartshaped columns that lined the interior of the main worship area and supported a second-story balcony that was already crowded with eager worshipers. The service would begin when the teachers and elders took their positions in the rock-hewn19rock-hewn石块削成的。chairs, called Moses seats,which were situated against the side walls, facing inward toward the congregation.

[4] It was the task of the senior elder of chief ruler to select a preacher20preacher传道者。for the day. On this particular morning, the preacher was Jesus.

[5] After several Psalms were sung,Jesus ascended the stairs leading up and then down into the large central pulpit21pulpit讲坛。that rested atop the elevated stonebema22bema(犹太人教堂中的)读经台。. All eyes were on this curious young radical. What will He say? What will He teach? Jesus donned23don披上。a white napkin, orsudarium24sudarium白色麻布头巾。, that teachers of the Law were required to wear on their heads when they read from the scrolls.As Jesus started to speak, a low murmur erupted near the Moses seats.

[6] “The people were amazed at his teaching, because he taught them as one who had authority” (Mark 1:22). His words were bold, yet soft. A confident demeanor25demeanor举止。caused Simon and Andrew to exchange a glance.Who is this man?

[7] This was not the first time Jesus had amazed a crowd. When He was 12 years old, He traveled with His parents on their annual pilgrimage to offer sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem.After getting separated from their son,His parents found Him “in the Temple courts, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions” (Luke 2:46).

[8] But on this day, Jesus was not asking. He was telling. And the message He was proclaiming would soon be too controversial to remain within the port cities of Galilee. In a matter of years, it would spread to through the Judea, Samaria and even to the very perimeters26perimeter周边。of the Roman Empire. It was a message so repulsive27repulsive令人反感的。to Jews, so revolutionary for Romans, that when Jesus brought the message to His childhood haunts in the Temple courts of Jerusalem, the Jewish leaders would convince the Roman authorities to execute Him. ■









[8]不过,在今天这个日子,耶稣不是在提问,而是在宣道,而且他讲的道不久就会引发巨大争议,甚至传出加利利那些港口城市。用不了几年时间,耶稣所宣讲的道就会传布到犹太地、撒玛利亚,乃至罗马帝国四境。这是一种令犹太人反感、让罗马人嗅出火药味的道,以至于耶稣把这道传入他童年常去的耶路撒冷圣殿时,犹太领袖决意要说服罗马当局将他处死。 □

