

高中生·青春励志 2017年12期


Noone sat next to Leon. Not if they could help it. Thats why when I shot into art class just before the bell, the only seat left was beside him. Ms. Priestley said,“Sit down, Nimmy.”I dont think Ms. Priestley likes me. I am terrible in art. She said,“Today, well drawafantasylandscape.”Leonraisedhishand.“Can it be anything we want?”Leon loved art and loved Ms. Priestley.Ms.PriestleylovedartandlovedLeon.

“Anything—as long as it isnt something from real life.”“This will be fun!”Leon said. Thats why no one liked to sit by Leon, especially in art. He was too enthusiastic. He gave his partners suggestions. Sometimes he even added to their drawings! Plus his nosealwaysdripped,andheneverusedtissues.

I drew wild zigzags and two lines racing across the page.“What are you drawing?”Leon asked, sniffing. I sighed,“Mountains and a river.”“Thats not fantasy.”“Ive never seen mountains and Ive never seen ariver. SoImfantasizing what theyd look like,”Isaid.

“But its still real.”I ground my teeth and scribbled in some skinny trees,“Have you seen a mountain range with pointed tips?”“No, thats just bad drawing. Why dont you make it a dragon instead?”Iglared.

“The mountains could be the scales along its back, the river could be a long tail, and the dragon could be eating the trees.”Leon smiled hopefully. To my surprise, I could see the dragon take shape. He continued,“So not all of it would be on the page, but that would just tell us how big it is.”I could see why Ms. Priestley loved him. No one else in class thought likethat,andmostpeopledidntcareenoughtotry.

“Dragons dont eat trees,”I said. Leon swiped his dripping nose with his sleeve.“Some dinosaurs ate trees. So why cant some dragons? Its fantasy.”A sound argument, I had to admit. Leon sniffed again. Ms. Priestley was moving around the room. She looked at everyones work and made comments. Usually shedstopatmineandsigh.TodayI wanted toimpress her.ButthedragonwasLeons,notmine.

I started drawing in the body.“Thats a very nice idea, Nimmy.”Ms. Priestleys voice made me jump. She beamed. At me.“Youre being creative, and its paying off.”I smiled shyly, blushing because it wasnt totallymyidea.Leonwasbeaming,too.

“ItwasLeonsidea,”Iconfessed.Ms. Priestleys beam grew wider.“Excellent, Leon. We must always be willing to share our ideas.”Then she said,“Nimmy, why dont you offer some suggestions on Leons drawing.”

Leon propped his drawing where I could see it.“Its a space farm,”I said. There was a rocky surface with little domes. The domes had plants and some weird animals in them. In one dome,there was a cow ormaybeabigdog.

Leon waited. I added,“Maybe ... maybe you could add ... bales of hay ... and make a dome with levels. Each level for something different.”Leon nodded happily,“Like corn on one level and hens on theother.Likeamultilayerfarm.”

“See, its not so hard,”Ms. Priestley said, and walked on. I breathed. Id just said the first thing that came to me. But Leon liked my idea. Maybe I could be OK in art. I watched Leon adding levels on his farm. Leon looked up for a moment.“We should be partners inart,”hesaid.Ilikedthat.Ipennedmynamenear his space!hens.Leongrinnedandsignedmydragon.













残酷的侏罗纪! 为生存而奋斗