对《牛津高中英语》M5U1 Secrets and Lies教学设计的一点想法
摘 要:传统的阅读课多以接受语言信息、感受地道英语、运用阅读策略为主,笔者在教学过程中发现,如若没有写作这样的输出过程,那么输入的效率就会大打折扣。王初明曾指出,外语学习效率的高低取决于语言理解和产生结合的紧密度;两者结合的越紧密,外语学习的效果就越好。
一、 略读文章,确定文体
二、 再读文章,找出问题,体会情感
引导学生了留意Reading strategy,了解letters to an advice column 的主要构成是对问题的描述和情感的描述。以第一封信为例,首先可以引导学生略读文章,快速找出secrets和lies分别指代什么,让学生迅速了解这两个朋友之间的问题。然后让学生细读文章,找出文章中表达作者情感的形容詞以及对应的事件。为了降低难度,可以先给出事件,然后让学生填表示情感的词。
Andrew felt:
They lost the game because of Matthews carelessness.
He said some really cruel things to Matthew.
Matthew hasnt spoken to him though they sit next to each other in class.
His best friend Matthew has stopped talking to him.
三、 提出建议
通过提问“What caused these problems?”引导学生找出问题的真正原因其实是缺乏沟通。之后,就可以引导学生给出建议了。可以采用头脑风暴的形式让学生分组讨论。学生有可能给出的答案:
(1) You are to blame for this.
(2) You have to talk to your friend. When there is no one around, have an honest talk.
(3) If your friend doesnt want to talk, you could write a letter.
You have every right to feel , but misunderstanding with friends is common in everyday life. It is a also virtue to . Instead of blaming each other, wed better .
Furthermore, to avoid such misunderstanding, we should .
You have every right to feel betrayed, but misunderstanding with friends is common in everyday life. It is a also virtue to forgive. Instead of blaming each other, wed better communicate more and put ourselves in others place. Furthermore, to avoid such misunderstanding, we should be considerate to one another, which is essential to a friendship.