Analysis on Variation and Workload Confirmation Transmission System Optimization Cases


环球市场信息导报 2017年33期

◎李成宝 黄俊

Analysis on Variation and Workload Confirmation Transmission System Optimization Cases

◎李成宝 黄俊

A large foreign project, one of the world's largest LNG plant construction projects, 36 core process modules in construction with a total weight of 200,000 tons approximately, project duration started from July 2014 and will be completed in July 2017. The variation and workload confirmation transmission management system is established and implemented with exploration and innovation in this project, the author elaborated variation and workload confirmation transmission system by extraction of optimized cases in order to provide a practical reference for variation and workload confirmation management work in oil and gas module construction projects.


Due to the particularity of variation and workload confirmation work in this large foreign project, the author perform classification management to the variation and workload confirmation transmission system which is divided into discipline engineering and mechanical and electrical installation engineering according to bidding and contract awarding mode.

Variation and workload confirmation transmission system optimization case analysis

Variation confirmation transmission optimization case

Current transmission path: 1 variation submitted by subcontractors (with paper variation account)-2 PMT discipline engineers review and sign-3 PMT document control engineers sort-4 subcontractors document control engineers register, receive, sign, distribute, and transfer to PMT after its leader’s signature-5 PMT document control engineers register, receive, sign, distribute to module managers for signature and transfer to design department-6 design department document control engineers register, receive, sign, distribute and transfer to PMT after its leader’s signature -7 PMT document control engineers register, receive, sign and distribute to PMT discipline engineers-8 PMT discipline engineers review and signleaders approve

Optimized transmission path: 4 subcontractors document control engineers register, receive, sign, distribute and transfer to design department after its leader’s signature-5 design department document control engineers register, receive, sign, distribute and transfer to PMT after its leader’s signature-6 PMT document control engineers register, receive, sign and distribute to PMT discipline engineers-7 PMT discipline engineers submitted to module managers for signature, then PMT discipline engineers review and submitted to leaders for approval

Workload confirmation transmission optimization case

At the early period of this project, PMT designate department A responsible for subcontracting management of mechanical and electrical installation engineering and small structure bulk materials division and transmission. During the process of implementation, it was discovered that column internals, electric heat tracing were unable to be divided by discipline. Afterward it was determined that functional management department A responsible for electric heating and PMT construction department A responsible for column internals. Due to subcontracting contracts signing and site actual situation, special workload confirmation sheet increasingly but document control engineers cannot confirm transmission direction according to documents. Afterward it was determined that PMT discipline engineers to make special mark on account, this method can effectively avoid the probability of error, mistake, omit and others in the process of transmission. After optimization, it was concluded that functional management department A responsible for discipline engineering subcontracting management, electric heat tracing and special workload transmission and signing work. PMT construction department A responsible for subcontracting management of mechanical and electrical installation project, bulk materials, column internals transmission and signing work in order to ensure each discipline workload confirmation transmission in good order and synchronously with variation confirmation transmission.


After years of development, domestic project management theory has basically formed a unique project management system and project management personnel have adequate knowledge about project management knowledge system. The author devotes himself into the practice, innovation and implementation of variation and workload confirmation transmission management system, and this paper extracted two optimized cases to perform analysis in order to provide a reference only for variation and workload confirmation and management work in oil and gas module construction projects.



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