

四川动物 2017年6期

董赛红, 任国栋



董赛红, 任国栋*


研究了中国云南拟步甲科Tenebrionidae烁甲族Amarygmini烁甲属AmarygmusDalman,1823,发现中国3新纪录种,越北烁甲A.tonkineusPic, 1922、丝角烁甲A.filicornis(Gravely, 1915)和肿腿烁甲A.nodicornis(Gravely, 1915),云南2新纪录种,艾多烁甲A.adonis(Pic, 1922) 和中国烁甲A.sinensisPic, 1922,提供了该属云南已知种检索表、地理分布。检视标本保存于河北大学博物馆。

云南; 烁甲属; 分类; 新纪录

Dalman(1823)依据模式种ChrysomelamicansFabricius, 1794建立烁甲属Amarygmus,该属隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera拟步甲科Tenebrionidae烁甲族Amarygmini,目前全世界已知900余种(Bremer & Lillig,2014),是烁甲族种类最多的属,其形态特征变化大,主要分布于东洋区、古北区东部、巴布亚、澳大利亚等太平洋岛屿地区。我国已知37种(包括本文新纪录3种),分布于云南、上海、浙江、福建、江西、广东、广西、海南、四川、台湾和香港。本文通过整理及鉴定采自中国云南的烁甲标本,发现中国3新纪录种,云南2新纪录种。编制了云南已知9种的分类检索表。



AmarygmusDalman, 1823: 1823, 60 (Type species:ChrysomelamicansFabricius, 1794). Gebien 1920, 409-410; Bremer 2005b, 201.

DietysusPascoe, 1866: 1866, 486 (Type species:DietysusconfususPascoe, 1866). Synonymised by Gebien 1920, 410.

ElixotaPascoe, 1866: 1866, 475 (Type species:ElixotacupreaPascoe, 1866). Synonymised by Bremer 2001a, 65.

EuryperaPascoe, 1870: 1870, 106 (Type species:EuryperacupreaPascoe, 1870). Synonymised by Blackburn, 1893, 53.

AphyllocerusFairmaire, 1881: 1881a, 248; 1881b, 349 (Type species:AphyllocerusdecipiensFairmaire, 1881). Synonymised by Gebien 1920, 410.

AnacycusFairmaire, 1896: 1896, 33 (Type species:AnacycusnavicularisFairmaire, 1896). Synonymised to Elixota Pascoe, 1866 by Blair: 1929, 245.

PlatolenesGebien, 1913: 1913a, 420-421 (Type species:PlatolenesrufipesGebien, 1913). Synonymi-sed by Bremer 2001a, 69.

PseudamarygmusPic, 1915: 1915b, 9 (Type species:PseudamarygmustestaceipesPic, 1915). Synonymised by Bremer 2001a, 67.

ApelinaSaha, 1988: 1988, 429-430 (Type species:ApelinakeralaensisSaha, 1988). Synonymised by Bremer 2014, 3.

PlesiamarygmusMasumoto, 1989: 1989, 314 (Type species:DietysusovoideusFairmaire, 1882). Synonymised by Bremer 2005b, 205.

PyanirygmusPic, 1915: 1915b, 9 (Type species:PyanirygmuscorinthiusPic, 1915). Synonymised by Bremer 2005b, 206-208.

HyperamarygmusKaszab, 1964: 291-292 (Type species:HyperamarygmusantennalisKaszab, 1964). Synonymised by Bremer 2001a, 70.

OogetonMiwa, 1939: 412 (Type species:OogetonmakiiMiwa, 1939). Synonymised by Bremer 2005b, 209.

BecvaramarygmusMasumoto, 1999: 369 (Type species:DietysusnodicornisGravely, 1915). Synonymised by Bremer 2005b, 209.

PodamarygmusCarter, 1928: 287 (Type species:PodamarygmusalternansCarter, 1928). Synonymised by Bremer 2006, 37.

DryadigmusBremer, 2007: 26 (Type species:DryadigmuscechovskyiBremer, 2007). Synonymised by Bremer 2007, 26.

VarogetonBremer, 2014: 37 (Type species:DietysussubannulipesPic, 1922). Synonymised by Bremer 2014, 37.




PlatolenesadonisPic, 1922: 1922a, 12; Kaszab 1980: 180.

Amarygmusadonis(Pic, 1922): Bremer 2001a, 57; Bremer, 2004: 11.

检视标本:1ex.,云南景洪纳板河保护区纳板茶厂(森林,729 m),100.665 43°E,22.158 10°N,2009-V-16,孟令曾采。



PlatolenespilipesGebien, 1913: 1913b, 42; Kaszab, 1980: 180.

AmarygmusformosanusPic, 1915: 1915a, 21. Synonymized by Ardoin, 1969: 126.

AmarygmuslongipillisPic, 1922: 1922b, 303. Synonymized by Bremer, 2001b: 84.

Amarygmuspilipes(Gebien, 1913): Bremer, 2001a: 57; Bremer, 2005a: 20; I. Löbl & A. Smetana, 2008: 216.

检视标本:13ex.,云南沧源县班洪乡(1 130 m),2008-Ⅶ-16~18,徐吉山、郜振华采;1ex.,云南镇康县南伞镇(1 000 m),2008-Ⅶ-19~21,徐吉山、周勇采;3ex.,云南景洪大渡岗,2014-Ⅳ-28,邱见玥采;1ex.,云南景谷,2006-Ⅷ-5~6,毛本勇等采;1ex.,云南金平阿得博,2006-Ⅶ-23~24,毛本勇等采;1ex.,云南耿马县城(1 100 m),2008-Ⅶ-15,徐吉山、郜振华采。



AnacycuspunctatusPic, 1922: 1922a: 11.

Elixotapunctate(Pic, 1922): Gebien, 1944: 513.

Amarygmuspunctatus(Pic, 1922): Bremer, 2001a: 57; Bremer, 2003: 72; I.Löbl & A. Smetana, 2008: 216.

检视标本:3ex.,云南维西县塔城镇(2 012 m),2008-Ⅷ-7~9,徐吉山、郜振华采。



AmarygmussinensisPic, 1922: 1922a: 11; Bremer, 2004: 33; I.Löbl & A. Smetana, 2008: 216.




AmarygmusspeciosusDalman, 1823: 61; Bremer, 2003: 81; I.Löbl & A. Smetana, 2008: 216.

检视标本:1ex.,N.Thailand, Doi Sang, 1990-Ⅴ-10~13,M.IT采。



AmarygmuslacanusPic, 1924: 1924: 28; [syn.]: Bremer 2004: 39-40.




AmarygmusyunnanensisBremer, 2011: 2011: 17.




DietysusfilicornisGravely, 1915: 532-553;ppl. XLIV, Fig. 14.

Amarygmusfilicornis(Gravely, 1915): Gebien 1944: 503.

DietysusatricolorPic, 1922: 1922b, 304.

Amarygmusatricolor(Pic, 1922): Gebien 1944: 502; [syn.]: Bremer 2005b: 217.

检视标本:2ex.,云南金平十里村(草地,1 960 m),103.297 02°E,22.774 56°N, 2006-Ⅻ-16,白天,梁宏斌等采。



DietysusnodicornisGravely, 1915: 533-534, pl. XLIV, Fig. 15.

Amarygmusnodicornis(Gravely, 1915): Gebien 1944: 504.

DietysusvitalisiPic, 1922: 1922b: 305.

Becvaramarygmusatricolor(Pic, 1922): Masumoto 1999: 369.

Amarygmusvitalisi(Pic, 1922): Gebien 1944: 505; [syn.]: Bremer 2005b: 214.

Amarygmus(Becvaramarygmus)nodicornis(Gravely, 1915); [stat. n.]: Bremer 2005b: 214.



该种主要鉴别特征是:雄性前足胫节膨大,且内侧深凹,触角2~6节端部明显粗圆。日本学者Masumoto(1999)根据保存于法国自然历史博物馆的模式标本DietysusatricolorPic, 1922建立属,仅记录1种,德国学者Bremer(2005b)将其降为亚属。

图版Ⅰ 烁甲属中国三新纪录种Plate Ⅰ Three new record species of the genus Amarygmus Dalman, 1823 from China

1.越北烁甲AmarygmustonkineusPic, 1922; 2. 丝角烁甲Amarygmusfilicornis(Gravely, 1915); 3. 肿腿烁甲Amarygmusnodicornis(Gravely, 1915) ♂; 4. 肿腿烁甲Amarygmusnodicornis(Gravely, 1915) ♀; 5~7. 肿腿烁甲Amarygmusnodicornis(Gravely, 1915), 5.前足背面观foreleg in dorsal view, 6. 前足腹面观foreleg in ventral view, 7. 触角antenna.

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Bremer HJ. 2001a. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 und verwandter Gattungen. Ⅰ. Allgemeine Bemerkungen; Status einiger Gattungen affineAmarygmusDalman; neue Kombinationen von Arten der GattungAmarygmus(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Alleculinae: Amagygmini)[J]. Coleoptera, 5: 57-80.

Bremer HJ. 2001b. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 und verwandter Gattungen. Ⅱ. Neue Gattungen affineAmarygmusmit neuen Arten, sowie neue Arten und Synonyme[J]. Coleoptera, 5: 81-106.

Bremer HJ. 2003. Revision derGattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 sowie verwandter Gattungen. ⅩⅥ. Erste Mitteilung über lang gestreckte Arten aus der orientalischen Region: Nachbeschreibungen und Abbildungen beschriebener Arten sowie Neubeschreibungen (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae; Amarygmini)[J]. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici, 95: 37-105.

Bremer HJ. 2004. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 sowie verwandter Gattungen. ⅩⅪ. Nachbeschreibungen, Neubeschreibungen und Illustrationen vonAmarygmus-Arten der orientalischen Region (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae; Amarygmini)[J]. Acta Coleopterologica, 20(1): 7-86.

Bremer HJ. 2005a. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 sowie verwandter Gattungen. ⅩⅩⅩⅢ. DieAmarygmus-Arten der orientalischen Region mit Makeln auf Flügeldecken. 2. Mitteilung (Coleoptera; Tenebrionidae; Amarygmini)[J]. Acta Coleopterologica, 21(2): 9-50.

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Bremer HJ. 2006. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 und verwandter Gattungen. XLI. DieAmarygmus-Arten des SubgenusPodamarygmusCarter (Col.: Tenebrionidae: Amarygmini)[J]. Acta Coleopterologica, 22(1): 35-60.

Bremer HJ. 2007. Revision der GattungAmarygmusDalman, 1823 sowie verwandter Gattungen (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Amarygmini). XLV. Neu- und Nachbeschreibungen vonAmarygmus-Arten der orientalischen Region[J]. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A (Biologie), Nr. 707: 1-48.

Bremer HJ. 2011. Revision of the genusAmarygmusDalman and related genera. LIX. New elongateAmarygmusfrom Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and southern China (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Amarygmini)[J]. Acta Coleopterologica, 27(2): 3-30.

Bremer HJ. 2014. Revision ofAmarygmusDalman, 1823 and related genera. part LXXII. The Amarygmini of Borneo (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), part Ⅳ. Species of the genusPlesiophthalmusand related genera (including species of Sumatra, Java and partially Peninsular Malaysia)[J]. Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 104: 31-83.

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Miwa Y. 1939. Description on four new species belonging to the Family Tenebrionidae from Formosa[J]. Zoological Magazine (Tokyo), 5 (7): 412-415.

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Pascoe FP. 1870. Additions to the Tenebrionidae of Australia[J]. The Annals and Magazine of Natural History including Zoology, Botany, and Geology, 5: 94-107.

Pic M. 1915a. Diagnoses d’Hétéromères[J]. Mélanges Exotico-entomologiques, 16: 14-24.

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DONG Saihong, REN Guodong*

(The Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, College of Life Sciences, Hebei University,Baoding, Hebei Province 071002, China)

The genusAmarygmusDalman, 1823 from Yunnan, China was studied in this paper. Three new record species from China,A.tonkineusPic, 1922,A.filicornis(Gravely, 1915), andA.nodicornis(Gravely, 1915), and two new record species from Yunnan province,A.adonis(Pic, 1922) andA.sinensisPic, 1922 were reported. The keys to species in Yunnan and geographical distribution were provided. Specimens are deposited in the Hebei University Museum.

Yunnan;Amarygmus; taxonomy; new record



国家自然科学基金项目(31572309, 31402003); 河北省研究生创新资助项目(S2016004)

董赛红(1977—), 博士, 讲师, 从事昆虫分类学研究,

*通信作者Corresponding author,





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