

汽车工程学报 2017年6期


CAFC、NEV双积分与碳配额法规综合研究与组合政策思考Integrated Study and Combined Policy Suggestions on CAFC,NEV and Carbon Credits ………………………………… 001

两种儿童约束系统动态性能仿真研究Simulation Research on Dynamic Performance of Two Kinds of Child Restraint Systems …………………………………… 010

面向痕迹采集的汽车-两轮车碰撞事故痕迹参数敏感性分析Trace Collection Oriented Sensitivity Analysis of Trace Parameters for Collisions Between the Two-Wheeler and Another Vehicle ……………………………………………………… 016

一款发动机油气分离器的结构参数优化Structural Parameters Optimization of an Engine Oil-Gas Separator …………………………………………………… 022

基于Ansoft的SCR无气辅尿素喷嘴电磁阀的仿真分析Simulation Analysis of the Non Air Assisted SCR Urea Nozzles Solenoid Valve Based on Ansoft ………………………… 030

自动变速器静态换挡充油特性分析及优化控制Automatic Transmission Research of Gear Shift Technology for a New 8-step Speed Automatic Transmission ………… 037基于多目标遗传算法的纯电动汽车AMT综合换挡规律研究

Research on AMT Overall Shift Schedule for Pure Electric Vehicles Based on NSGA-ⅡAlgorithm ………………… 044

汽车制动踏板特性仿真及踏板感觉优化Simulation of Brake Pedal Characteristic and Optimization of Brake Pedal Feel ………………………………………… 052

某4×4轻型轮式越野车平顺性多工况脉输入试验研究Ride Quality Test for a 4×4 Cross-country Vehicle with Multipulse inputs ……………………………………………… 061

乘用车下控制臂总成道路模拟试验开发Development of Road Simulation Test for Lower Control Arm on Passenger Cars ………………………………………… 066

混合动力汽车变速器纯电动模式换挡性能仿真分析与试验评价Simulation and Experimental Evaluation on Shifting Performance of Transmission for Hybrid Electric Vehicle in Pure Electric Driving Mode ……………………………………………… 072


汽车事故数据记录器数据规范及应用进展综述Review on Regulation and Application Progress of Vehicle EDR Data …………………………………………………… 079

应用道路模拟机进行整车强化坏路试验研究Research on Whole Vehicle Durability Test Using a Road Simulator ………………………………………………………… 086

混合电磁悬架阻尼系数优化设计Optimization Design of Damping Coefficient Used in Hybrid Electromagnetic Suspension Systems ………………… 093

6 岁儿童骨盆有限元模型的构建和验证Development and Validation of a Finite Element Model for a 6-year-old Child Pelvis …………………………………… 100

某N1类车辆安全带固定点强度对标及改进The Correlation Analysis and Modification of Seatbelt Anchorage Strength on an N1 Vehicle ……………………… 106

基于电池能量状态和车辆能耗的电动汽车续驶里程估算A Driving Range Estimation Model for Electric Vehicles Based on Battery Energy State and Vehicle Energy Consumption …… 113

《免征车辆购置税的新能源汽车车型目录》中纯电动客车性能参数分析Analysis of Performance Parameters of Pure Electric Buses in the Catalogue of New Energy Vehicle Types Exempt from Vehicle Purchase Tax ……………………………………………… 123

新版C-NCAP 侧面碰撞假人损伤研究Research on Dummy Injury in New C-NCAP Side Impact Tests……………………………………………………………… 133

城市公交客车弯道行驶油耗优化方法Fuel Consumption Optimization of City Bus Running on Curves ……………………………………………………… 139

汽车方向盘怠速振动优化方法研究A Study on Optimization Method of Vehicle Steering Wheel Vibration at Idle …………………………………………… 146

配有换挡提示装置的手动挡车型节油潜力研究A Study on Energy Saving Potential for Manual Transmission Vehicles with Gear Shift Indicator ……………………… 151


非光滑表面对汽车后视镜气动噪声的影响研究Research on the Impact of Non-smooth Surface on the Aerody-namic Noise of Vehicle Rear-View Mirro ………………157

车用动力电池热防护与散热集成研究Study on an Integrated Lithium Battery System in EV Combining Cooling and Thermal Runaway Protection ……………… 167

高压共轨喷油器响应特性优化分析Optimization Analysis of the Response Characteristics of High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Injector …………………… 175

基于3 岁儿童乘员下肢有限元模型的生长板损伤机理研究Mechanism Study of the Injured Growth Plate Using a Lower Extremity Finite Element Model of a 3-Year-Old Occupant …182

一种电动汽车动力电池组动态匹配均衡器的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Dynamic Matching Equalizer for Electric Vehicle Power Battery Packs ……………………… 188

WLTC 与NEDC 比较及对汽车油耗的影响浅析Comparison of WLTC & NEDC and Preliminary Study of Their Impact on Automobile Fuel Consumption ………………… 196

某重型车辆轮辋夹紧螺栓断裂问题分析Analysis on Fracture of Rim Tightening Bolts for a Heavy Vehicle ……………………………………………………… 205

基于弹性皮带的发动机附件驱动系统研究The Study on Engine Front End Accessory Drive System Based on Stretchy Belt …………………………………………… 212

轿车用安全带织带回收性能研究Retraction Performance of Car Seatbelt Webbing …… 220

乘用车智能进气格栅的影响和应用Effects on Vehicle Performance and Applications of Active Grille Shutters ……………………………………………… 226


掺混比例和预喷定时对二甲醚-乙醇发动机燃烧和排放的影响Effects of Blend Ratios and Pilot Injection Timing on Combustion and Emissions of a DME-Ethanol Engine ……………… 235

基于PMP 的Plug-in 柴电混合动力汽车油耗与排放最优控制策略Optimal Control Strategy to Minimize Fuel Consumption and Missions for Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Based on Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle ………………………… 244

基于加权最小二乘拟合的电动车ACC 模式仲裁切换策略研究Research on ACC Pattern Switching Strategy Based on Weighting Least Squares Fitting ………………………… 253

分布式驱动电动汽车驱制动系统容量分配方法Capacity Allocation of Driving System & Braking System for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles …………………… 261

混合动力离合器启动发动机的控制策略研究The Control Strategy Research of Engine Start with Hybrid Clutch ……………………………………………………… 270

纯电动乘用车能耗指标先进性判定方法研究Research on the Evaluation Method of Energy Consumption Index for Pure Electric Passenger Vehicles …………… 280

利用风扇罩主动格栅实现对车辆冷却气流的控制Application of Fan Housing Active Grille Shutter for Cooling Air Flow Control on Vehicles ……………………………… 288

喷射参数对柴油机SCR 内部NH3均匀性影响分析Influence Analysis of Injection Parameters on NH3Uniformity in Diesel Engine SCR …………………………………… 299

汽车座椅H 点测试中躯干角变化对H 点坐标的影响Investigating the Influence of Change in Manikin Torso Angle on H-point Coordinates in Car Seat H-point Test ……… 306


中国低速电动车产业的现状、问题与未来发展策略Current Situation,Problems and Future Development Strategy of China's Low-speed Electric Vehicle Industry ……………… 313

柴油机DOC+SCR 系统NOx转化效率影响因素研究Study on NOxConversion Ef fi ciency in DOC+SCR System for Diesel Engines …………………………………………… 321

一种自动提取车身前视图参数化模型的方法A Method of Automatically Extracting the Parametric Model of vehicle Body Front-view Images ………………………… 327

电动汽车后部碰撞试验的电安全研究Research on Electrical Safety in EV Rear Crash Tests …… 334

基于CFD 的汽车前端结构匹配研究Research on Matching of Automobile Front-end Structures Based on CFD ……………………………………………… 342

汽车零部件SPS 供货系统与装配线排序优化研究Optimization of Automobile Parts SPS Feeding Policy and Assembly Line Scheduling Problem ……………………… 350

基于动力总成- 整车耦合模型的动力悬置系统振动性能研究Research on Vibration Performance of Powertrain Mounting System Based on a Model Coupling the Powertrain and Vehicle……………………………………………………………… 357

电动汽车CAN 总线多渠道解析方法An Approach to Analyze Electric Vehicle CAN Messages … 368

整车气动声学风洞的冷却与加热系统Full-scale Aero-acoustic Wind Tunnel Cooling and Heating Systems …………………………………………………… 374

基于我国典型城市工况的小型纯电动汽车传动系优化匹配研究Research on Optimal Matching of Drivetrain for Small Pure Electric Vehicles under Typical Urban Driving Conditions in China …………………………………………………………382


考虑热辐射的整车零部件温度耦合仿真A Coupled Simulation for Temperature Distribution of Vehicle Components Considering the Radiation Effect …… 391

基于聚类分析法的公交车行驶工况构建研究Study on Construction of City Bus Driving Cycle Based on Cluster Analysis …………………………………………… 400

新能源汽车动力电机测试平台设计Design of a Test Bench for New Energy Vehicle Power Motor Systems …………………………………………………… 407

纯电动汽车两挡AMT电子控制单元的设计与实现Development of a 2-speed Automated Mechanical Transmission and Its Control System for Pure Electric Vehicles ……… 415

基于PCWR的薄板件装配偏差计算与控制研究Research on Calculation and Control of Flexible Sheet Assembly Deviation Based on PCWR ……………………………… 423

IIHS正面小偏置碰撞试验及发展趋势研究IIHS Small Overlap Crash Test And Trend Reaserch …… 432

商用车辆ESC法规FMVSS 136制定过程的研究Research on Formulation of Electronic Stability Control System Regulation FMVSS 136 for Commercial Vehicles ……… 439

基于响应面法的汽车灯底板成形参数设计Design of Forming Parameters of Automobile Lamp Base Based on Response Surface Method …………………… 445

智能网联汽车多源信息集成平台技术研究Embedded Devices Integration Platform Design for Automobile Intelligent Network ………………………………………… 450

面向垂直刚度的轻型车后门性能设计Performance Design of JL01 Rear-door Based on Vertical Stiffness …………………………………………………… 456

某车型转向机构碰撞仿真建模方法A Crash Simulation Model for a Vehicle Steering Mechanism ………………………………………………………… 461


3D 打印汽车等