

中国环境科学 2017年11期

庞素艳,杨 悦,姜成春,周 扬,江 进,马 军


庞素艳1,2*,杨 悦2,姜成春3,周 扬4,江 进4,马 军4

(1.吉林建筑大学市政与环境工程学院,吉林长春130118;2.哈尔滨理工大学化学与环境工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨150040;3.深圳职业技术学院建筑与环境工程学院,广东深圳 518055;4.哈尔滨工业大学城市水资源与水环境国家重点实验室,黑龙江哈尔滨 150090)




高锰酸钾(KMnO4)作为绿色氧化剂,运输、储存、使用方便,且氧化后不易产生有毒有害副产物,能够在水处理过程中进行大规模应用. Jiang等[15]研究了KMnO4降解2,4-二溴酚的氧化产物和反应路径,LC-MS/MS质谱测定结果表明,2,4-二溴酚氧化后产生2个含有4个溴的聚合产物,一个为多溴联苯醚,由2个2,4-二溴酚氧自由基通过邻位C与O耦合产生,另一个是由2个2,4-二溴酚氧自由基通过邻位C与邻位C耦合产生,结构中含有2个羟基,且每个苯环中都含有1个.到目前为止,还没有关于KMnO4氧化降解2-溴酚氧化产物与反应路径的研究.


1 实验部分

1.1 材料


1.2 试验方法

一系列含10µmol/L 2-溴酚的纯水中(含10%乙腈),加入不同浓度KMnO4起始反应(5~20µmol/L),反应完全后(即KMnO4完全被消耗),用0.45µm的玻璃纤维膜过滤,利用液相色谱质谱联用仪(LC-MS/MS)对过滤后样品进行产物分析测定.

1.3 分析方法

KMnO4降解2-溴酚的氧化产物采用AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500三重四级杆串联线性离子阱质谱与Agilent 1260高效液相联用(LC-MS/ MS)进行分析测定.色谱柱为Agilent Poroshell 120EC-C18(4.6mm×150mm,2.7μm),流动相为乙腈(A)和含1‰甲酸的超纯水(B),流动相梯度为A先从5%开始,保持5min,然后在30min内从5%线性升到50%,保持10min,再在0.1min内降到5%,保持5min,流速为200μL/min,进样量为10μL,柱温为35℃.采用电喷雾离子源负离子模式(ESI-)进行检测,测定方法选择子找母扫描模式(PIS),即在四级杆Q3设定特殊质量数的子离子,然后在四级杆Q1设定质量数扫描范围,寻找能够产生该子离子的母离子.Q1设定扫描范围为50~500Da, Q3设定子离子质量数为79或81Da,扫描速度为1000Da/s,离子源电压和温度分别为-4500V和500℃,氮气(N2)作为气帘气,流速为35L/min,去簇电压(DP)和入口电压(EP)分别为-70V和-10V,碰撞电压(CE)为-30V~-100V.

2 结果与讨论

2.1 溴代有机物质谱测定方法的建立



2.2 KMnO4降解2-溴酚的氧化产物与反应路径


图1 2-溴酚标准样品LC-MS/MS色谱图

(a) PIS79, (b) PIS81, (c) 全扫描

图2 KMnO4氧化2-溴酚的LC-MS/MS色谱图

(a) PIS79, (b) PIS81, (c) 全扫描

图3 2-溴酚氧自由基的所有C-C和C-O耦合反应

表1 溴代有机物在LC-MS/MS全扫描和子找母扫描中理论同位素丰度规律





3 结论

3.1 根据溴的天然同位素特性,建立了一种简便、快速LC-MS/MS-PIS (79和81)子找母质谱扫描测定方法.

3.2 LC-MS/MS-PIS子找母质谱扫描方法测得KMnO4氧化2-溴酚的主要产物为4个不脱溴的氧化耦合产物,分子结构中含有2个溴,质量数为341/343(79)和343/345(81),丰度比为1:1.

3.3 KMnO4氧化2-溴酚产生的4个溴代聚合产物推测是由2-溴酚氧自由基通过C-C和C-O耦合产生,其中,C-C耦合的聚合产物先出峰,C-O耦合的聚合产物后出峰.

3.4 2-溴酚氧自由基发生耦合反应理论上产生的8个溴代聚合产物并没有全部被检测到,主要是由于酚氧自由基的氧化耦合速率不同,导致耦合产物的形成产率不同.

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Products and pathways of 2-bromophenol oxidation by potassium permanganate.

PANG Su-yan1,2*, YANG Yue2, JIANG Cheng-chun3, ZHOU Yang4, JIANG Jin4, MA Jun4

(1.School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering, Jilin Jianzhu University, Changchun 130118, China;2.College of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China;3.School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China;4.State Key Laboratory of Urban Water Resource and Environment, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China)., 2017,37(11):4159~4165

The purpose of this article was to investigate the mechanism responsible for the formation of brominated polymeric products from oxidation of bromophenols by aqueous potassium permanganate. Experiments were conducted to determine brominated oxidation products of 2-bromophenol by aqueous potassium permanganate using liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The results showed that four polymeric products of341/343 (at79) and 343/345 (at81) containing two bromine atoms were detected by the precursor ion scan (PIS) approach at79 and 81, respectively, and their abundance was about 1:1, consistent with the natural isotope of bromine atom. The four polymeric products were isomers, and they were formed by the C-O and C-C coupling of 2-bromophenoxy radicals, where the C-C coupling products eluted faster than the C-O coupling ones in LC-MS/MS. According to phenolic coupling theory, there would be eight brominated polymeric products. However, they were partially detected, probably due to the difference in coupling rates of phenoxy radicals.

potassium permanganate;2-Bromophenol;polymeric product;oxidative coupling;reaction pathways






国家自然科学基金资助项目(51578203, 51378316)

* 责任作者, 教授,


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