Any actor or actress would admit that its tricky to play roles based on real people.
On one hand, they do mountains of research to make sure theyre staying as true to life as possible. On the other hand, they try to add their own touches to the performance so that their work can be called their own.
American actor Andrew Garfield, 33, faced that dilemma when playing Desmond Doss in recent Mel Gibsons film Hacksaw Ridge. Doss was a US army medic during World War II who refused to carry a gun because of his pacifist beliefs, but saved 75 lives without firing a single shot. His actions made him the first conscientious objector—a person who objects to serving in the armed forces for moral or conscience reasons—to be presented with the Medal of Honor, the USs highest military honor awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty.
This isnt the first time that Garfield has endured the responsibility
of playing a well-known figure. He starred as the titular character in two of the Spider-Man movies, which according to him brought a different kind of pressure. “Spider-Man is so active in peoples imaginations that everyone has their own version of the character in their head. But theres only one version of Desmond,” he said.
His first stage of research was to study as many images and documentaries of Doss he could get his hands on. But Garfield soon realized that he needed to learn not only the veterans external characteristics, but also his essence, his insides, that deepest part of himself.
To help achieve his goal, Garfield traveled to Chattanooga in Tennessee to visit the last home Doss lived in before he died in 2006. The actor wanted to walk where Doss walked, handle the tools Doss handled, while all the time keeping in mind how the research would affect his performance.
“For me, with a man like Desmond, I dont think I could have gone too far in terms of getting to know who he was,” Garfield said. “But it cant be an impression of him. That doesnt interest me.”
“There are certain things that are wonderful as resources you get to imitate. But then there is the other part of the alchemy process in making the character you.”
Garfield explains that its like the difference between slipping into someones clothes and stepping into their skin. Until he goes deep inside a role based on a real person, he doesnt feel hes done the work justice. And its not until he fully understands the character that Garfield feels confident he can do the things asked of the role in the script without hesitation or thought.endprint
Word Study
tricky /tr?k?/ adj. 复杂的,难处理的;狡猾的 Getting it to fit exactly is a tricky business.
conscientious /?k?n??'en??s/ adj. 尽责的;凭良心的 We are generally very conscientious about our work.
endure /?n'dj??(r) / v. 忍耐;承受 She could not endure the thought of parting.
essence /'esns/ n. 精华;精髓 His paintings capture the essence of France.
script /skr?pt/ n. 剧本;脚本 That line isnt in the original script.endprint