Moroccan Women Just Surfed onto the World Stage 听力难度摩洛哥女性在世界冲浪舞台上崭露头角


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年11期

⊙By David Fuchs and Mary Mathis 翻译:BillyBudd

Moroccan Women Just Surfed onto the World Stage 听力难度摩洛哥女性在世界冲浪舞台上崭露头角

⊙By David Fuchs and Mary Mathis 翻译:BillyBudd


The1)Atlantic coast of Morocco is known to surfers for its powerful2)point breaks, and Moroccan men have long competed on the world surfing tour. Now, Moroccan women are starting to join them.

The scene at the3)Agadir Open looks like something out of a southern California surf competition: a white sand beach, a4)DJ booth5)blasting pop music, and6)clusters of young men in board shorts. But the7)mint tea on the judge’s table and blue fishing boats along the shore give it a distinctly Moroccan feel. The ridge above the beach is packed with locals who’ve come to watch hometown favorite, Meryem El Gardoum, compete in this competition’s first ever women’s finals.She rides a pink surfboard in a8)crimson wet suit.

After 20 minutes, an air9)horn blasts, and El Gardoum10)pumps her fist in the air. She’s won. She catches her last wave into shore and chats with some of the older women watching from the beach.

Meryem: They told me that’s…when I was in my heat for the final, they was [sic] so happy for me.

At age 20, El Gardoum is a four-time national champion, but she says this is the first time she’s gotten such public support from the women in her own village, Tamraght.

Meryem: The people here they say, “Where[sic] you come from?” “Yeah, I’m from Morocco. I live in Tamraght.” They surprised[sic].

Surprised to find a world-class surfer from a relatively traditional village, where most families, including El Gardoum’s, earn their income from fishing, farming and goatherding.

But the area is changing fast. Surf tourism has exploded here along the coastline. The change is11)visible on the streets. Locals on motorcycles now share the dirt roads with12)SUVs packed with tourists and boards, and men are constantly at work on construction projects serving the tourist industry.

Despite the new jobs, El Gardoum says some of the men here still13)aren’t sold on surfing and don’t approve of local women and girls taking part in the sport.

Meryem: They say, if you’re going to surf,you’re gonna drink alcohol, you’re gonna smoke, you’re gonna go with the boys…”

El Gardoum says she gets14)push-back from local women, too.

Meryem: They said to my mom, “Tell her to stop surfing. It’s not good for her.” But she told me just go to surf, don’t care about what they said. And then I keep surfing, you know,like, if I keep thinking about what they said,I’m never gonna do, like, nothing.

But there are other barriers keeping Moroccan women from the waves. Fatima Zahra Berrada is another champion surfer.She and El Gardoum are the first Moroccan women to represent their country in the15)ISA

1) Atlantic [ət'læntɪk] adj. 大西洋的

2) point break 角浪,一种适合冲浪的浪型,指当海浪包围海岸线突出的一角陆地或岩石时,左侧或右侧将形成完美直线的海浪。

3) Agadir Open 阿加迪尔公开赛,摩洛哥冲浪赛事,至今仅七年历史。比赛原本仅限男选手参赛,2017年赛事首度增设女子冲浪项目。

4) DJ 即disc jockey,(电台)流行音乐节目主持人,唱片播放员

5) blast [blæst] v. (音乐或喇叭)大声播放或鸣响

6) cluster ['klʌstə(r)] n. (人或物)群

7) mint tea 薄荷茶,堪称摩洛哥国饮,是摩洛哥最流行的饮品。

8) crimson ['krɪmz(ə)n] adj. 深红色(的)

9) horn [hɔːn] n. 喇叭,号角

10) pump ['pʌmp] v. 上下抽动

11) visible ['vɪzɪb(ə)l] adj. 明显的,看得见的

12) SUV 运动型多功能汽车(sport utility vehicle)的缩写。

13) be sold on 热衷于,被……迷住

14) push-back ['pʊʃ'bæk] n. 阻力,往后的推力

15) ISA 国际冲浪协会(International Sur fi ng Association)的缩写。World Surfing Games.

Fatima: (via translator) It’s an expensive sport.It’s not open to everyone. Unfortunately there are a lot of talented young people who don’t have a way to make a living off their passion.

Berrada says her success wouldn’t have been possible without financial support from her family. She says the creation of Morocco’s national surfing federation,which16)picks up the tab for the national team, has helped reduce costs for top-level competitors. But she and El Gardoum say

it’s not enough. They want to see women get sponsorships from international surf brands, the same ones that support the Moroccan men competing abroad. And they’d like to see more surfing associations sponsor girls so one day they can17)get a shot at international competitions, too.

Meryem: “All over the world, yeah, there’s a girl surfer in the world.” That’s what I wants[sic] to say.

16) pick up the tab 承担费用

17) get a shot at 尝试去做

作文素材常积累:梅利姆·埃尔·加尔杜姆——Our lives begin to end the day we become obedient[顺从的]to the disapproval voices. 梅利姆出生在摩洛哥一个传统小镇上的传统穆斯林家庭,我们不难想象身为女孩子的梅利姆在风气不算开放的环境中跟男孩子一同“抛头露面”玩冲浪会遭遇多少流言与阻力,幸好她有母亲的支持,更重要的是她本人从不畏惧他人闲言。是啊,任凭他人怎么说,决定权总是在自己手上,别人反对又怎样,路是自己走的。就这样,凭借坚持与天赋,梅利姆不仅在摩洛哥拿到了四个全国赛冠军,还数次代表国家出征国际赛场。在追求梦想的路上,不论遇到多大的困难,女性也不能气馁,要让世界看到:看啊,男孩能做的事情女孩也能做到!


在英语中,现在分词作定语时既可前置,也可后置。其主要区别是,单个现在分词作定语时,一般会放在被修饰的名词之前,如文中的blue fishing boats;后置的情况一般是在现在分词短语作定语时,如文中的a DJ booth blasting pop music及construction projects serving the tourist industry等。

此外,现在分词作定语时,其与所修饰的名词之间多呈逻辑上的主谓关系,一般可转化成定语从句,如a DJ booth blasting pop music = a DJ booth which is blasting pop music;construction projects serving the tourist industry = construction projects which are serving the tourist industry。如果现在分词与所修饰的名词之间没有主谓关系,则相当于由介词for引导的短语,如blue fi shing boats = blue boats for fi shing。

















