卢 军,胡秀文
卢 军1,胡秀文2
(1. 华中农业大学理学院,武汉 430070;2. 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070)
基于图像处理和机器视觉的树上绿色柑橘检测,能为果园管理者施肥、估产及采摘作业提供指导。该文提出一种基于水果表面光照分布的分层轮廓分析(hierarchical Contour Analysis,HCA)算法实现了树上绿色柑橘的检测。彩色数码相机拍摄弱光下由闪光灯补光的树上柑橘场景彩色图像,基于水果表面的光照分布应用最大稳定极值区域(maximally stable extremal region,MSER)算法提取图像中的感兴趣区域,然后建立感兴趣区域周围的分层轮廓图,并利用霍夫变换拟合每一级轮廓获得分层圆形目标,最后进行拟合圆嵌套分析得到绿色柑橘水果目标。所提算法在20张复杂的柑橘果园场景图像中进行了测试,最终的召回率达81.2%,查准率达到83.5%,单幅图像平均处理时间为3.70 s。该文所提出的基于光照分布的分层轮廓分析算法,不仅适用于绿色柑橘的检测,也可为其他树上绿色水果检测提供通用的框架和思路。
0 引 言
1 试验系统与图像采集
本文图像的采集时间为2016年8月—10月18:00—19:30,试验对象为树上绿色柑橘,柑橘品种为Hamlin,地点为美国弗洛里达大学柑橘果园。所使用的相机为佳能公司生产的微型单反相机EOS M,镜头为佳能公司生产的EF-M卡口18~55 mm镜头(拍摄时使用18 mm广角端),配备一个闪光灯(Canon 430EX)。闪光灯直接安装在相机机顶的热靴中与镜头对齐。试验拍摄同一果园中20棵不同果树的单侧图像,所拍摄图像的原始分辨率为5 184´3 456像素,存储为24位彩色JPG图像。图像处理时将所有图像均调整成1 037´691像素的大小以便后期处理,图像处理的软件是Matlab R2015b,所使用的计算机CPU为Intel Core i5 4258U 2.40 GHz,内存为4 GB,操作系统为 Microsoft Windows 8.1中文版。
2 试验方案设计
本文所提算法分为两个阶段:感兴趣区域提取及分层轮廓分析。第一阶段首先提取彩色图像的绿色分量进行预处理,然后运用最大稳定极值区域(maximally stable extremal region,MSER)算法[21-23]提取灰度图像中的感兴趣区域,通过对检测出的感兴趣区域进行形状分析初步筛选出水果目标区域。第二阶段提出分层轮廓分析算法(hierarchical contour analysis,HCA),针对筛选后的感兴趣区域提取目标的分层轮廓线,利用圆形霍夫变换拟合出目标圆并依据圆心距离进行嵌套分析得到最终的柑橘水果目标。算法的主要流程图如图1所示。
图1 绿色柑橘检测算法流程图
2.1 图像预处理
2.2 MSER算法检测感兴趣区域
a. 原始图像 a. Original imageb. 最大稳定极值区域(MSER)b. Maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) c. 椭圆拟合结果 c. Fitting results of ellipsed. 筛选结果 d. Screening results
2.3 基于分层轮廓分析的目标检测(HCA)
MSER算法提取出的感兴趣区域数量较多,经过椭圆拟合和形状分析之后,保留了形状接近于圆形的最大稳定极值区域,而这些区域中仅有一部分是水果目标。本文首次提出一种分层轮廓分析算法(hierarchical contour analysis,HCA)用以检测有效感兴趣区域中的水果目标。
3 检测结果与分析
a. 图像1检测结果 a. Detection results of image 1
b. 图像2检测结果 b. Detection results of image 2
Note: The blue rectangles are artificial markers of citrus; The small red circles are the center points of MSER; The larger red circles are the green citrus fruits that the algorithm detected.
图4 示例图像及检测结果
Fig.4 Example images and test results
表1 本文算法对20幅柑橘图像检测结果
4 讨 论
表2为上述几种最新的方法与本文的结果对比,由表2可见,本文算法在召回率和查准率方面要略低于这几篇文章的结果。Linker等[20]和Li等[13]所使用的测试集中的平均每幅图像仅包含2个左右水果目标, Zhao等[38]所处理的图像包含目标平均在4.5个/幅,而本文所使用的测试集中的每幅图像平均包含30.6个目标。随着每张图中包含的目标数量大幅增加,遮挡和水果尺度变化显著增加,因此目标检测的复杂度和难度相应地也会大幅增加。
表2 不同方法检测结果对比
为了进一步了解本文所提算法的时间性能,将本文所提算法分为两个阶段:最大稳定极值区域提取(MSER)及分层轮廓分析(HCA),如图1所示。经在测试集上的所有图像测试,平均每幅图像在第一阶段的处理时间为0.57 s,第二阶段的处理时间为3.13 s,每幅图像的平均处理时长合计为3.70 s。两个阶段相比较而言,利用HCA方法提取轮廓所花时间较长,主要是由于霍夫变换拟合圆形目标需要较长时间。下一步的工作拟采用其他圆拟合的方法替换霍夫变换,从而减少HCA算法的执行时间。
5 结 论
本文提出了一种基于最大稳定极值区域(maximally stable extremal region,MSER)和分层轮廓分析(hierarchical contour analysis,HCA)的树上绿色柑橘检测算法。该算法首先提取彩色图像的绿色分量,进行维纳滤波后,采用MSER算法提取图像中的最大稳定极值区域,通过形状分析筛选感兴趣的最大稳定极值区域。然后使用HCA算法提取感兴趣区域的轮廓信息,对提取出的每级轮廓采用霍夫变换进行圆拟合,对分层拟合圆目标进行嵌套分析从而得到最终检测目标。本文所提算法利用了水果表面环形光照分布的轮廓形状特征实现了树上绿色水果检测,该方法所使用的形状特征比颜色特征更为稳定,同时也避免了常见水果外轮廓形状特征在阴影和遮挡下的不稳定性。通过在20幅图像构成的图像集合上进行测试,本文所提算法的最终召回率达81.2%,查准率为83.5%,每幅图像的平均处理时间为3.70 s。试验表明,本文所提算法能够有效识别复杂果园场景中的绿色柑橘水果目标。在下一步的工作中,一方面需要优化圆拟合阶段从而提高时间性能;另一方面要验证该算法在不同水果品种、不同时间和光照条件下的性能,以推广该算法。
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卢 军,胡秀文. 弱光复杂背景下基于MSER和HCA的树上绿色柑橘检测[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(19):196-201. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.19.025 http://www.tcsae.org
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Detecting green citrus fruit on trees in low light and complex background based on MSER and HCA
Lu Jun1, Hu Xiuwen2
(1.430070,; 2.430070,)
Accurate crop-load estimation is very important for efficient management of nutrients and harvest operations. Current machine vision techniques for crop-load estimation have achieved only limited success mostly due to partial occlusion, shape irregularity, varying illumination and multiple sizes. Detecting immature green fruit is a more challenging task for similar color of fruit and background. The key starting point of this paper for detecting immature citrus fruit was the observation that the light distribution on citrus fruit follows a general pattern in which the light intensity decreases with the distance from a local maximum due to specular reflection. Immature citrus fruit detection was achieved by detecting this pattern with concentric circles or parts of circles. This pattern was proposed with the maximally stable extremal region (MSER) method and validated by hierarchical contour analysis (HCA) which was the first proposed in this paper. The images were captured by a color camera under low natural light conditions with a flashlight, and the green component of the color images was used for further analysis. After smoothing the whole image by Weiner filter, the regions of interest (ROIs) in the image were extracted by the method of MSER. The ROIs detected by MSER were those whose support was nearly the same over a range of thresholds, so the regions on citrus fruit were detected by MSER for the pattern that the light intensity decreases stably and gently with the distance from a local maximum. However, many regions on leaves and background were also detected as ROIs and should be excluded in the next step. A novel algorithmic technique was proposed to remove these regions on background, and this method was named as the HCA. Firstly, shape analysis was used for each ROI and only those ROIs were considered as valid if the shape was nearly circular. Secondly, multiple levels of contours around each valid ROI were extracted and fitted with the circular Hough transform (CHT). Lastly, multiple fitted circles would be merged into one if their most parts were overlapped together, this step was called circle merging and the merged circles were considered as the last detected citrus fruits. The algorithm was tested on a testing dataset with 20 images and achieved the recall rate of 81.2% and the precision rate of 83.5%. The processing time of the proposed method was 3.70 s totally on each image, on average, in which 0.57 s was used for MSER detection and 3.13 s was used for HCA. The result showed that the proposed method can detect green citrus fruit in a very difficult and challenging scene with so many fruits in one image and extensive partial occlusion. The good performance of partial occlusion tolerance of the proposed method in this paper is mainly due to that the proposed HCA doesn’t use the shape of outer contour of fruit, but uses multiple concentric contours which come from the pattern of light intensity distribution on fruit surface. The research framework in this paper can give a novel thought on other green fruit detection besides citrus fruit.
image processing; object recognition; algorithms; hierarchical contour analysis (HCA); maximally stable extremal region (MSER); circular hough transform; immature citrus detection
TP391. 41
卢 军,湖北宜昌人,副教授,博士生,主要从事图像处理与机器视觉方面的研究。Email:lujun5918@163.com