刘进宝,郑 炫,赵 岩,陈学庚,刘兴爱,葛士林
刘进宝1,郑 炫2※,赵 岩2,陈学庚2,刘兴爱1,葛士林3
(1. 新疆科神农业装备科技开发股份有限公司,石河子 832000;2. 新疆农垦科学院机械装备研究所,石河子 832000;3. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083)
为解决残膜回收时捡拾率低、机具集膜箱存储量小、机械化作业过程不连续等问题,研制了一种棉田残膜捡拾压缩车,该机主要由清杂机构、捡膜机构、脱膜输送机构、压缩机构等组成,可同时完成残膜杂质分离、残膜捡拾、脱膜输送和压缩作业。通过对样机关键作业部件的设计,确定了清杂辊、捡膜机构和脱膜输送装置的结构及工作参数,并分析了机具作业过程。样机分别在3种残膜分段回收工艺:搂集—捡压、秸秆还田—搂集—捡压、秸秆还田—捡压中进行试验,田间试验表明,机具作业速度在5~7 km/h,清杂辊转速为240 r/min,捡膜机构转速为90 r/min,脱膜辊转速为1 000 r/min时,在回收工艺一搂膜距离≤40 m,回收工艺二搂膜距离≤60 m时,膜堆残膜捡拾率大于80%,清杂率大于78%;在回收工艺三中,棉杆残留根茬高度≤80 mm时,未集堆地表残膜捡拾率达到88.21%,机具缠膜率小于2%,机具可一次性捡拾压缩回收8 hm2田间残膜。
0 引 言
1 残膜捡拾压缩车整机结构设计
1.1 总体结构
1. 牵引架 2. 齿轮箱 3. 机架 4. 清杂辊 5. 偏心滚筒 6. 杆齿 7. 防护罩 8. 压缩液压缸 9. 推膜板 10. 地轮 11. 翻斗液压缸 12. 压缩箱体 13. 卸膜后门 14. 后门开关液压缸 15. 脱膜辊护罩 16. 脱膜辊
1.2 工作原理
1.3 主要技术参数
表1 主要技术指标
2 关键机构设计及分析
2.1 清杂机构设计
1. 挡盘 2. 弹齿 3. 钢管 4. 半轴
1. Back plate 2.Spring tooth 3. Steel pipe 4. Axles
Note:is the radius of gyration at the end of spring tooth, mm;is the install bend angle of spring tooth, (°);is the machine forward speed, m·s–1;1is the angular velocity of the separating roller, rad·s–1.
图2 清杂辊结构示意图
Fig.2 Structure diagram of separating impurity roller
经过清理杂质试验验证,弹齿安装折弯角 取20°,清杂效果较好,通过测量集条膜堆尺寸,膜堆高度在150~400 mm之间,因此弹齿末端回转半径取225 mm,得出1>6.88 rad/s。
2.2 捡膜机构设计
2.2.1 杆齿排列结构设计
1. 偏心支撑座 2. 滚筒法兰盘 3. 连杆销 4. 连杆 5. 转轴盘 6. 滚筒
杆齿与清杂辊弹齿安装时采取交错排列,排列方式见图4,其中在圆周方向,杆齿设为6组,弹齿设为4组,杆齿中心处于相邻两弹齿中心线上,杆齿与相邻弹齿之间的间隙为2,设置杆齿与弹齿排列间距相等,即2=0.51。为保证杆齿与弹齿的强度,清杂辊弹齿受力较大,设计1=16 mm,2=25 mm,使两者既不相互干涉,又能满足捡拾分布的密度,杆齿外圆面与弹齿外圆面安装间隙距离取12 mm,得出排列间距1=32.5 mm。
1. 杆齿 2. 弹齿
1. Pole teeth 2. Spring teeth
Note:1is the spacing between adjacent spring teeth, mm;2is the installation clearance between pole teeth and adjacent spring teeth, mm;1is diameter of pole teeth, mm;2is diameter of spring teeth, mm.
图4 杆齿与弹齿排列
Fig.4 Arrangement of pole teeth and spring teeth
2.2.2 滚筒结构设计与运动分析
滚筒由2.5 mm厚的钢板卷制而成,滚筒表面圆周均布排列有6组栅缝,滚筒法兰盘为幅板型,幅板将滚筒法兰盘分成3等份,滚筒法兰盘幅板上设有连杆铰接安装孔。杆齿伸入滚筒栅缝中与之配合。由于滚筒中心与杆齿轴中心之间存在偏心距,两者之间再次用连杆相连,连杆中心距与偏心距相等。
1. 滚筒 2. 滚筒法兰盘 3. 杆齿 4. 转轴盘 5. 连杆
1. Roller 2. Roller flange 3. Pole teeth 4. Rotation shaft flange 5.Connecting rod
Note:is the center of rotation shaft;1is the center of roller;is the hinge point of the rotation shaft flange and the connecting rod;is the hinge point of the connecting rod and the roller;is the end of pole teeth;is connecting rod force, N;1is the radius of the hinge pointfrom the center of the roller, mm;is eccentricity, mm;is the roller flange plate equal angle, (°);is the connecting rod drive angle, (°);vis thepoint line speed, m·s–1;2is the angular velocity of the pole teeth, rad·s–1.
图5 杆齿运动示意图
Fig.5 Structure diagram of pole teeth motion
2.2.3 杆齿捡膜及防缠绕参数确定
式中为机具作业速度,m/s;为杆齿中心与清杂辊中心水平距离,取490 mm;为杆齿中心与清杂辊中心竖直距离,取245 mm;为机具前进作业时间,s。
Note:is the center of rotation shaft;2is the center of separating roller;is the overlapping region of the pole teeth and the rotation of the spring teeth of the cleaning compound roller;is the intersection of the end of the pole teeth and the2line;0is the radius of rotation shaft flange, mm;is the radius of gyration at the end of pole teeth, mm;is the length of pole teeth, mm;is the horizontal distance between the center of the pole teeth and the spring teeth, mm;is the erect distance between the center of the pole teeth and the spring teeth, mm;is depth into earth of spring teeth when pole teeth touching ground, mm;is the installation angle of pole teeth, (°);vis the speed at which the end of the pole teeth at the a point relative to the projectile, m·s–1.
图6 杆齿与弹齿挑膜运动示意图
Fig.6 Structure diagram of sketch map of film movement of pole teeth and spring teeth
式中0为杆齿转轴盘半径,取210 mm;为杆齿长度,取245 mm;为杆齿安装角,取45°。计算得出=427.5 mm。
综合考虑作业效率和效果,取1=3,2=2,根据机具作业速度范围在5~7 km/h,为保证机具捡拾率及机具运行的稳定性,经过多次试验论证,得到机具最大作业速度为1.9 m/s,因此取=1.9 m/s,取=225 mm,=427.5 mm,计算得出清杂辊转速1=25.3 rad/s,杆齿转速2=8.9 rad/s,通过MATLAB软件绘制杆齿末端和弹齿末端的运动轨迹曲线,如图6b所示。
清杂辊弹齿和杆齿的安装位置相对于地面高度不相同,当杆齿末端接触到地面时,清杂辊弹齿需入土深度=45 mm。由于膜堆底部存有大量残膜,为保证清杂与捡拾充分,作业时杆齿入土深度为10 mm,则清杂辊弹齿入土深度为55 mm。
将=490 mm,=245 mm代入公式(10),计算得出v=0.8 m/s。杆齿和清杂辊之间具有相对运动速度,因此可将清杂辊弹齿上缠绕的残膜挑起,有效防止清杂辊缠膜现象。
最终确定清杂辊转速1=301/p=240 r/min,杆齿转速2=302/p=90 r/min。
2.3 脱膜输送机构的设计
在捡膜机构的正上方设置有脱膜输送机构,脱膜输送机构采用类似风机结构[21-22],主要由脱膜辊和脱膜护罩组成,脱膜辊圆周表面均布排列有8组脱膜叶片,脱膜叶片采用宽度=150 mm的平皮带,脱膜滚筒采用半径2=120 mm、壁厚为3 mm的钢管,其中钢管外壁设置有8组直径为60 mm的气流通道孔,脱膜护罩正下方为开口状,为残膜输送的入口,脱膜护罩斜上方开口为残膜输送出口,结构如图7所示。
2.3.1 脱膜输送过程分析
式中3为脱膜辊角速度,rad/s;t为脱膜叶片末端距中心半径,取270 mm。
1. 脱膜护罩 2. 脱膜叶片 3. 脱膜滚筒 4. 仿形弹簧 5. 定位板 6. 缓冲弹簧 7. 机架 8. 捡膜机构 9. 弹簧螺杆 10. 定位螺母
1. Residual film shedding shield 2. Residual film removing blade 3. Residual film shedding roller 4. Copying spring 5. Locating plate 6. Buffer spring 7. Frame 8. Pickup mechanism 9. Spring screw 10. Locating nut
Note:3is the center of the residual film shedding roller;4is the residual film shedding shield and frame hinge joint;is the width of the residual film removing blade, mm;2is the radius of residual film shedding roller, mm;is clearance between residual film shedding shield and roller, mm;is residual film removing blade work deflection angle, (°);is the angle between the air force and the residual film removing blade, (°);is residual film quality, kg;3is the angular velocity of the residual film shedding roller, rad·s–1;cis centrifugal force, N;wis the air force, N;is the frictional force of the residual film removing blade, N;nis supporting force of residual film removing blade on residual film, N.
图7 脱膜机构结构示意图
Fig.7 Structure diagram of residual film shedding mechanism
当=20°,得出脱膜辊角速度3>6.5 rad/s。
其中残膜悬浮速度在0.3~1.2 m/s之间[23],短茎秆悬浮速度在2.8~4.4 m/s之间[24-25]。由于残膜在抛送过程中含有少量的短茎秆,因此气体流速v须大于残膜和短茎秆的悬浮速度,才能将残膜吹送出脱膜护罩。通过试验测得当脱膜辊转速为1 000 r/min时,出口的风速接近10 m/s,转速满足脱膜作业要求。
2.3.2 防拥堵结构设计
由于残膜在搂集成堆时,堆放尺寸及含杂率不规律,使得捡拾时喂入量不均匀,当捡拾量过大时,脱膜护罩与捡拾滚筒之间容易产生拥堵,因此将脱膜护罩右端与机架采用铰接连接方式,脱膜护罩左端焊接有定位板,定位板上设有弹簧螺杆伸缩孔,定位板与机架之间设有2组弹簧,弹簧套装在弹簧螺杆上,上端为仿形弹簧,当拥堵残膜对脱膜护罩施加载荷时,脱膜护罩相对于铰接点以较小角度向上转动,此时仿形弹簧被压缩,脱膜护罩与捡拾滚筒之间间隙变大,拥堵的残膜及杂质从间隙间被抛出,当拥堵消除后,仿形弹簧复位,脱膜护罩恢复初始状态,下端缓冲弹簧起到缓冲作用,其中间隙初始值为25 mm。
2.4 压缩系统设计
1. 液压油箱 2. 液压泵 3. 溢流阀 4. 单向阀 5. 减压阀 6~8. 三位四通电磁换向阀 9~10. 双向液压锁 11~14. 二位二通电磁换向阀 15~17. 节流阀 18. 压力继电器19. 压缩液压缸 20. 翻斗液压缸 21. 后门液压缸
3 残膜捡拾田间试验
3.1 试验条件
2016年10月5日~2016年10月15日在新疆生产建设兵团石河子149团进行田间试验,作业地块为秋后棉花收获后的平作区棉田,回收地膜厚度为0.008 mm聚乙烯农用地膜,残膜捡拾压缩车配套动力为雷沃754轮式拖拉机。
3.2 试验方法
1. 棉秆 2. 集条残膜
1. Cotton stalk 2. Collection strip residual film
Note:is residual film stack width, m;is once gathering up the residual film distance, m;is cotton planting direction;、is perpendicular to the cotton planting direction
图9 残膜回收工艺模式简图
Fig.9 Diagram of residual film recycling method
3.2.1 回收工艺一:搂集—捡压
3.2.2 回收工艺二:秸秆还田—搂集—捡压
3.2.3 回收工艺三:秸秆还田—捡压
3.2.4 试验参数测定方法
在作业工艺一和作业工艺二的前期搂膜作业时,搂膜作业距离依次设置为30、40、50、60、70 m,然后利用残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾集条残膜膜堆,测得膜堆相关数据,以及残膜捡拾压缩车作业的相关数据。
3.3 试验结果
分段回收作业配套机具选用科神公司研制的应用较为广泛的1LM-6.6型立杆搂膜机(收膜部件为弧形弹齿,作业方式为单一搂集作业,作业幅宽为6.6 m),和4JLM- 2.0型秸秆还田弹齿搂膜机(收膜部件为弧形弹齿,作业方式为秸秆还田残膜搂集联合作业,作业幅宽为2 m)进行前期搂膜集条作业,2种方式搂集后的膜堆堆放尺寸、杂质含量均不相同,搂膜作业结果如图10所示。
a. 立杆搂膜集条膜堆 a. Setting heap of gathering up residual film before cotton stalk smashingb. 秸秆还田弹齿搂膜集条膜堆 b. Setting heap of gathering up residual film after cotton stalk smashing
表2 残膜捡拾压缩车回收工艺一、二试验数据
由试验结果可以看出,集条膜堆中残膜占有率随着搂膜距离的增加在不断减小,残膜捡拾压缩车的捡拾率和清杂率也相应的下降。其中,回收工艺一中,当搂膜距离≤40 m时,膜堆残膜捡拾率大于80%;回收工艺二中,当搂膜距离≤60 m时,膜堆残膜捡拾率大于80%,达到捡拾作业要求。因此,为指导当前作业规范,回收工艺一中立杆搂膜距离设定为40 m,残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾率为82.96%,回收工艺二中打杆搂膜距离设定为60 m,残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾率为81.91%。
在回收工艺三的试验中,利用秸秆还田机将棉杆粉碎还田后,根茬高度≤80 mm。秸秆还田后田间地膜含杂率较低,装满压缩膜箱(装载量为1 200 kg,压缩密度为300 kg/m3)可一次性捡拾8 hm2田间地膜,残膜捡拾率为88.21%,捡拾作业效果对比如图11。机具缠膜现象主要发生在清杂辊处,由于捡膜机构设置了防缠绕作业参数,据3种回收工艺试验效果,机具缠膜率均小于2%。
在实际压缩作业时,压缩液压缸压缩速度对残膜压缩影响较为明显,压缩不及时导致残膜在压缩膜箱入口处出现拥堵。因此,根据残膜捡拾喂入量与压缩时间相匹配的关系,进行了多次试验,机具作业速度为1.9 m/s时,设置压缩缸往复压缩一次用时20 s,能保证压缩作业顺畅。回收残膜杂质含量对装载量及压缩密度有较大的影响,当压缩缸压力一定,杂质含量较低时,残膜容易松散,压缩缸在退回阶段,残膜易产生回落,因此还需进一步研究压缩压力与杂质含量对残膜压缩密度的影响。
4 结论与讨论
3)样机田间残膜回收率试验表明,回收工艺三效果最佳,残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾秸秆还田后的地表残膜,回收率可达88.21%,残膜回收作业工序较少,作业效率较高。为指导当前作业规范,回收工艺一中立杆搂膜距离设定为40 m,残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾率为82.96%,回收工艺二中打杆搂膜距离设定为60 m,残膜捡拾压缩车捡拾率为81.91%。通过样机试验测试,各项性能试验指标均满足设计要求。
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Design and experiment of operating process for collecting residual film compacted truck
Liu Jinbao1, Zheng Xuan2※, Zhao Yan2, Chen Xuegeng2, Liu Xingai1, Ge Shilin3
(1.832000,; 2.832000,;3.100083,)
The high impurity content and the residual film loosening have led to the problems that the recovery rate of residual film is low, the machine loading capacity is small, and the mechanized operation process is not continuous. In order to solve these problems, we put forward 3 kinds of recycling models of residual film recovery after cotton harvest, and analyzed the operation process and operating features of these 3 kinds of recycling methods. The first kind of recycling process was as follows: Firstly, the straw returning machine set up the residual film strip; secondly, the heap of the residual film was set before cotton stalk recovery; finally, the truck collecting and compacting residual film picked up the heap of the residual film gathered. For the second kind of recycling process, cotton straw chopping and residual plastic film collection strip combined machine was firstly operated; next, the truck collecting and compacting residual plastic film picked up the heap of the residual film gathered. The third kind of recycling process was as follows: Firstly, straw returning machine operates, or cotton stalk pulling machine operates; secondly, the truck collecting and compacting residual film picked up the surface residual plastic film. A new operation mode was designed for the truck collecting and compacting residual film. The machine consists of impurities separation mechanism, pickup mechanism, residual film shedding mechanism, residual film compression mechanism, and hydraulic control system. Machine can simultaneously complete separation of residual film and impurities, residual film pickup and delivery, and residual film compression. A kind of structure preventing residual film winding was designed, and spring teeth and pole teeth in this structure were in staggered arrangement. The equations of the motion of impurities separation mechanism and pickup mechanism were respectively established, and the process of impurities separation mechanism and pickup mechanism operation was analyzed. The rotational speed of the end of the spring teeth was calculated to be 240 r/min, and the rotational speed of the pole teeth end of the picking mechanism was 90 r/min. The mechanism was designed, which could prevent residual film shedding mechanism from congestion. The operation process of the residual film conveying mechanism was analyzed, and the rotational speed of the end of film removing blade was 1 000 r/min. A kind of electronically controlled hydraulic compression system was designed, and the residual film loading of the compressed film box was improved. Then we examined the capability of the prototype and checked its production functions in field. The size of the heap of the residual film and the proportion of the residual film were recovered in the different distances for the first kind of recovery process model and the second kind of recovery process model. The prototype field experiments showed that, with the increase of the work distance of gathering up the film, the size of the residual film stack was increasing, and the proportion of residual film was decreased obviously. In the case of the same work distance gathering up the residual, the impurity content in the first kind of recycling process was higher than that of the second kind of recycling process, and the recovery rate of the residual film in the first kind of recycling process was lower than that of the second kind of recycling process. The recovery effects of three kinds of recovery processes were compared. The first kind of recovery method included gathering up the residual film before cotton stalk recovery—collecting residual film and compressing, with a work distance of gathering up the film of less than 40 m, and its pickup work was better. The secondary recovery method included gathering up the film after cotton stalk returning—setting heap of the residual film gathered—collecting residual film and compressing, with a work distance of gathering up the film of less than 60 m, and its pickup work was better, with a pickup rate of greater than 80%. The third recovery method included cotton stalk recovery—collecting residual film and compressing, and when the stubble height was less than 80 mm, the collecting rate of residual film reached 88.21%. The truck collecting and compacting residual film could pick up and compress the residue film in 8 hm2field. The rate of film winding was less than 2%. Through compression test, it demonstrated, to ensure the smooth operation of the machine when the operating speed of the machine was 1.9 m/s, the reciprocating compression time of compression cylinder was 20 s; the compression density was up to 300 kg/m3.
agricultural machinery; design; experiments; residual film; recovery method; cleaning out impurities; residual film stack pickup; hydraulic compression
※通信作者:郑 炫,女,江苏徐州人,研究员,主要从事现代农业机械装备的研究。Email:jiazhengxuan@sohu.com。