

首都医科大学学报 2017年5期

孙志鹏 朱昱冰 阿民布和 樊 庆 李天雄 张能维

(首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院肿瘤外科,北京大学第九临床医学院, 北京 100038)



孙志鹏△朱昱冰△阿民布和 樊 庆 李天雄 张能维*

(首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院肿瘤外科,北京大学第九临床医学院, 北京 100038)




2003年,Strasberg等[3]首先提出了根治性顺行胰体尾脾整块切除的概念(radical antegrade modular pancreatosplenectomy, RAMPS)。其后Mitchem等[4]对后方离断平面进行了研究,将其分为离断部分Gerota筋膜的前RAMPS平面和完全剥离Gerota筋膜的后RAMPS平面。并得出后RAMPS切除平面可获得更好的R0切除率。获得更好的远期生存率。然而以欧美流派为代表的RAMPS手术虽然对于后方清扫平面给予了明确界定,但对于胰体尾癌的淋巴结清扫及神经清扫范围的描述仍十分模糊[5]。

日本的胰腺癌诊疗指南[6-7]一直有对胰腺癌淋巴结的明确分组,第5版及第6版有对神经丛切除范围的明确描述。尽管这样的手术规范仍缺乏充分的循证医学证据支持,但这是少有的明确淋巴结分组及神经清扫范围的指南之一。因此根据日本胰腺癌诊疗指南第5版(2003年)[8]及RAMPS手术后方离断平面,笔者设计了腹腔镜胰腺癌整块切除手术。标准保脾胰体尾整块切除技术的目前术式并未确定。因此笔者的研究目的是阐述笔者所理解的保脾的腹腔镜胰体尾整块切除(laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy,LDP)手术的技术细节,并参考汇总既往的胰体尾肿瘤手术的近期、远期疗效的研究[4,9-12],对该手术技术的近期、远期肿瘤学预后予以评估。

1 资料与方法


从2007年1月1日至2010年1月1日,共计60名病人进行了胰腺癌手术,其中23例病人进行了腹腔镜手术。17例为腹腔镜下保脾胰体尾整块切除手术,6例为腹腔镜下胰体尾+脾切除手术(包含1例中转开腹)。2002年,大量的临床研究[12-15]显示:腹腔镜手术可用于胰腺癌治疗。对于良性及术前根据美国癌症联合会(American Joint Committee on Cancer,AJCC)临床分期为I期、Ⅱ期,术前影像学考虑无脾门淋巴结转移的胰体尾癌,均将腹腔镜手术作为治疗方案之一。关于术后合并症的分析,采取Clavian-Dindo的分类方法[14]。胰瘘的定义及分级标准采用国际胰瘘研究组织(International Study Group of Pancreatic fistular, ISGPF)的定义及分级标准[15]。


整块切除的概念:1)整块切除Gerota筋膜、Toldt筋膜、胰体尾;从左侧自胰尾部开始翻起肾前筋膜至肠系膜上动静脉。2)切除第一站,第二站淋巴结;清扫8a、8p、10、11p、11 d、18和7、9、14p、14 d、15两组淋巴结(表1)。3)腹腔神经丛清扫:清扫腹腔神经丛第一部、第二部左半周(表2)。在无脾门及胃网膜左血管及淋巴结侵犯的情况下,保留脾脏。手术技术细节详见图1、图2,手术技术路线见图3。

表1 胰腺淋巴结的分组(日本胰腺癌诊疗指南第5版,2003年)[8]Tab.1 Pancreatic lymph nodes group in General Rulesfor the Study of Pancreatic Cancer (5th edition, 2003)[8]


表2 胰腺相关神经丛编号及名称(日本胰腺癌诊疗指南第5版,2003年)[8]Tab.2 Pancreatic nerve plexus group in General Rules for the Study of Pancreatic Cancer (5th edition, 2003)[8]

图1 保脾胰体尾整块切除技术Fig.1 The technique of standard en-bloc spleen-preserving LDP

A: Dissect the gastro-colic ligament, disconnect the transverse mesocolon from the Gerota fascia.B: At the level above the upper surface of the pancreas isolate LGEV and the communicating veins from the distal pancreas. Preserve the LGEV.C: Dissect between the communicating vessels to the distal pancreas.D: At the tail of the pancreas, dissect Gerota fascia from the lower border of left renal vein upward to the left kidney.E: Continue to dissect Gerota fascia to the left border of the SMA. Dissect the lymph nodes and celiac ganglion group Ⅱ around SMA preserving 5 mm ganglion at the right side.F: Continue to dissect upward to the splenic vein. Expose the splenic vein and IMV, ligate and cutoff the IMV.G: Penetrate the pancreas from the posterior surface at the root of splenic vessels.H: Dissect the pancreas at the root of splenic vessels with Harmonic scalpel.I: Isolate the splenic vein at the root, and dissect it.J: Isolate the splenic artery at the root, and dissect it.K: Dissect the lymph nodes and celiac ganglion group I around the celiac trunk preserving 5 mm ganglion at the right side.L: Dissect the retroperitoneum adipose tissue at the upper border of the pancreas. Expose the left adrenal vessles and adrenal gland.M: Preserve the adrenal gland if it hasn’t been invaded. Dissect the retroperitoneum adipose tissue to the origin.N: Ligate and dissect the spleen vessles at the tail of the pancreas.O: Inverting suture the stump of the pancreas.P: Leave a drainage tube in the surgical site;LDP:laparoscopic distal panceatectomy;LGEV:left gastro-epiploic vein;SMA:superior mesentery artery;IMV:inferior mesenteric vein.

图2 取出标本后的腹膜后组织结构Fig.2 The posterior peritoneal structure afterdislodge the specimen

A: The stump of spleen artery, left renal vein, left adrenal vessels, and superior mesentery artery were shown in the picture after surgery.B: The stump of spleen vein was shown in the picture.

2 结果


在23例胰腺癌病人中,12例为男性,11例为女性。平均年龄(65±11.4)岁。平均体质量指数(body mass index, BMI)为(25.9±4.4)kg/m2。美国麻醉医师协会(American Society of Anesthesiologists, ASA)评分均值:2.2。无病人行新辅助化疗。


病人手术情况详见表3。17例病人行保脾的LDP手术,6例病人行腹腔镜切脾的LDP手术。总体平均手术时间(203 ± 54) min。平均出血量(208 ± 106)mL。1例病例由于腹腔内严重粘连而中转开腹。在手术时间上,切脾的LDP与保脾的LDP差异无统计学意义[(198±59) minvs(223 ± 29) min,P=0.45]。出血量差异亦无统计学意义[(184 ± 65)mLvs(275 ± 109)mL,P=0.49)]。

腹腔镜胰体尾切除术总体的合并症率为47.8%(n=11),胰瘘的发生率为39.1%(n=9)。保脾(n=8)与切脾(n=3)两组之间合并症的发生率差异无统计学意义(48%vs50%,P=0.90)。所有的病人均在30 d内出院。4名病人发生了Ⅲa级别的合并症。2例病人接受了超声引导下腹腔积液穿刺引流。2例病人接受了经内镜逆行性胰胆管造影术(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, ERCP)检查以确定胰瘘。3例病人诊断为脾梗死。12例病人经增强CT检查脾血运正常。2例病人术后未行增强CT检查。中转开腹病人为腹腔镜胰体尾脾整块切除组病人。因术中粘连较重,中转开腹,术后病理为Ⅲ期(T3N1M0)。

图3 整块切除手术技术的示意图Fig.3 The diagram of en-bloc resection range

A: After dissecting the spleen artery and vein, the blood flow of spleen compensated by left gastro-epiploic vessels and short gastric vessels.B: Gerota fascia, spleen artery and vein and the distal pancreas were removed with en-bloc technique.C: The posterior peritoneal structures were shown after the specimen removed.SA: spleen artery;SV: spleen vein;LGEA: left gastro-epiploic artery;SGA: short gastric artery;IVC: inferior vena cava;SMA: superior mesentery artery;SMV: superior mesentery artery.

表3 保脾与切脾手术组的病人特征比较 Tab.3 Patient character of the spleen preserving and resecting group

所有脾梗死的病人均接受了保守观察,并获得了自行治愈。病人的平均住院时间(17±8) d。在住院时间上,保脾与切脾组差异无统计学意义[(18±8)dvs(15±7)d,P=0.36]。肿瘤的平均直径为(32±12)mm。平均的淋巴结获得数量为(19.8±9.3)个。14例病人的淋巴结转移阳性个数≥1 个。病理结果为18例导管腺癌,4例导管内乳头状癌,1例黏液腺癌。所有的手术切缘均为阴性。病理分期为:2例 IA期,5例 IB期,2例 ⅡA期,13例 ⅡB期, 1例 Ⅲ期(表4)。从保脾组和切脾组病理结果分层对比来看。两组无论大小、病理类型、切缘、分期情况,差异均无统计学意义。



表4 保脾与切脾手术组的病理分期结果 (国际抗癌联盟第六版,2006年)[16]Tab.4 Pathology outcomes (Union for International Cancer Control Classification, 6th edition)[16]

3 讨论


笔者的研究与最近的研究[4,9-12]表明(表5):腹腔镜胰体尾切除淋巴结获取的数量与开腹胰体尾切除手术相似(19.8vs15.5个)。笔者最满意的是100%的R0切除率。切除的肿瘤直径也与开腹胰体尾脾切除术(open distal pancreatectomy, ODP)相似。腹腔镜手术与开腹手术相比,出血量明显减少(208 mLvs747 mL)。其主要原因是腹腔镜的放大作用与气腹作用下腹压的增大。

图4 17例腹腔镜胰体尾整块切除手术的生存曲线Fig.4 The overall survival (OS) and recurrencefree survival (RFS) curve

The observation period was 5 years after surgery.The survival rate of 1, 3, 5 years after surgery was 64.7%, 52.9% and 41.2% respectively. The recurrence free survival rate of 1, 3, 5 years after surgery was 58.8%, 47.1% and 35.3% respectively.

表5 既往研究报告中所报道的开腹胰体尾切除手术预后Tab.5 The prognosis reported by previous studies about open distal pancreatectomy

NS:not stated.





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Sun Zhipeng△, Zhu Yubing△, Aminbuhe, Fan Qing, Li Tianxiong, Zhang Nengwei*


ObjectiveThe aim of our study was to illustrate the detail of the spleen-preserving en-bloc technique as while as the short-term, long-term outcomes.MethodsDescribe the detail of the en-bloc technique with pictures. Evaluate the prognosis of successive 23 cases who underwent the laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) surgery. There were 17 cases that underwent spleen-preserving LDP while 6 cases underwent spleen-resecting LDP.ResultsThe average surgery time was (203 ± 54)minutes, the average blood loss volume was (208 ± 106)mL. One case was transferred to open surgery because of severe adhesion. The complication rate was 47% (n=8) in short-term after surgery. Pancreatic fistula rate was 41% (n=7). No lethal case occurred. The average diameter of the tumor was (32 ± 12)mm. Average number of the lymph nodes obtained was (19.8 ± 9.3). All the cutting edges were negative. Survival rate of the patient after 1, 3, 5 years were 64.7%, 52.9% and 41.2%. These records showed no statistical significance compared with spleen-resecting LDP and open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) surgeries.ConclusionThe en-bloc spleen-preserving LDP can be performed by experienced surgeons. This surgery has good short-term and long-term outcome.

spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy; pancreatic cancer; en-bloc technique; radical antegrade modular pancreaticosplenectomy

北京市医院管理局扬帆重点课题基金资助(ZYLX201512)。This study was supported by Beijing Municipal Administration of Hospitals Clinical Medicine Development of Special Funding Support(ZYLX201512).

*Corresponding author,

时间:2017-10-14 16∶29




编辑 陈瑞芳


