

农业工程学报 2017年12期

包建华,乔 曦,李道亮


包建华1,2,3,乔 曦1,3,李道亮1,3※

(1. 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,北京 100083;2. 江苏师范大学电气工程及自动化学院,徐州 221116;3. 北京农业物联网工程技术研究中心,北京 100083)



0 引 言

用信息技术提升农业机械化水平是建设现代农业的战略选择,为加强农机装备的信息技术创新,需要突破智能农业装备数字化设计、自动导航协调控制等关键技术[1]。农业机械自动导航是精准农业的重要技术支撑,已广泛应用于现代农业生产各过程[2-5]。中国是海参生产和消费大国,目前,海参捕捞方式主要是拖网和人工捕捞,对潜水员的生命健康和海洋生态都有潜在危害[6]。为减轻潜水员的劳动强度,人们已开发了一些机械式捕捞装置来代替人工进行海参捕捞[7-9],但自动化程度低,作业效率不高。因此,在当前海参养殖规模不断扩大的背景下,开发一种自主式海参捕捞装置显得尤其迫切。自主式海参捕捞装置关键要解决海参柔性抓捕和载体的自主导航定位问题。捷联惯性导航系统(SINS,strapdown inertial navigation system)具有自主性和无源性的特点,已被广泛用于飞机、舰艇、船舶等的导航[10-12],随着低成本MEMS(micro-electro- mechanical system)惯性传感器技术的进步,捷联惯性导航系统被越来越多地应用于民用领域[13]。为解决海参捕捞装置的自主导航定位问题,课题组开展了以捷联惯导为主的组合导航研究。


1 材料与方法

1.1 坐标系规定


1.2 解析粗对准算法

1.2.1 传统解析粗对准









1.2.2 双矢量定姿粗对准



















1.3 误差分析









2 结果与分析

为验证上述2种粗对准算法的优劣,试验中使用瑞芬科技有限公司的AH106B型MEMS惯性测量单元和DCM260型三维电子罗盘的实测值进行对比试验,实物如图2所示。试验条件:当地纬度=40.004 9°;所用惯性测量单元的陀螺仪常值漂移20°/h,陀螺仪随机游走系数,加速度计零偏,陀螺仪和加速度计的最大数据输出频率300 Hz,试验中陀螺仪和加速度计的数据采集周期均设置为20 ms;三维电子罗盘的倾角分辨率0.1°,数据输出频率20 Hz。海参捕捞装置主要由导航模块、推进器模块、水下摄像机、捕捞机构等构成;其中,导航模块安装于海参捕捞装置载体中部的封闭式平台上。试验地点选择山东海阳某海参养殖场水域,与本试验相关场景图如图3所示。数据采集试验步骤如下:1)将惯性测量单元、三维电子罗盘固定于减振平台上,并保证两模块的向轴线分别平行,然后将减振平台静置于海参捕捞装置的载体上;2)同时采集并存储惯性测量单元中陀螺仪和加速度计输出的原始数据以及三维电子罗盘输出的姿态角数据;3)保持试验系统静止30 min后停止数据采集与记录。

选取惯性测量单元采集的同一原始试验数据,在Matlab平台上,应用前述的两种粗对准算法分别进行粗对准解算,每次对准时间为1 min,共进行了30次对准试验。图4为传统解析粗对准算法得到的捷联惯导系统俯仰角、横滚角和航向角的估算值,而双矢量定姿粗对准算法得到的俯仰角、横滚角和航向角的估算值如图5所示。图4、5的俯仰角和横滚角代表载体的水平姿态,而航向角代表载体的方位姿态。图4的水平姿态角变化幅度大且呈现出明显的振荡特性,而图5的水平姿态角变化幅度小且变化平稳;图4和5的方位姿态角变化规律一致。

图4 传统解析粗对准算法估算的姿态角

图5 双矢量定姿粗对准算法估算的姿态角

为进一步验证粗对准算法效果,文中使用三维电子罗盘实测值作为算法评估的参考基准,试验中所用三维电子罗盘的俯仰和横滚精度为0.1°、航向精度为0.5°。为使数据比较有意义,安装时,该电子罗盘的3个轴向与惯性测量单元模块的对应轴向平行且一致。在进行静态数据采集的30 min内,三维电子罗盘输出的俯仰角和横滚角的数值稳定,分别为–0.8°和–0.2°,而航向角做低频小幅度变化,取其平均值为143.5°,将这3个实测值在图4、5中标示成水平直线,以便与30次粗对准试验的估算值作对比。将粗对准算法所得的姿态估算值减去对应时刻三维电子罗盘实测的姿态值得到姿态误差。表1给出30次粗对准试验中2种粗对准算法对应姿态误差的试验结果,其中“算法1”代表传统解析粗对准算法,“算法2”代表双矢量定姿粗对准算法,由于2种算法的方位对准的精度相当,表1中合并列出了航向角误差。考虑到电子罗盘提供的参考基准精度仅为0.1°,表1中数值只保留一位有效数字。

表1 粗对准姿态估算值与电子罗盘姿态测量值间的误差


3 结 论



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Double-vector attitude determination algorithm improving coarse alignment accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system for sea cucumber fishing device

Bao Jianhua1,2,3, Qiao Xi1,3, Li Daoliang1,3※

(1.100083,; 2.221116,; 3.100083,)

Autonomous navigation is one of the key technologies for an intelligent agricultural equipment, which has been widely used in modern agricultural production. Sea cucumber production and consumption are very large in China. At present, the sea cucumber harvest mainly relies on trawl or artificial fishing, which will cause a potential hazard to the health of divers and the marine ecology. Therefore, in order to overcome the shortcomings of traditional sea cucumber fishing methods, it is necessary to develop a sea cucumber fishing device with autonomous navigation and positioning functions. Strapdown inertial navigation system (SINS) is suitable for the navigation of the autonomous sea cucumber fishing device because of its autonomy, passivity and complete navigation parameters. For the SINS, initial alignment must be completed before starting a navigation mission. The purpose of the initial alignment is to determine the initial position of the carrier coordinate system relative to the navigation coordinate system, that is, to determine the initial value of the attitude matrix. Initial alignment is one of the key technologies of SINS, which is divided into coarse alignment and fine alignment, and the coarse alignment accuracy will directly determine the performance of the initial alignment. Therefore, it is of practical value to study a coarse alignment scheme with simple algorithm and high alignment precision. The traditional analytical coarse alignment algorithm directly utilizes the earth gravity vector and the earth rotation angular velocity vector to estimate the initial attitude matrix. In view of the problem that the horizontal alignment accuracy of SINS is affected by the measurement errors of gyroscope and accelerometer in the traditional analytical coarse alignment algorithm, a novel coarse alignment algorithm based on double-vector attitude determination is proposed. In general, the measurement error of the accelerometer is much smaller than that of the gyroscope, so the earth gravity vector in the proposed algorithm is chosen as the main reference vector. Then, 3 unit orthogonal vectors are constructed based on the earth gravity vector and the earth rotation angular velocity vector, and the resulting attitude matrix is a unit orthogonal matrix. The theoretical analysis shows that horizontal misalignment angles of SINS are only related to the accelerometer level measurement errors in the case of using the proposed algorithm, however, using the conventional algorithm, the horizontal misalignment angles are related to the accelerometer measurement errors and the gyroscope drift error. Therefore, the coarse alignment accuracy of SINS using the aforementioned algorithm is significantly improved.Based on the same measured data from an inertial measurement unit, the simulation experiment was carried out for 30 times using the conventional coarse alignment algorithm and the proposed algorithm, respectively. Simulation curves demonstrated that the variation of the horizontal attitude angles using the algorithm proposed was smoother. To further verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, the attitude angles calculated from the measured values of the inertial measurement unit were compared with the measured value of a high-precision three-dimensional electronic compass, and the experimental results showed that the horizontal error angles of the aforementioned coarse alignment algorithm did not exceed 1° and the azimuth error angle did not exceed 3°. The results can meet the accuracy requirement of coarse alignment and will provide an effective initial condition for the subsequent fine alignment using filtering methods.

fisheries; navigation; algorithms; strapdown inertial navigation; coarse alignment; double-vector attitude determination; stationary base; sea cucumber fishing


TN966; TP391.9






包建华,男,安徽肥东人,副教授,博士生,主要从事惯性导航及组合导航研究。北京 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,100083。

李道亮,男,山东垦利人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事农业信息先进感知与智能处理研究。北京 中国农业大学信息与电气工程学院,100083。

包建华,乔 曦,李道亮. 双矢量定姿算法提高海参捕捞装置捷联惯导系统粗对准精度[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(12):286-292. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.037

Bao Jianhua,Qiao Xi,Li Daoliang. Double-vector attitude determination algorithm improving coarse alignment accuracy of strapdown inertial navigation system for sea cucumber fishing device[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(12): 286-292. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.12.037

