

英语学习 2017年9期


Sometime in the coming decades, an external system that collects and analyzes endless streams of biometric data will probably be able to understand whats going on in my body and in my brain much better than me. Such a system will transform politics and economics by allowing governments and corporations to predict and manipulate human desires. What will it do to art? Will art remain humanitys last line of defense against the rise of the all-knowing algorithms?1

In the modern world art is usually associated with human emotions. We tend to think that artists are channeling internal psychological forces, and that the whole purpose of art is to connect us with our emotions or to inspire in us some new feeling. Consequently, when we come to evaluate art, we tend to judge it by its emotional impact and to believe that beauty is in the eye of the beholder2.

This view of art developed during the Romantic period in the 19th century, and came to maturity exactly a century ago, when in 1917 Marcel Duchamp purchased an ordinary mass-produced urinal, declared it a work of art, named it “Fountain,”3 signed it, and submitted it to an art exhibition. In countless classrooms across the world, first-year art students are shown an image of Duchamps“Fountain,” and at a sign from the teacher all hell breaks loose4. It is art! No it isnt! Yes it is! No way!

After letting the students release some steam, the teacher focuses the discussion by asking “What exactly is art? And how do we determine whether something is a work of art or not?” After a few more minutes of back and forth the teacher steers the class in the right direction: “Art is anything people think is art, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” If people think that a urinal is a beautiful work of art—then it is.

In 1952, the composer John Cage5 outdid Duchamp by creating “433”.” This piece, originally composed for a piano but today also played by full symphonic orchestras6, consists of 4 minutes and 33 seconds during which no instrument plays anything. The piece encourages the audience to observe their inner experiences in order to examine what music is, what we expect of it, and how music differs from the random noises of everyday life. The message is that it is our own expectations and emotions that define music and that separate art from noise.endprint

If art is defined by human emotions, what might happen once external algorithms are able to understand and manipulate human emotions better than Shakespeare, Picasso or Lennon?7 After all, emotions are not some mystical phenomenon—they are a biochemical process. Hence, given enough biometric data and enough computing power, it might be possible to hack love, hate, boredom and joy.

In the not-too-distant future, a machine-learning8 algorithm could analyze the biometric data streaming from sensors on and inside your body, determine your personality type and your changing moods, and calculate the emotional impact that a particular song—or even a particular musical key—is likely to have on you.

Of all forms of art, music is probably the most susceptible to Big Data9 analysis, because both inputs and outputs lend themselves to mathematical depiction. The inputs are the mathematical patterns of soundwaves, and the outputs are the electrochemical patterns of neural storms. Allow a learning machine to go over millions of musical experiences, and it will learn how particular inputs result in particular outputs.

The idea of computers composing music is hardly new. David Cope, a musicology professor at the University of California in Santa Cruz, created a computer program called EMI (Experiments in Musical Intelligence), which specialized in imitating the style of Johann Sebastian Bach.10 In a public showdown at the University of Oregon, an audience of university students and professors listened to three pieces—one a genuine Bach, another produced by EMI and a third composed by a local musicology professor, Steve Larson. The audience was then asked to vote on who composed which piece. The result? The audience thought that EMIs piece was genuine Bach, that Bachs piece was composed by Larson, and that Larsons piece was produced by a computer.

Hence in the long run, algorithms may learn how to compose entire tunes, playing on11 human emotions as if they were a piano keyboard. Using your personal biometric data the algorithms could even produce personalized melodies, which you alone in the entire world would appreciate.

It is often said that people connect with art because they find themselves in it. If art is really about inspiring(or manipulating) human emotions, few if any human musicians will have a chance of competing with such an algorithm, because they cannot match it in understanding the chief instrument they are playing on: the human biochemical system.endprint

Will this result in great art? That depends on the definition of art. If beauty is indeed in the ears of the listener, then biometric algorithms stand a chance of producing the best art in history. If art is about something deeper than human emotions, and should express a truth beyond our biochemical vibrations, biometric algorithms might not make very good artists. But nor would most humans. In order to enter the art market, algorithms wont have to begin by straight away surpassing Beethoven. It is enough if they outperform Justin Bieber12.













1. all-knowing: 全知,此词常用于宗教领域,指能够了解一切事物知识的能力;algorithm: // 算法,在数学和计算机科学中,算法常用于计算、数据处理和自动推理。

2. beholder: 观看者,观众。

3. Romantic period: 浪漫主義时期,浪漫主义是18世纪起源于德国的一个艺术、文学和文化运动,注重以强烈的情感作为美学经验的来源,强调直觉、想象力和感觉;Marcel Duchamp: 马塞尔·杜尚(1887—1968),美籍法裔画家、雕塑家与作家,20世纪实验艺术的先驱,被誉为“现代艺术的守护神”,其作品对于二战前的西方艺术有着重要的影响;“Fountain”:《泉》,它被历史学者、理论家和艺术工作者视为达达主义最具有代表性的艺术品,同时也是现代艺术发展中标志着重要转变的作品,引起了许多争论,其中包括对艺术定义的探讨。

4. all hell breaks loose: 指情况突然变得混乱嘈杂,通常有很多人争吵或打架。

5. John Cage: 约翰·凯奇(1912—1992),美国先锋派古典音乐作曲家。他最有名的作品是1952年创作的《4分33秒》。任何乐器或乐器组合都可以演奏此曲,演奏者从头至尾都不需要奏出一个音。一般来说,演奏者在乐章之间会做出开合琴盖、擦汗等动作,这期间听众听见的各种声响都可被认为是音乐的组成部分,因为每次演奏会被环境和观众行为影响,所以每次演奏所听到的声音都会不同。

6. symphonic orchestra: //交响乐团,大型管弦乐团。

7. Shakespeare: 莎士比亚(1564—1616),英国文学史上最杰出的戏剧家,也是欧洲文艺复兴时期最伟大的作家之一;Picasso:毕加索(1881—1973),西班牙著名画家、雕塑家,20世纪现代艺术的主要代表人物之一;Lennon: 约翰·列侬(1940—1980),英国歌手和词曲作者,作为披头士乐队的创始成员闻名全球。

8. machine-learning: 机器学习,是人工智能的一个分支,机器学习算法是一类从数据中自动分析获得规律,并利用规律对未知数据进行预测的算法。

9. Big Data: 大数据,是指超级庞大、复杂的数据集,通常用于预测分析、用户行为分析或使用其他先进的数据分析方法获取价值,而非单纯指数据的多少。

10. musicology: 音乐学;Johann Sebastian Bach: 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(1685—1750),德国作曲家,杰出的管风琴、小提琴、大键琴演奏家,是音乐史上最重要的作曲家之一。

11. play on: 此处巧用play on的两个词义。在play on a piano keyboard中,play on是“演奏”的意思,而在play on human emotions中,play on是“对……产生影响”的意思。

12. Justin Bieber: 贾斯汀·比伯,加拿大青年男歌手、词曲创作者。endprint

