1935年出生的伍迪·艾伦现已年过八旬。20世纪50年代他以喜剧作家出道,60年代以表演单口相声而出名,此后便一直从事喜剧电影的编剧、表演和导演工作,几乎一年拍摄一部电影,逐渐形成了自己的主题和风格。作为著名喜剧家,伍迪·艾伦的电影大都由自己编剧、执导和出演,塑造了缺乏安全感、焦虑不安并喋喋不休的无能知识分子的独特形象,与其本人现实生活中的人格大相径庭 [As a comedian, he developed the persona(人物角色)of an insecure, intellectual, fretful(焦躁的)nebbish(无能的人), which he maintains is quite different from his real-life personality]。
Crime and Punishment focuses on the mental anguish and moral dilemmas of Rodion Raskolnikov, an impoverished(穷困潦倒的)ex-student in Saint Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous(肆无忌惮的)pawnbroker(典当商)for her cash. Raskolnikov, in an attempt to defend his actions, argues that with the pawnbrokers money he can perform good deeds to counterbalance the crime, while ridding the world of a vermin(害虫,坏蛋). He also commits the murder to test a theory of his that dictates some people are naturally capable of such actions, and even have the right to perform them. Several times throughout the novel, Raskolnikov compares himself with Napoleon Bonaparte(拿破仑·波拿巴)and shares his belief that murder is permissible in pursuit of a higher purpose.
2. 《罪与错》(Crimes and Misdemeanors, 1989)
Judah has worked through his guilt and is enjoying life once more; the murder had been blamed on a drifter(流浪汉)with a criminal record. Judah says that with time, any crisis will pass; but Cliff morosely(忧郁地)claims instead that one is forever fated to bear ones burdens for “crimes and misdemeanors”. The outline of Judahs moral dilemma—whether a person can continue everyday life with the knowledge of having committed murder—evokes(唤起)the pivotal(极为关键的)idea of the Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishment (1866), despite suggesting a resolution nearly opposite to that of the novel. Allen would revisit the theme in his films Match Point, Cassandras Dream and Irrational Man(《赛末点》、《卡珊德拉之梦》和《无理之人》).endprint
美国著名影评人罗杰·易伯特(Roger Ebert)高度评价《罪与错》,认为该片创造了最好的悬念,因为尽管观众对故事的发展了如指掌,但心理拷问会将观众置于主人公的位置:在同样的情况下你会怎么做?
The movie generates the best kind of suspense, because its not about what will happen to people—its about what decisions they will reach. We have the same information they have. What would we do? How far would we go to protect our happiness and reputation? How selfish would we be? Is our comfort worth more than another persons life? Allen does not evade(规避)this question, and his answer seems to be, yes, for some people, it would be.
3. 《赛末点》(Match Point, 2005)
《赛末点》被伍迪·艾伦视为自己最好的作品之一,其犯罪主题的动因也比《罪与错》更加复杂,涉及道德、贪婪、性欲和运气(morality, greed, lust and luck)等。影片一开始就将人生的命运比做决定网球胜负的最后一球——赛末点,全凭运气。借助威尔顿正在阅读的《罪与罚》,影片明显将其比做陀思妥耶夫斯基小说中的主人公拉斯柯尔尼科夫。但拉斯柯尔尼科夫在杀人后受到良心的谴责而投案自首,最终受到惩罚而得到救赎——皈依上帝并得到爱情。而《赛末点》的主人公威尔顿则为了私利杀死了爱他的姑娘,没有一丝的负罪感,并且靠运气逃过了法律的惩罚。与陀思妥耶夫斯基不同,伍迪·艾伦在这部影片中对命运、忠诚和人性持悲观态度,认为人世间既没有上帝,也没有惩罚,更没有爱情提供救赎。
The film is a debate with Fyodor Dostoyevskys Crime and Punishment, which Wilton is seen reading early on, identifying him with the anti-hero Raskolnikov. That character is a brooding(忧思的)loner who kills two women to prove that he is a superior being, but is racked(折磨)by guilt and eventually admits all to a dogged sleuth(侦探), and he is finally redeemed(救赎)by punishment, the love of a poor girl, and the discovery of God. Wilton is a brooding loner who kills a poor girl who loves him because he considers his interests superior to those around him, knows little guilt, and avoids detection(被发现)through luck. Offering a depressing view on fate, fidelity(忠贞), and the nature of man, Allen argues, unlike Dostoyevsky, that there is neither God, nor punishment, nor love to provide redemption.
4. 《卡珊德拉之梦》(Cassandras Dreams, 2007)
Ian plans to poison Terry during an outing on the boat. Ian cant bring himself to kill his own brother, and attacks him in a fit of rage(一时气愤). In the chaos, Terry knocks Ian down the steps into the cabin, killing him. The boat is later discovered adrift by the police, and the audience learns that Terry snapped(失足)and drowned himself after killing his brother. The last shot is of Cassandras Dream, still in beautiful condition despite the tragedies it set in motion.
In modern usage the name of Cassandra is employed as a rhetorical device(修辞手法)to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies(预言)are not believed by those around them. After a greyhound(赛狗)that won Terry the money, the brothers buy a sailboat at an oddly low price, despite its near pristine(崭新的)condition. They name it Cassandras Dream, knowing nothing of Greek mythology(希腊神话), unaware of the ominous(不详的)antecedents(前因)of this name—the ancient prophetess(女预言家)Cassandra, whose prophecies of doom(厄运,死亡)went unheeded(被忽略的)by those around her.
5. 《无理之人》 (Irrational Man, 2015)
Jill confronts Abe and accuses him of the murder. Abe then admits his guilt and explains his motive. Jill decides to break off their relationship but promises not to turn him in(告发他). However, after an innocent man is accused of the crime, she presses Abe to go to the police, warning him that otherwise she will report him. Abe, who has only recently started enjoying life, is determined to stay out of jail. He attempts to kill Jill by pushing her into an elevator shaft(电梯井), but, instead, he stumbles(踉跄)backward and falls down the shaft to his death. Jill then begins repairing her life.
Jill: What do you plan to do about this?
Abe: I dont know.
Jill: You dont know. Surely, youre not gonna let an innocent man take the rap for(代人受罚)you, Abe.
Abe: Ive been up and back over this since I heard the news.
Jill: “Up and back”? What does that mean?
Abe: I mean that I tried to bring off(完成)the perfect crime, and apparently, I succeeded all too well.
Jill: Okay, well, what about all your talk about moral high ground?
Abe: Look, I need to think this out, all right?
Jill: What is there to think about? An innocent man is about to have his life ruined.
Abe: Okay, Ill give myself up(自首). Is that what you want?
Jill: Isnt that what you want? I mean, all this talk, talk, talk, about doing the right thing, and whats best, and…
Abe: Okay, if they dont see that theyre making a mistake and let him go(放了那個被冤枉的人)in a few days, then Ill just… Ill fuckin, Ill turn myself in(自首).
Jill: I havent been able to live with myself(心安理得)as it is! And this is a… Were talking about an innocent man thats gonna be prosecuted(起诉)for this!
Abe: I know, I agree! Let me just see if my luck holds out, and they come to realize that they made a mistake, you know? Because I mean… Look at me! Im not gonna fuckin make it!
Jill: I know, I understand. I get… You have to do it by Monday, though, Abe. You got to do it by Monday, or else Im gonna have to do it. Im gonna have to do it.endprint