“喷子”,原指“用于喷射液体的器物”。英语译为spray。例如:香水喷子(per⁃fume spray)。现在“喷子”成为网络语言,指“爱好胡乱指责他人、而且不通情达理的人,尤指在回帖或视频评论时肆意谩骂的人”。英语译为troll。例如:
1. “喷子”指的是用旨在使人动怒或烦恼的煽动性或粗鲁话语发帖子的人。A troll re⁃fers to a person who posts inflammatory or impertinent remarks designed to get people worked up or upset.
2. 根据这项调查,27%的美国人说他们已经停止在网络上发表什么东西,因为害怕被喷子们骚扰。According to the survey, 27% of Americans say they've stopped them⁃selves from posting something online for fear of being harassed by trolls.
3. 这个职业喷子借助指向软弱者或弱势者的蓄意骇人听闻的话语而建立起自己的名声。The professional troll has built his own fame by means of deliberately outrageous comments targeting the weak and vulnera⁃ble.
4. 由于缺乏同情心,这个喷子完全无视受害者的情感感受。Due to the lack of sympa⁃thy, the troll completely ignored the emo⁃tional experience of his victim.▲