Assisted-Living Home家庭护理未来时


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年10期

⊙ British Council

Assisted-Living Home家庭护理未来时

⊙ British Council

Activity 1

Before you read,match the word to a definition.

1.assisted-living2.environment 3.monitor4.project 5.revolution6.supervise 7.wander8.wristband device

a.a piece of electronic equipment we wear just above our hand

b.a carefully planned piece of work that has a special purpose

c. an unexpected and complete change in the way people live or work

d.housing for old or disabled people that provides care and help

e. move around without direction

f. watch someone to make sure they are safe

g. the conditions that you work or live in watch and check a situation carefully over a period of time

In the future,those who are taking care of old or sick people may get help from the house itself.


Over the last few years,new technology,such as the Internet,Wi-Fi and flat TVscreens,has changed our homes and the way we live.Now,another technology revolution is happening.A new project at the University of Hertfordshire wants to create a home that supervises people living in it who are weak or elderly.


The researchers have developed a wristband device which helps us watch the elderly person who is wearing it.The device collects information to see if the person has fallen or has wandered away from where they should be.


The assisted-living project is part of the university’s wider Interhome project,which is the development of a smart-house.The house remembers the habits of the person who lives there and it uses very low amounts of energy.The Interhome team hope that offering thisservice[服务]will help care for the elderly.They say,“It’s very important that these technologies are there to help and support and not replace any of the existing services.”


The Interhome is not just a research method.It’s also a way for students from different scientific backgrounds to learn and develop technology.The university uses the latest technology to help students get experience by developing new hardware and software themselves.The team includes design,engineering and computer science students working together.


“We are working on a smart-home project in Watford with some companies at the moment,” says the project leader.“We are looking at how a smarter home can provide even more services.” This could help millions of old people around the world have a better,safer life in the future.

Activity 2

The text has five sections,A–E.Which heading matches each section? There is one heading you do not need to use.

1.A Special Bracelet

2.Helping Students Develop

3.Homes Are Changing

4.Spending Money on the Environment

5.A Better Future for Old People

6.The Interhome Project

Activity 3

Look at the two sentences below.Which one refers to an action in progress now and which one refers to a fact or routine? How is the verb form different?

a.Weare workingon a smart-home project at the moment.

b.The houseremembersthe habits of the person who lives there.

Complete the sentences below with the correct form (present simple or present continuous) of the verb in brackets.

1.At the moment,we ......................(work) on a new project on the environment.

2.The world ......................(change)very quickly due to new technology.

3.My university ......................(publish)a monthly science and technology newsletter.

4.The president ......................(give) a speech every year on New Year’s Eve.

5.There are new job opportunities in my city,so more and more people ......................(come) from the villages around.

Activity 4

Discussion: Do you think it’s better for old people to live with family or in assisted-living homes?What are the advantages and disadvantages?Nowadays people are living longer than they used to.What are the effects on society?


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