1.大连大学附属中山医院放射科,大连 116011
2.中国人民解放军第302医院放射科,北京 100039
股骨头坏死(osteonecrosis of the femoral head,ONFH)是各种原因导致并以渐进性发展为特点的临床常见疾病。研究表明[1-3],ONFH患者中的80%~90%会在发病后2~3年间表现出临床和影像学上的进展,其中股骨头塌陷是该病程转折的重要改变。文献表明[4-6],髋关节X线和MRI均是ONFH的重要影像学检查方法,其中MRI在显示早期股骨头坏死的部位、范围与病变程度等方面更加敏感和准确,同时在测量股骨头坏死体积方面也具有重要的临床应用价值,但该方面的研究报道较少。本研究采用Malizos等[7]提出的股骨头8象限定量评估方法,基于MRI提供的清晰图像进行股骨头坏死体积及其百分比的测量,并综合多种征象,全面评估和探讨MRI在预测股骨头坏死塌陷和病情演变等方面的临床应用价值。
1 材料与方法
1.1 一般资料
以《2012年版成人股骨头坏死诊疗标准专家共识》[8]诊断标准为依据。连续收集2010年9月至2012年11月期间于大连大学附属中山医院收治的非创伤性股骨头坏死,并按照世界骨循环研究会(Association Research Circulation Osseous,ARCO)骨坏死的国际分期标准[9]诊断为早期股骨头坏死(ARCOⅠ、Ⅱ)的患者56例(76髋),其中Ⅰ期22例(32髋),Ⅱ期34例(44髋)。女性14例,男性42例,平均年龄(49±13.41)岁。所有致股骨头坏死因素中,特发性35髋,酒精性22髋,激素性17髋,发育不良性2髋。
1.2 检查方法
在首诊时,被检患者同时完善髋关节正、蛙式位X线以及1.5 T PHILLIPS MRI (46例)和3.0 T SIEMENS MRI (10例) MRI检查,随诊中亦行上述检查,MR检查采用仰卧体位,使用标准体部线圈,行常规性连续的冠状位T1WI、T2WI和STIR序列扫描。
1.3 病例随访
1.4 MRI测量股骨头坏死体积的方法
根据Malizos等[7]提出的定量评估方法,将MRI中股骨头视为标准球体并均分成8个部分,即前外上(ASL)、前内上(ASM)、前外下(AIL)、前内下(AIM)、后外上(PSL)、后内上(PSM)、后外下(PIL)、后内下(PIM)8个象限。利用西门子3.0 T MR后处理工作站(MultiModality WE40A版本)的面积工具,手动逐层描绘坏死区域T1WI低信号带外缘,得到各个象限坏死面积(图2),并计算其所在层面的体积,分别将每一层面4个象限的体积相加得到4个象限的总体积,最后分别计算股骨头各个象限的坏死体积百分比以及总坏死体积百分比(V)。
1.5 MRI影像学分析指标
1.6 统计学方法
将上述各指标经统计学软件SPSS 20.0进行统计学分析。首先对各计量资料进行独立样本t检验,对计数资料进行卡方检验,然后用Logistic回归模型对其中有统计学意义者作进一步分析。应用受试者工作特征曲线(receiver operating characteristic curve,ROC曲线)找出其预测的敏感度与特异度。计量资料以均数±标准差表示,按α=0.05水准。
2 结果
2.1 随访及观察指标比较
观测ONFH 56例(76髋),平均随访时间(21.6±9.1)个月,其中塌陷者31髋(40.79%),未塌陷者45髋(59.21%)。除性别、年龄、坏死信号以及病因等,其余各指标均存在统计学意义(P<0.001),详见表1。
表 1 股骨头塌陷组与未塌陷组各项指标的比较Tab.1 Comparison of the indicators between collapse group and non-collapse group
续表1 股骨头塌陷组与未塌陷组各项指标的比较Continued tab.1 Comparison of the indicators between collapse group and non-collapse group
2.2 股骨头坏死体积百分比
表2 股骨头塌陷组和未塌陷组各象限与总坏死体积百分比值的比较Tab.2 Comparison of each quadrant and the total necrosis volume percentage between collapse group and non-collapse group
2.3 股骨头塌陷的Logistic回归分析
2.4 ROC曲线分析
3 讨论
3.1 股骨头坏死检查与分区方法
图1 男,45岁,ARCOⅡ期股骨头坏死患者。A:2012年3月的X线正位图像;B:随诊至2013年6月出现X线图像上可见的塌陷,塌陷位于上关节面(箭指示) 图2 用面积测绘工具沿T1WI中股骨头坏死区域低信号带外缘描绘,自动得到每一层面内各个象限的坏死面积数据 图3 关节积液分级。A:示右髋为Ⅰ级,左髋为Ⅱ级;B:示右髋为0级,左髋为Ⅲ级 图4 右侧股骨上段无骨髓水肿,左侧存在明显骨髓水肿 图5 坏死形态:右侧为周围型坏死(长箭所示),左侧为中央型坏死(短箭所示)Fig. 1 Male, 45 years old, ARCO Ⅱ with ONFH. A: X-ray image was photoed at March 2012 without collapse; B: The picture was followed up to June 2013 when collapse appeared, collapse located under the superior joint surface (arrow). Fig. 2 On T1WI, using measurement tools, draw the outline of the necrosis area of femoral head along the low signal band, and receive the necrosis area of each quadrant within all layers automatically. Fig. 3 Joint effusion classification. A: Right hip is levelⅠand left hip is level Ⅱ; B: Right hip is level 0, left hip is level Ⅲ.Fig. 4 There is no bone marrow edema in the upper of right femur, but the left femur bone marrow edema is obvious. Fig. 5 Necrotic morphology: the right hip is the peripheral necrosis (long arrow), the left one is the central necrosis (short arrow).
3.2 MRI预测股骨头坏死塌陷的征象
表3 股骨头塌陷的Logistic回归分析Tab.3 Logistic regression analysis of the femoral head collapse
表4 股骨头塌陷3种危险因素定量指标ROC曲线分析Tab.4 ROC curve analysis of three kinds of risk factors of femoral head collapse quantitative indicators
图6 总坏死体积百分比、ASL象限坏死体积百分比、PSL象限坏死体积百分比的ROC曲线Fig. 6 ROC curve of V, ASL and PSL
3.3 各部位坏死体积百分比对股骨头塌陷的作用
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Prediction of collapse with MRI signs and necrosis volume measurement for non-traumatic osteonecrosis of femoral head
ZHANG Meng-meng1,2, RU Xiao-shuang1,3, FAN Hong-yu1, ZHANG Qing1, WU Jianlin1*
1Department of Radiology, Affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University, Dalian 116011, China
2Department of Radiology, 302 Military Hospital of China, Beijing 100039, China
3Department of Radiology, Dalian Municipal Central Hospital Affiliated of Dalian Medical University, Dalian 116033, China
*Correspondence to: Wu JL, E-mail: cjr.wujianlin@vip.163.com
Objective:To investigate the clinical value of prediction of collapse in non-traumatic femoral head necrosis and based on the MRI signs and necrotic volume percentages.Materials and Methods:Fifty-six patients (76 hips) were diagnosed as non-traumatic femoral head necrosis without collapse at affiliated Zhongshan Hospital of Dalian University since September 2010 to November 2012. The X-ray examination and MRI scan were performed at the first time examination and follow-up. According to the X-ray image to determine whether collapse or not, divided into collapse group(31 hips) and non-collapse group (45 hips). The bone marrow edema, joint effusion,location of necrotic lesions necrotic morphology and signal feature was analyzed in MRI of the first time examination, and the each quadrant volume and percentage of the femoral head necrosis was measured. ByLogisticregression analysis, the risk factors were concluded, and the sensitivity and specificity was determined by ROC curve(receiver operating characteristic curve).Results:There is no significant difference in routine T1 or T2 weighted imaging between the three group. The ADC values of bilateral midfrontal gyrus and superior temporal gyrus cortex significantly increasedin groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ compared to groups Ⅲ (P<0.05). The duration of disease positively correlated with ADC values of the right midfrontal gyrus in group Ⅰ and Ⅱ.Conclusion:The accuracy of prediction of collapse in patients with femoral head necrosis can be effectively improved by using the MRI feature and the measurement of the necrotic volume.
Femur head necrosis; Magnetic resonance imaging; Collapse; Necrosis volume measurement
张萌萌, 汝晓双, 范鸿禹, 等. 基于MRI征象与坏死体积测量对非创伤性股骨头坏死塌陷预测价值的初步研究. 磁共振成像, 2017, 8(4): 296-301.