An Analysis of Utopia in The Trumpet of the Swan


校园英语·下旬 2017年10期


【Abstract】The further development of industrialization accelerates the crisis between man and nature, man and man.This novel mainly deals with the harmonic state between man and nature (including animals).Scholars have led studies on the analysis of the novel in terms of its translation strategies, its features of the characters and other perspectives.However, these researches did not see a significant aspect from the novel—Utopia.Utopia is creatively categorized into three parts: the identity acknowledged, the realization of American Dream and the humanistic care.These three aspects are closed related and collectively contribute to the theme of the novel—Utopia.

【Key words】Utopia; Identities; Humanistic care; American dream

1. Louiss and Sams identities acknowledged throughout their growth

Weinreich and Saunderson note that identity relates to self-image, self-esteem, and individuality(Weinreich and Saunderson 55).Stuart Hall notes that identity acknowledgment is an ever-changing process (Stuart 277).Louis was a numb trumpeter swan.Sam introduced Louis to the school where he studied to start writing and reading training.Nevertheless, birds do not read.His father, the cob went to Billings to steal a trumpet for him.He found Sam again and was given a suggestion to work as a bugler in Camp Kookooskoos.When the camp ended, he was offered the job of blowing horn in front of the Swan Boat.With the capability to read, write and blow horn, he was deemed as good as Louis Armstrong.Soon he received an offer of 500 dollars for ten weeks and became a hit there.It was there he met his lover Serena by coincidence.Serena was moved by Louiss beautiful songs and fell in love with him.Eventually Louis flew home.His father took the money and paid off the storekeeper.“The protagonists in the Whites novel usually lives an imperfect life that they either have deficiencies or encounter troubles”(Zhou 1).The capacity to play trumpet made up for his defect.His experiences and identity was recognized and acknowledged by his love, humans and the society in after his success.In Sams diary he wrote: “I wander what I am going to be when I grow up” (White 226).In his relation with Louis, he gradually realized what he wanted to do.Meanwhile, his father gave him freedom by respecting his interest and letting him decide on his own.Sams gender identity acknowledged because he gave himself an appropriate orientation that is closely related to birds and animals and nature.endprint

2. American dream developed through details in the novel

Historian James Truslow Adams popularized the phrase “American Dream” in his book Epic of America: “there has been the American dream, that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for every man, with opportunity for each according to his ability or achievement” (Truslow133).The definition of American Dream is fully displayed in The Trumpet of the Swan.He achieved success through his hard work and friends help.Louis devoted his aspiration and energy to enhancing his capacity.Louis fought for better jobs with his excellent talent in trumpet.Finally he succeeded.The struggling experience is doubtlessly the reproduction of the American dream.Through hard work, with the aim of paying off the storekeeper and getting him and the cob out of trouble, he chose to challenge himself.

3. Humanistic care embodied in the novel

Identities acknowledged and the American dream realized embody the theme: humanistic care: the author s care for Louis, the weak and for the individual existent conditions.“The problem for Louis was how to make up for his defect and get along with others”(Luo 82).Louis yearns for realizing himself.His courage comes from the clear cognition of his defect.Louis was determined to challenge himself to read, write and play trumpet.With the struggling, he gains others understanding and Serenas love.His courage, confidence and positiveness during his struggle wins respect from others.All the way to overcome difficulties, Louis held on to his struggle, never gave up and kept strong.Whats more, the author set up a bridge between Louis(animal) and Sam(human) where they communicated with equity.While he helped Louis, Sam gradually realized his ambition.Thus the author conveys his care for Sam as well.


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