It’s All about Preference


疯狂英语·新悦读 2017年9期

⊙ By Jesse Hunter

It’s All about Preference


⊙ By Jesse Hunter

如何表达喜好是高中阶段必须掌握的重点之一,高一和高二的课本都有这方面的内容。当然,表达喜好不仅仅是I like/prefer或I don’t like/prefer这么简单,我们来看看如何用表达喜好的各种句型谈论生活中最熟悉的事情吧。


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Part 1The Best Class 最爱的科目

Courtney: Hey Liam! Come sit over here, I saved you a seat.

Liam: Thanks Courtney. You know I’d rather sit with you than with those mean kids over there. Courtney: And I prefer your company[作伴]to theirs any day. I don’t like the way they tease the other kids in class. You, on the other hand, treat people with respect, and that’s something I admire about you.

Liam: That’s really nice of you to say. You are always so good at cheering people up. That’s probably why you are the head cheerleader[啦啦队员].

Courtney: Cheerleading is fun, but I would much rather be in science class, when we are lab partners together. That’s definitely my favorite subject. How about you?

Liam: Me? Oh, I have so many favorites. It’s really hard to choose just one I think is the best.

Courtney: Well then, please explain to me which ones you like best and why you like them so much.

Liam: Honestly, I wish I could have PE all day!

Courtney: I don’t believe that. You’d be so bored doing the same thing all day. You need some variety in your life. How about this? We can make it like a game. I’ll name two classes, and you tell me which one you prefer and why.

Liam: OK, that sounds like fun.

Courtney: So let’s start with math and history.

Liam: Oh, that’s easy! I would rather take math, because history makes me so sleepy. I am able to focus on the equations[方程式], and I enjoy solving the harder ones. And after class, I feel like I’ve learned so much.

Courtney: Wow, I’m surprised! I thought you liked history.

Liam: I mean, I guess it’s kind of interesting. But it doesn’t really keep my interest. I always startdreaming of other stuff[事情]I’d rather be doing. Now your turn! Which would you rather be learning, English or PE?

Courtney: English, by a mile!

Liam: Why’s that?

Courtney: I was just getting to it. I’m not very fond of our PE class. As you know, those mean kids are in there and always tease the ones who aren’t good at sports. It makes me sad to see that. But in English class, the smart kids are the leaders. I believe that all of us who practice our English everyday are going to have a step up in the future. And I love the way I feel when I’m speaking English. I feel better about myself.

Liam: Your English is really nice to listen to, and makes it so easy to communicate with you. I wish you could be our English teacher, instead of Mr. Yan. You’d be my first choice, in fact!

Courtney: But I’m not a teacher, I’m just a student.

Liam: I know. Maybe you could be my English tutor. Then I know English would be the best class of all!

Courtney: That’s a great idea, Liam! You’ve got a deal.

词组:by a mile

该词组以距离比喻事情相差甚远,是一种程度上的表达,其最常见的用法就是miss by a mile;该词组如果用来比喻某人的胜利,就指以大比分获胜或轻易胜出,如:John won the speech competition last week, by a mile.(约翰上周轻而易举地赢得了演讲比赛。)


· I’d/I would rather…

■ I’d rather sit with you than with those mean kids over there.

■ Cheerleading is fun, but I would much rather be in science class, when we are lab partners together.

■ I would rather take math, because history makes me so sleepy.■ Which would you rather be learning, English or PE?

· I prefer…

■ I prefer your company to theirs any day.

· I am fond of…/I love…

■ I’m not very fond of our PE class.

■ I love the way I feel when I’m speaking English.

· I wish I could…

■ Honestly, I wish I could have PE all day!

· favorite

■ That’s definitely my favorite subject.

· first choice

■ You’d be my first choice, in fact!

Part 2Taste in Music 音乐喜好

Tyler: Hey Mel! Thanks again for telling me about this music festival. If it were up to me, I’d probably be at a baseball game or something. But I’ve been really impressed by all the different performances so far.

Melanie: I know, right? And you’re just in time. Janice and Joel just got here a few minutes ago.

Tyler: Where did they go?

Melanie: They preferred to be closer to the stage, but I don’t like that section. I think it’s too loud over there. Which do you prefer?

Tyler: This is obviously better. You can’t have a conversation over near the speakers. And it’s pretty crowded too.

Melanie: I’m glad you agree with me.

Tyler: Now, you tell me, which do you prefer? Rock ’n’ roll or classical?

Melanie: Well, that’s a tough one. I need to think about it.

Tyler: OK, but don’t take too long. I’m pretty sure that one of my favorite singers is coming up next.

Melanie: Oh, GEM. I love her too! I’m glad to know a fellow friend with excellent taste in music.

Tyler: So many people like hip hop, boy groups, K-pop, things like that. But for me, I have an affinity[吸引力]for singer/songwriters. I feel like writing your own music makes it more of a creative art.

Melanie: You are totally right. But I also appreciate what a good singer can do with someone else’s song, just a different interpretation[演绎]. Adele is amazing at doing that.

Tyler: True. True.

Melanie: I bet you don’t listen to much opera, do you?

Tyler: You’d be correct. I’m not a big opera fan. I’d much rather listen to more modern music.

Melanie: Do you mean to say you don’t like any classical music?

Tyler: No, I did not say that. I actually do enjoy the works of Mozart and Beethoven.

Melanie: Oh, you really do have the best taste in music! I encourage everyone to listen to suchmusic. I believe it is good for the soul.

Tyler: Speaking of soul, I also like soul music and the blues. To celebrate Mardi Gras[狂欢节], my family went to New Orleans and heard the best local music.

Melanie: That sounds like so much fun! Do you like jazz music, then?

Tyler: Of course I do! It’s so cool and mellow. The rhythms are incredible[不可思议的]and unpredictable[出乎意料的]. Like an improvised[即兴的]musical roller coaster!

Melanie: Hehe, you sound like the guy from that movie La La Land. It’s nice to see someone with such a passion[热爱]for music. And I agree with you. I feel like jazz is poetry in musical form.

Tyler: I probably should admit to you: I do like Cantonese opera[粤剧].

Melanie: You do? I thought you said you’re not a fan of opera?

Tyler: Yeah. But then I remembered my Aunt Cheng was a famous singer. And she has a voice from heaven. So Cantonese opera takes preference, in this case.

Melanie: I understand completely.

动词搭配:speaking of

Speaking of是动词speak的一个常见固定用法,常放在句首,引入刚刚谈到的话题,连接上下句,作“提到,说起”解,如:Speaking of English, I think I’m going to join the English Club.(说到英语,我想我会加入英语俱乐部。)


· 表达自己的想法

■ This is obviously better.

· 假设性地表达自己的喜好

■ If it were up to me, I’d probably be at a baseball game or something.

· 强调自己的喜好

■ I do like Cantonese opera.

■ So Cantonese opera takes preference, in this case.

· 比较自己或各人的喜好

■ They preferred to be closer to the stage, but I

don’t like that section.

■ I’m not a big opera fan. I’d much rather listen to

more modern music.

· 询问他人的喜好

■ Now, you tell me, which do you prefer?

■ I bet you don’t listen to much opera, do you?

■ Do you like jazz music, then?

